Miranda-vega online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 22, 2022

32 thoughts on “Miranda-vega online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You’ve sat on this for months and are just now asking out of nowhere? I’d be wondering where this was coming from as I’d have already forgotten the photo comment from months ago

  2. I have no idea how OP wrote out that first post and still concluded they did nothing wrong, and are confused why the other two siblings aren’t on their side.

  3. This is not “might”, this is “will”. He’s using her for fun knowing full well it’s never going to go anywhere. If they were FWB it would be different.

  4. I'm curious, I couldn't decide to ask, so I'll ask you. Many comments are saying it's not love, why? Isn't love supposed to be naked, why is it false for her feeling's? Why must she have her feeling's invalidated? How is three months not enough time? Why does culture matter, isn't love blind? I don't get it, I feel as to say that three months is not enough time to see if you love someone is disingenuous. Then there is my philosophy of love. If she is infatuated with him, isn't that supposed to be the standard of being in love? Shouldn't we always want to know more about our partners? As someone who is in a relationship, in super curious as well, but would you even consider a year not enough time to decide your in love? Yes or no, I'd like to see your reasoning.

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  6. 1, he is a grown man. if his kids meant so much to him that he wanted them to have those cookies. why didn't he attempt to make them himself or learn to make them?

    2, he could have spoke to his ex and enforced the custody agreement. that's his own fault. not the OPs.

  7. Hey, been there man. It’s a process and not really a switch that you can flip on and off. Things that have helped me: becoming better at telling jokes, getting therapy to help get to root of my discomfort in these playfully jokey situations, talking to the friends 1 on 1 and just telling them where you are with your mindset right now.

    Hope these help!

  8. Your Dad is controlling, financially abusive, and making your mother live! in squalor. Call APS or something. Jesus Christ. I don't even know what else to suggest except that you allow your Mom to temporarily online with you so she can find a job and after a few months she can get her own place.

  9. Gotcha.. well, I suppose it's a matter of deciding how important this is to you. I get why you feel the way you do about partner, but my personal feeling is that it's more “serious” than boyfriend. Like if I didn't believe in marriage and didn't marry my husband, “partner” would feel like it describes our relationship better than boyfriend at this stage where we're absolutely life partners. Seems like that might be how your girlfriend feels about it too. Would she be uncomfortable with you calling yourself her boyfriend if that's what you want to do? If so then maybe you can both just use your own preferred term.

  10. Honestly, you’ve just got to make as best of a judgment call as possible. You’re the only one who can analyze everything from your gfs past, how you communicate, etc. She might have not felt it, but after she found out the dude’s hand was on her waist it should have been something she wanted to address with you and make sure you both are on the same page with how you handled it, how she feels about the situation, and what the expectations are moving forward.

  11. On top of that, OP commented that they met last month. So, OP barely knows this man to even know if there are red flags. People generally try to make good first impressions, but eventually those red flags will come out, just give it time.

  12. Bet the guys from her flings of the past weren't 35, literally the exact age at which testosterone levels tend to wane. Maybe just remind her that men aren't sex machines and that their teenage readiness for action at the drop of a hat doesn't last forever. Point out to her that in about a decade her genitals aren't going to work the way they used to either. So whether you need a little stimulation or she needs a bit of artificial lube (which will happen), you've committed to growing old together and part of growing old is that you have to make some accommodations. Our bodies don't remain in a state of status forever and age related changes don't appear just on our faces.

  13. Therapy, single and couple, he's become obsessed it sounds like and eventually the risk of him committing some spiteful payback cheating. He's going to continue to alienate you and project these anxieties onto your marriage

  14. I think these things have clustered together and seem like a bigger issue than they actually are.

    Your girlfriend obviously shouldn't have told you that she's attracted to your brother. It sounds like that relationship has run its course, and I'd break up with her if I were you. Your brother seems to have a social life that strongly overlaps with yours – A is his friend too. Ultimately, if him and A get together that's their own business. You don't 'own' her and you can't tell her what you can and can't do. If you have a good relationship with your brother, talk to him about this, but try not to accuse or argue. He should hopefully 'get it' and be able to advise.

  15. My husband ex did the exact same thing. EXACT same thing. She had bruises on her neck one night and when he asked she started crying saying a man grabbed her and raped her when she walked out of a store. She bragged to all her friends about how stupid he was for believing her. Ask yourself, was she remorseful enough to hide it for all those years she did? How bad did she really feel if she could lie that long

  16. Yeah my take is that he always hooks up with people while out and wanted to at the party and you spoiled his plans, never know anyone to moan over something like that unless he had other intentions, you could of both gone doesn't mean you would of been stuck to his side, so I'm saying he fucks about and you screwed up his plans. I'd either check his phone or I'd point blank say one of the girls that see you around party's and out say she saw you hooking up with someone, see what he says, but yeah sounds like he likes to fuck about

  17. You might have to tell him super directly that you would like to get engaged. Don’t buy a house with him without getting married or he may never want to get married and then you’ll be stuck

  18. If it goes the standard way, you two will argue about marriage and split up then within 18 months he will have married someone else.

    In short, I think it's something you need to raise with him and ask him what his needs are, but be prepared for either answer.

  19. It sounds like you believe that breaking up is more likely than staying together and eventually living in said house as a married couple. If I were her, I would think twice about how much she is emotionally invested in this relationship.

  20. I fully understand, but I prefer talking to them about more interesting topics, like how they spent their holidays at the seaside, my travel plans, our family in general, instead of being asked whether I took the bus or the train to work and being told that they couldn’t sleep last night because they knew I had a date with a guy and they were worried that he stayed overnight at my place. (I obviously didn’t tell them that, although he went home, we had sex, because they would have gone insane).

  21. Yeh the other thing I noted was the emoji. In my view at least, emojis are generally light hearted.

    I feel like his response was much more “oh my goodness, how EMBARRASSING, oopsy daisies…unless?”

    Rather than if it was a genuine accident it would be more straighter like “I am mortified that is unforgivable it won’t happen again” etc etc.

  22. Get a divorce and a therapist and spend the next year and a half working on yourself without contacting that coworker.

    This is going to be harsh but I'm not sure how one could read all of that and not be like …Jesus Christ get a fucking backbone. Figure out what you want and what you need. If you went to counseling then the counselor should've told you to get your own therapist and figure your shit out without bringing others into it.

    If you're an empty nester then what the fuck are you staying in the relationship for? Is your wife not miserable? Take the step and file for divorce for literally everyone's sake.

  23. your cats aren’t even really fighting, swats and hisses here and there aren’t a big deal so he’s being dramatic as hell and also a dick. i wouldn’t wanna be with someone who would threaten something like that

  24. This man has you so concerned with defending yourself that you're overlooking the fact that he is acting like a crazy person. You have fallen into the trap of trying to reason with the unreasonable. This will get worse. Please leave before you get hurt.

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