Misslauriemichelle online webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 10, 2022

34 thoughts on “Misslauriemichelle online webcams for YOU!

  1. Yeah, I don't know what that poster is talking about. I've got 58 years in the rear view mirror and the going through your phone is one thing. Lying and gaslighting you – genuinely attempting to make you think you didn't see what you saw and fucking with your perception of reality – is a no-go.

    If I were you, I'd sit her down and tell her that. And then tell her the ball is in her court but that you don't really care to discuss other things with her until you've cleared up this issue.

    As far as the proposal being ruined, just don't propose. Wait. See how this shakes out.

  2. That is really, really bad advice.

    Forgetting to feed the cat is certainly not the most egregious thing he could be neglecting in terms of household duties.

    There are so many important things left out of the original post that factor here.

    Was he gaming like this before your relationship began? Have his habits increased dramatically over a period of a time that make this out of the ordinary?

    In your discussions for change, have you asked about and understand what personal needs gaming offers him? Is it an escape from a stressful day job? Or perhaps his primary opportunity to interact with friends, or just general stress relief?

    You want it to change because you feel secondary and unimportant to this, and that is a perfectly valid. You also long for quality time and the connection that brings which is also a reasonable request from any partner.

    Are you suggesting date nights as this quality time? Maybe a weekend away? Hanging out? Catching up?Wild sex? Getting the two of you out of the house a bit more so the risk of fallback isn't simply a room away?

    If you're asking him to modify these things that clearly interest him to sit around and watch procedural cop dramas or just have small talk in the kitchen over dinner then he's absolutely going to keep going back because while he's agreeing to give you the time or attention you desire and need, are you making sure to make the best of that time?

    If you're not, then perhaps that's the catalyst for him returning.

    Offer him a tangible reason to maintain the compromise. Otherwise he may honestly see it as a one sided request, where he reduces something clearly meaningful to him for you, his partner, only to have that time spent twiddling thumbs, arguing, or simply doing fuck all to make your bonds stronger.

  3. I could not even begin to know your pain. I am so sorry for your loss. You will be in this stranger’s thoughts and prayers. Or if you prefer, I am sending positive energy. The only advice I have is allow yourself to feel your pain and grieve. Cry, yell, scream into the void- just don’t stop feeling and loving. I hope with therapy you two can live! your lives while honoring your children’s memory in a healthy way.

  4. This morning I was cleaning my bathroom closet and I threw away expired cold medicine older than their relationship.


    why would you want to be married to someone who quits his job and dumps all financial responsibility on you without consulting you? Does that seem like a good partner?

  6. Hello /u/ThrowRA-Jamesbrown1,

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  7. You don’t give engagement rings to friends. She doesn’t want to marry you. She barely knows you. And she probably doesn’t have romantic feelings for you. Your actions were completely inappropriate

  8. Yes, it is. That's our loved experience that you clearly don't want to admit.

    So, you've been told no, you're wrong. Clearly. By more than one person. Are you respecting that no yet?

  9. I'm not sure why the breadwinner part is relevant to how to parent your child, however as an equal partner you should have an equal say.

  10. Talk to I’m about it and if nothing changes then just leave him. Don’t resort to cheating when u can just break up with him and be with whoever you’d like.

  11. That entire last edit ? you're honestly telling me this is OPs situation and he's perfectly aware of it, but came on here because he still isn't sure if he was rude? Bffr. With his self awareness and willingness to provide examples of how terrible she is, I mean come on. He's gleefully trashing her, because he's either lying about his intention of the post, or he made the whole thing up.

  12. This is probably the only advice I agree with. Give him clear and explicit explanation of what he wants. Don’t give any nuance to it.

    I don’t see a reason to jump straight to divorce. He may be depressed too but that could be because he is not working during the cold winter months. Can he find something else to do during these months? I have my own place and I am not married and I clean up after myself. No choice. I can’t stand living in dirty home.

    A lot of this is down to communication and lack of it from both sides.

  13. Moving in with someone does not mean combining finances. His debt doesn't automatically become your debt unless you open a bank account together. If you really would be saving that much money, I think you should take the offer. Also, debt, even large amounts, does not automatically mean someone is irresponsible or bad with money. If he just bought a nice new car for which he can afford the payments, or has a heck ton of student loans, then it isn't weird for him to be 40,000 in debt. If it's things like credit cards or frivolous spending, then I would be worried.

  14. I read a post about how the guy got beaten up instead and the girlfriend lose attraction because she doesn't think he can protect her.

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  15. Yeah…condoms do that to some guys. I know, because it happens to me, every time I put one on. It sucks.

  16. I have an aquaintance who is exactly the same, the only difference is than she is 28yo.

    In my experience, hoes dont learn, dont waste your breath on someone that is not willing to listen.

    Hoes will be hoes until they cant get men anymore.

  17. This is horrible.

    I’ve been the one who was dropped multiple times because I have managed to retain valuable friendships with the men in my life, regardless of if a relationship ended or was rejected.

  18. Me too, I especially hate Snapchat? I consistently go to the same bar and I think it’s going to be his go-to now too. I didn’t see him there last weekend though so I kind of want to remind him that we had a good time together before too much time passes.

  19. What's her middle name? What's her family like? When was her last relationship? How does she feel about casual relationships in general? What's her favorite movie? What's a hobby she's passionate about?

    Your friendship seems based around a class/study group. You didn't know her well enough to know her views on sex and relationships, and you didn't care to find out because only your needs matter.

  20. Just fyi, Hochschule and high school are not equivalent terms, and I think that's where the confusion is coming in. They sound like they should be, but high school in the US is generally more like Gymnasium.

  21. I'm secure in knowing my partner was not a former sex worker, which is more than I can say about ops boyfriend

  22. Whatever it is is beyond reddit's paygrade, but absolutely nothing positive comes from maintaining any form of contact with this person

  23. While this would never be ok, you're a month in. A month in, you should be firmly in the honeymoon period where everything is sunshine and rainbows.

    She's here telling you she has feelings for other people. “I can't be with you if you have feelings for other people. Take care.”

  24. Op, move out.

    He is showing that he doesn’t care about you nor your wants or expectations. Of which he blithely ignores.

    This dude made big decisions that have a big influence in your life without consulting you.

    Getting more cats without talking to you. Without working with the cats. I mean I feel for him taking in his grandmothers cats. But his mother? That’s messed up.

    Move out. He is showing that when life gets a little complicated you aren’t important. It’s all about him.

  25. Sweet and loving is not this. A truly sweet and loving girl would try harder and do better. She is a mooch and using her mental health issues as a crutch. I have serious mental health issues that are debilitating some days. I also work 2 Jobs? Raise 3 kids and go to college. Stop enabling her.

  26. Have you tried “would you like to have sex now?”

    Stop dancing round it and just put it out there.

  27. Actions have consequences. I would not tolerate violence (throwing stuff is violence) around me. It has been proven that even without it being directed at you, you still can experience trauma. The limbic system cannot discriminate threats and therefore this still negatively impacts the body-brain.

    Why doesn't your partner is getting therapy around their mental illness, especially with their inability to control their anger?

    What else can you do? Physically leave them when that happens. For me, I would be on tethers to worry about the next outburst which in turn will cause perpetual “on alert” stress which in turn will negatively impact my physical-mental well being.

    I would not be with someone like that unless they are actively being treated for that.

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