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16 thoughts on “missdarling44live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I have signed up for a therapy next week to better understand what should I do, however, I have already told my gf what happened, and we discussed everything

  2. I paid for my fiance's insurance on her ring, it was about 1/4% of the price of the ring lmao. If this is an argument then GOOD FUCKING LUCK with marriage plans/living plans

  3. You broke a boundary. He asked you to stop. You didn’t. If someone was trying to hug and pester me and I kept saying stop, leave me alone, and they kept at it – I would elbow them. ?‍♀️

  4. She's super protective of me and this isn't the first time she's decided that she can take care of a situation better than me. It's getting kind of annoying, and I don't appreciate her badmouthing my GF and told her to stop.

    Yeah, that confused me too. All her friends have at minimum an Iphone X, because they take a lot of selfies. So I don't know what this video was even shot on.

    According to my sister's friend, three of the other nine were there too, but my GF doesn't really know them.

  5. I stayed by my gf's side when she had cancer… she's treated me like shit through most of our relationship (married now with kids). Woo-hoo……

  6. The issue is with your uncle!..He is the one choosing and liking young girls!

    You should feel disgusted and call him out on his track records!.

  7. That's the way! And a job can even help with the “Depression bouts”, as having a job which is meaningfull to you can be a pillar for good mental health.

  8. No one here can really tell you what to do, obviously you will have to make the decision on your own. The thing to keep in mind is that love doesn't just happen, it takes work.

    This often becomes a challenge during a pregnancy because of stresses that neither of you understand the other person is going through. An example of this is that “baby brain” is a real thing, my wife got mad at me for making ichiban noodles the wrong way.

    For me, she could not understand how helpless it can feel/be for a new expecting dad the whole situation (pregnancy wise) is completely out of your control.

    I'm not saying that you can't end the relationship, I'm just saying that most dad's I have talked to have felt like it at some point because it is such a huge change in your life.

  9. Yep we had to confess our sins behind the alter every Sunday. Priests making us ask for forgiveness for existing. I'm not going to say my parents were as strict as mormons, but wasn't allowed to be alone with girls until I entered college.

  10. I take out the trash and do the litter box. She cooks, does laundry, does dishes, and cleans the house otherwise.

    I feel this is a pretty even split because of our work schedule.

    it's not

  11. You say:

    he said he wants to concentrate on his other friends – fine by me.

    Then write a whole post about how it's not “fine” by you.

    You sound really immature. Maybe you should stop going to these parties and let your boyfriend live his life.

  12. This is wild. One thing that stood out for me is your disability. How much caretaking is she doing during flare-ups and how often do they happen? Is it possible she’s been feeling overwhelmed and this new situation gives her an out?

    Idk how she thinks any of this is fair to you though. You’re going to see your kids two weeks every two months? Wtaf??? You need a really good lawyer.

  13. Your husband is a horrible man and there are no excuses for him treating you like this. So what if his sex drive is high! There's a little thing called personal control (why can't he just masturbate like a normal person).

    There ain't nothing you can do to keep this guy, he is intent on cheating and it is wrong for you to try to turn yourself into a living fleshlight just to try and keep him (which in the long-run, is never going to work). This is degrading and not worth it, please have some dignity and leave.

    You aren't doing your kid any favours by staying in a miserable relationship like this. If your husband cared about family life anywhere near as much as you do then he wouldn't be constantly threatening you with infedility like this.

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