MissyCriss live! webcams for YOU!



Date: October 12, 2022

13 thoughts on “MissyCriss live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It's interesting how you all view the situation.

    I'll clarify one thing, I have confessed to her about me cheating one like 3 years ago. She got over it quick.

    After that we had our issues, I got this “quarter life crisis” where I was curious about everything (as she is now), In my fucked up reality, I was cheatign in secret to save our relationship, so i wont take out my sexual frustrations on her.

    She did it even though she claims she still loves me and cares for me multiple times, each time promising and swaring she won't do it.

    I don't see how what I did was worse than what she did.

    Honestly, mostly I blame the third guy because he gives off very manipulative person vibes ( takes one to know one) and I don't think my gf deserves this, I'd rather her leave me for a better person, not just temporarily(they wont see eachother ever again after this exchange student bs ends) cheat on me with a 2 because she is hurt.

  2. The way she did insinuates that you have violated her consent. So you did the right thing walk away. Because the next time she comes over with a friend it may be an accusation and not an insinuation.

  3. Hello /u/DancingTotem,

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  4. I definitely think they should not be having sex until they have a deep conversation about what they want.

    Sounds like he is changing his mind on the kids issue, a fundamental change like that needs to examined now.

  5. He's trying to tell you that she probably doesn't want to be your friend. Sorry to be blunt, but as a sex worker myself he is correct. Most of her clients would like to befriend her, but she will have boundaries against that.

  6. Thank you for your reply, I’ve gathered my strength and left to stay with my parents for a while so I can figure out my next steps

  7. But you said you sent him pictures of how you looked before. How would that validate your current attractiveness? From what you wrote he does find you attractive and you do have sex when you're together but he doesn't find sexting a turn on. Part of being in a relationship is learning what works for each other and from this post and your comments, you don't seem mature enough to be in a relationship until you deal with your own insecurities and stop projecting them onto your boyfriend's actions.

  8. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    For full content, my girlfriend of 4 1/2 years is in pretty poor physical health and often can’t have sex. I have a somewhat high sex drive and the lack of us getting to have sex is really the one conflict we have in our relationship. I truly love her and want to stay with her, so this is not a veiled attempt to get out of our relationship.

    We get along really well and don’t fight and overall we click very well together as a pair. Over the last couple of years, her physical health has really declined and it has greatly affected the frequency that we have sex. We have talked many times before about the idea of having a non-monogamous relationship where I am able to seek sex outside of relationship, and she has said multiple times before that she would be ok with it.

    The plan is now to actually move forward with that, however my major concern is making sure not to do anything that would hurt or potentially destroy our relationship. We have talked about it at length and believe it might be best to not just take some of the burden off of her to feel like she has to provide, but also so I can meet my needs as well.

    I am hoping to get some advice and feedback on what some ground rules for this can be, and what might be a best way to proceed where we are both not just OK, but happy with the result.

    TL;DR Looking to have a non-monogamous relationship, wanting tips on how to make it work best.

  9. My credit report. Com all one word. Jump on there and check your report. If her bogus charges are there then pursue legal actions against her. She is literally attempting to financially exploit you.

    I'd get a lawyer to draft a cease and desist letter to her as well, explaining her actions are fraudulent and can lead to legal charges to get her to leave you alone. You may want to go no contact on her as well.

  10. I've asked and she says she does like it. It's different though when she sounds like she's in pain and making faces like she's in pain.

    It's like if you give someone a handshake and they make sounds and faces like they're about to cum.

    The situation doesn't match the reaction – and it makes me feel uncomfortable.

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