MinniDivaa online webcams for YOU!


MinniDivaa Public Chat Channel

Date: October 23, 2022

5 thoughts on “MinniDivaa online webcams for YOU!

  1. No. Absolutely not. Stay away from that crazy ass cult family, imagine all the abuse he will do to your future children.

    You will regret marrying into this family for the rest of your life.

    Either your GF has your back 100% on this, or she's unfortunately too brainwashed already.

  2. Excellent way to start a marriage. Playing tit-for-tat. /s

    OP, do not listen to this terrible advice.

  3. My fiance was married previously. He was 45 when they got together and she was 20.

    She said she was looking for security in a relationship. They had two great kids but ultimately the marriage wasn't great at all..too big a difference between all aspects of life by the sounds of it.

    My sister however is married to someone who is also 25yrs older than her and they are perfect together. Couldn't have picked a better guy for her.

    So it can work… But id think that could be the exception rather than the rule.

  4. Thank you so much, I really appreciate sharing that perspective as it answers a lot of questions. I appreciate you!

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