Miya-Oni live sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 27, 2022

6 thoughts on “Miya-Oni live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Idk she seems pretty torn up but I guess time heals all and she could pawn it. Just realized she still lives with her parents and little sister and OP has his own place. She really f'd this one up.

  2. No, she sounds like a hypocrite, and you should never return to an ex unless the reasons for the breakup were something you couldn't avoid (long distance, etc).

  3. She has shown on a very fundamental level that she's not gf material right now. Youre obviously hurt so maybe take some time away from her to get over it. I would tell her that she's an adult and can do what she wants and that you too weren't in a relationship so it's not like she was cheating. However, you don't want to continue any sort of romantic relationship after that. From that point on treat her like anyone else in the friend group

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