Miyako CHECK MY WISHLIST PHOTOS! ! the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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Miyako CHECK MY WISHLIST PHOTOS! ! live! sex chat

Date: October 4, 2022

19 thoughts on “Miyako CHECK MY WISHLIST PHOTOS! ! the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Hot take – you can say it first. I think I said I love you to my then boyfriend first around 4 months. He’s my husband now. I think you can preface and say he doesn’t have to say anything if he’s not ready, but this is how you feel.

    I do think you just know with some people and what’s the point of tiptoeing around your feelings? If you are in a healthy, mature relationship there’s no need to deal with all the mind games anymore.

  2. Hello /u/Agile_Disaster5761,

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  3. There are 2 possibilities here.

    First – traveling together is a great way to get to know someone, and if you don't do well traveling, it's good information to have, and it's reasonable to reevaluate the viability of the relationship.

    But the other possibility is that you may have been too sensitive about how her behavior reflected on you. Like if she did something that you found embarrassing because it didn't conform the image that you like to project, it may have been an unfair reaction. Or it may have been important enough to you, that it's better to know sooner than later if she's not “the one”.

    So it's good that you're being somewhat introspective here (with the mention of your therapist), but one way or another the overall experience may have served some worthwhile purpose.

  4. Yes your are an idiot if you go back. Your putting your own safety in danger, not only that she blatantly tried to lie to the police to get you into trouble that is very very bad sign who knows what’s next and you don’t need to find out.

  5. He’s not a piece of shit father. As upset as I am at him I know he takes care of the kids in his own way and is affectionate and loving to them. He just can’t manage them alone which is frustrating and he goes about it the wrong way and we’ve discussed it. I also recognize two is enough and had my tubes tied. Our eldest has need that require more than the average 2 year old and so we tag team it. If we had a third it would be chaos.

  6. I was thinking maybe the phone was hers and she gave him the phone without wiping it.

    There are certainly other reasons/options why those photos are on there, and it would be best not to jump to conclusions.

  7. I think the fact you jumped into an open relationship without discussing any boundaries, says a lot about how you and your wife actually feel about each other. You said “yes” to something you weren’t interested in to not have to deal with a divorce.

    At the end of the day though, I think why she feels you’ve cheated, perhaps rightfully so, is because an open relationship typically just means being open to sex with people outside of your relationship with some sort of parameters like only one night stands or we both go out together and go home with different people, etc.

    What you were doing was having a whole other romantic relationship with another woman that became so important to you, you stopped prioritizing your marriage at all. Frankly, if you loved your wife, you would have figured out how to support her and make it work in a way that felt comfortable for you both, but it sounds like you may have had one for out the door for a long while and are only hanging on because it would be inconvenient for you to leave.

  8. I agree with you, but also it sounds like it’s already dysfunctional.

    24 year old in a 4 year relationship waiting to kiss after marriage is abnormal even among very religious communities.

    Sounds like for whatever reason she’s perfectly happy doing nothing, and it’s unlikely to change with marriage.

  9. You are 100% correct to rethink if this is how you want to be treated by the one person who should ALWAYS be your biggest supporter and personal cheerleader. Do not let him dismiss this or try to somehow gaslight you in to thinking that he didn't mean it the way you are taking it, because there is no other way to take what he said other than as an insult and criticism. I am glad you have only been together for 10 months; there's still time to get out with your dignity intact, if he continues in this vein of treatment. What he said was hurtful, rude, and I guarantee you that his guests felt badly for you, not proud of him! I suspect that he does think #1: that salary makes the person and #2: that he is superior. Find someone who will love you and be proud of you, no matter what you make, and who props you up and helps you feel good about yourself. I think he has already shown you his true colors, but I can understand if you don't want to give up yet. In all of our almost 44 years of marriage, before he died, my husband never once made fun of me, ridiculed me, insulted me, or made me feel small or humiliated in front of other's; it's just not how you treat someone you care about or love; it's definitely a red flag. Please know that you deserve better; from what you have said, he doesn't sound like that great of a partner, or friend. ?

  10. I don't want to be mean here but “we had the kind of love most people can't imagine” doesn't really gel with “but I didn't want to wait a few years for her to…”

    Whatever the case you have to know that what you're doing with this new girl isn't going to work out. Especially since you're still talking to the old one.

  11. But that’s not what the questions were asking. They were asking if they were checking in and texting constantly. Like they would be mad if you’re unavailable for a couple of hours. Or if they don’t know where you are.

    Like maybe you just miss understood the questions, but please make sure you aren’t just justifying the behaviours. I copied the questions word for word, and those are the ones you said you answered.

  12. He's an asshole, just forget him. I wonder if he did this as an excuse to break up with him? Cause like you said it makes no sense for him to act as if you've never told him that it hurts when he fingers you. And now lately he's started to be adamant about it? And then freaks out talking about how he needs space???? Uhm??? Idk, but that's suspicious cause he can't be that frealibg silly.

  13. The fact you didn’t trust him enough to tell him hurt his feelings. People are not rational about sex. Don’t chase him. Let him come back when he’s ready, might be never. If he does not come back then find a new guy.

  14. I get the feeling the brother is the “buffer” between the two of you. She doesn't want to deal with this marriage anymore. Maybe time to make a decision. Work out custody and money and divorce. She's disconnected a while ago from you and this marriage. The brother is a “symptom”.

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