Miss_Sweet online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 6, 2022

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  1. u/lolcovo, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. this stupid excuse proves how much she respects you

    if you catch her in bed she will say you dreaming

    You're being cheated on, what will you do now?

  3. Your child is the most important person in the room.

    They absolutely will notice you are unhappy and that is not OK.

    He told you he hates you and can’t wait to get away from you (work) so, if that’s the case, it is grounds for divorce so it’ll be healthier for you to kick him out and for him to stay with his parents. Im sure he will want to stay in the home, at which point tell him his parents aren’t welcome without prearrangement with yourself. You’re not his possession and the house is yours too so if he is not going to respect your wishes it’ll cause problem in front of your child. A divorce splits the assets so at least this way you can get your own place, own job, own sense of identity, and look after your child on your own terms. Your husband would benefit too from being able to exist away from you and without you being an issue.

    This said – you should seek some legal advice on your situation.

  4. Ex wife. The incident in question was about 14 years ago. I didn’t have anyone to talk to about it at the time. My dad only told me about the phone call from my mother in law quite recently. There were other incidents. But this one was the most damaging.

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