Minkihun on-line sex chats for YOU!


4 thoughts on “Minkihun on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Fuck, this is deep you need to get her into a mental care facility asap . Your relationship is being blatantly disregarded and disrespected. Sorry your going through this but you need to accept what’s happening and genuinely I hope you get through this, you will.

  2. I have thought about relocating. It’s not something that will happen tomorrow and potentially leaves me in a spot to be manipulated by her old self once I have more money lol..

  3. Yes, send him a text RIGHT. NOW. No further delays.

    Hey ______, I'm sorry but I don't feel like this relationship is satisfying anymore. I wish you all the best. Goodbye.

    And then block and delete his number, email, and any connected social media accounts.

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