Mina-nan online sex cams for YOU!


mina-nan chat

Date: December 17, 2022

5 thoughts on “Mina-nan online sex cams for YOU!

  1. What you need is a divorce lawyer. Go get one – secure your and your child's financial futures. Th is estrangement. He has in effect ended the marriage; all that's missing is the divorce. Go get that now and get that child support that you will need.

  2. I think that in most cases, if someone forces, coerces or pressures you into having an abortion you don't want, you're going to resent that person so much, it destroys the relationship anyway. If you talk about picturing this child, loving the idea of them, feeling joy at knowing you're pregnant…you're going to look at your partner every day and see him as the person who took that from you, even if you don't tell him.

    You're young, and I am going to tell you the truth-this is not the man for you. No twelve year old looks 18- he is a pedophile. Period. And it's likely that he'll either molest other children, or leave you when you don't look young anymore. This is not a safe or permanent situation.

    You are afraid of him. You know he doesn't trust you and will be accusatory, instead of talking to his doctor first. This is not a healthy relationship.

    Don't make this decision based on keeping him- he is not going to be your lifelong partner. Trust me. Make it based on what you want in your life, and whether or not you already care about that baby that you would deliver in however many months. If you want the child, have them- with a track record like he has with kids, it's better if he doesn't want to be involved. If you want him, and you're sure it means more to you than the pregnancy, just be aware that the red flags here are disturbing to those of us who are a little older and a little wiser, and you're going to find out in a few years he's garbage.

  3. That baby can call you mom one day! Just because you’re not working doesn’t mean to go for abortion, he can support it!

  4. You should have some friends who are women… have them grind on you with only underwear and grab touch them ( all with consent , obviously)

    See how she feels . Anyways stop being a push over and drop her ass asap and go find someone else

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