

PVT ON pretip 100! hard 5 min 166tkns!tip 7 if u like me!

Date: September 23, 2022

7 thoughts on “mili-moon

  1. Do you like animals? maybe look for a local shelter where you could volunteer? I also did some work with theraputic horse back riding last year where you helped the horses and the disabled riders.

    You need something in your life besides work, and this can be a good start.

  2. My bf is depressed and has told me he wants to be left alone until it’s “dealt” with. But I feel bad for doing so. I’ve been sending him a couple of “i love you and care for you” texts.

    So you're not listening to him or respecting his boundaries. He's not lying. He really does want to be left alone about it. Your texts are probably not helping.

  3. You don't need any advice! He couldn't ask for more support nor find it elsewhere than what you are giving now. Your devotion is a bit scary to me because there's not much in your description to indicate that his feelings for you are advancing at a reassuring pace. He hasn't said anything about love which in my mind could be a serious difference. Carry on. You have a great attitude and BF is very fortunate to have found you. Be happy.

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