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MissPlaygirllive sex stripping with hd cam


28 thoughts on “MissPlaygirllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I have told plenty of people to STFU and have not had that shit turn into a physical fight. Don’t project your weird ideas onto this situation.

  2. The thing is.. you know exactly how to get your daughter to talk to you again.

    I'll leave it here. Read it over as many times as it takes.

    Kate packed her stuff and left shortly after (she originally planned to stay for New Year's too) saying that if we want to keep a relationship with her we should admit what we did wrong and learn from it.

  3. To be fair, I noticed it because, while I was scrolling, their comment was literally RIGHT ABOVE the one they stole from lmao.

  4. not sure if you've already been made aware, but to him, mommys needs and wants come before you and his relationship with you.

    either he gets a grip and fixes this EASY TO FIX issue, or you should break up with him because at this rate, there is no future for you both.

  5. u/Minimum_Physics_2186, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Hello /u/Spartan8398,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  7. space is was diff than a break or separation. break mean they have freedom to do what they want. space is you two just doing your own thing for a min.

  8. You don't want kids and you KNOW from his reaction that he does. Staying in this relationship with someone who wants children, when you do not, is kind of selfish and cruel, don't you think? Look how ecstatic he was at the prospect of being a father. If you love this man, staying with him and denying him that would be cruel. If you don't actually love this man, then staying with him is also selfish and cruel. He's blinded by love now, but if you think that the sense of loss from never being a father when it's clearly something he wants so badly is going to magically not be a factor because of “lOvE”, then you're sorely mistaken.

  9. Would she consider changing jobs/schedule? I think that’s a large part of the problem, when your circadian rhythms are out of sync it easily affects your mental health and libido.

  10. You married a bum and are upset he is acting like a bum. At some point you just got to accept your life choices boss

  11. It IS related to bipolar and therapy WOULD help her with her issues. What room temperature iq nonsense are you spewing? Man I hate stupid people.

  12. I read it as she revealed the feelings AFTER said kiss.

    But even if that is wrong, wouldn't the kiss be the reciprocation of his feelings, as the loss was her *answer to his confession.

  13. Hi I’m also a sleep farter. Does your roommate tend to eat a lot or eat late in the evening? My suggestion is to start intermittent fasting and not eating after 4pm. Tell her about it constantly. She might not do it with you right away but it’ll put the thought in her head.

  14. Cumming in your mouth without your permission is rape and sexual assault. He can be criminally charged for that. The long and short if this is that the two of you are sexually incompatible. He really wants blowjobs and you really don't. You've already tried great alternatives but it still isn't enough. Don't marry him. In fact, you'll probably need to walk away from this relationship altogether.

  15. Annnnnd I told you.

    This independent party thinks you need to actually communicate what you communicated here to your girlfriend

    You really need ez mode for this?

    “Hey babe, I'm not so sure about X and Y staying over Friday. Here are my concerns (add what you added to your ducking post).”

  16. Get the marriage annulled. You have proof of infidelity, and you have proof she is not taking reasonable steps to rectify the situation. You have only been married for 4 months, you probably can get an annulment instead of a divorce for this. She will not cut him out of her life permanently; she is keeping him on a back burner, and for now you are the safe choice. Cut the cheater loose and find someone that will genuinely love and respect you.

  17. There are ways to answer them if they ask you about their cooking that could be stated with kindness but there is no way to politely or kindly tell them they are terrible cooks.

    Thankfully it is not frequent that you would need to eat their cooking but when it comes up again, eat something beforehand so you can get away with eating little and not have your growling tummy give you away. You can also offer to bring food like a side dish or the dessert so you know there will be at least something you enjoy.

  18. Also, just say your saw the emojis and ask him about it. It’s better to just get an explanation or you’ll drive yourself crazy.

  19. Well I lost it halfway through but you owe her nothing. I think you should cut her out. She's no friend of yours. People move on. Good luck.

  20. [he] has even gone as far as saying he “now identifies as a white woman” when he’s literally an Indian/ Filipino guy.

    What an incredibly glib way to negate lots of people's very hard-won senses of self. It's not witty, it's not funny, and it's certainly demeaning to other people.

    You do you, but this kind of snide conversation-terminating sentiment tells on the intellectual and moral qualities of this guy and what it says ain't great.

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