Milly online webcams for YOU!



Date: November 8, 2022

4 thoughts on “Milly online webcams for YOU!

  1. First i want to say i'm sorry for your loss. Overdose is always such a hurtful death because you ask yourself “could i have done more to prevent this?”. But you did everything. Unfortunately the addiction won.

    If this person was so important to her that she even think she wants some ashes, why did she wait 8 fucking months to realize there is no contact.

    You can fake picture and texts. For 6 months she also seems to know so little. Who knows if they were jusz friends in the drud scene or a crazy ex who wanted to get between you. To ask for ashes is really crazy. Block her. You have it hard enough without such a nut.

    You both had three years. You had up and unfortunately many downs. The ashes are the memento of all the time and live you shared. He was a part of your life and that will never change.

    Maybe think about therapy and/or grief counseling.

    I wish you the best ❤️ Stay strong even though it is very hot some times.

  2. Yes. And I might be overthinking this but, well, what is to stop him doing this, again and again? A therapist sounds like a good idea. You might want to stay open to the idea of pressing charges. I’m really sorry. The whole thing is a nightmare.

  3. Anyone whose done any amount of reading on this type of situation wouldn't be surprised.

    It's sadly common in heterosexual relationships for men to check out of it as soon as their wives become ill, sometimes abandoning their whole families altogether and starting over with someone else.

    I'm sorry you're going through this OP, you have done absolutely nothing to deserve this kind of treatment. If he hates you so much, then he go go back to his parents and see his kids on the weekends.

    You're stronger than you think, OP, and you don't have to live like this. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but you deserve so much better.

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