Milai live webcams for YOU!


ALL GOALS MET [Multi Goal]

Date: October 16, 2022

18 thoughts on “Milai live webcams for YOU!

  1. How often do you have panic attacks around these people? They might be ignoring you if it happens a lot. No one wants to hang out with a person who can’t control their emotions. And having a meltdown just because your ex is there is more reason to ignore you. Accept that you aren’t fun to be around. They aren’t choosing him over you, they are just tired of your drama. You say you are in therapy but you probably also need medication unless you want to be alone without a boyfriend or friends. You can be helped but you have to want it.

  2. Many girls don’t have a career, don’t drive and live at parents but it’s not considered to be a loser. I wonder why that is.

  3. Breaking up is a unilateral decision – you don't need his permission or consent, you can simply declare your intent and then block him. And preferably change your number, so he can't contact you from different numbers/ accounts. Just do it and move on.

    If he continues to harass you after you break up with him, document everything and take it to the police.

  4. He was already taught the lesion by getting his ass kicked which is a fair response

    Breaking the arm is very overkill imo

  5. The guy who made me cum the most means nothing to me now. I know you want to be the best at everything and it would be nice. But unfortunately it doesn’t always work out that way. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t enjoy having sex with you

  6. That's a good idea.

    Although I haven't used her for sex. This was not meant to happen.

    Thank you for the advice!

  7. Yes it’s possible to get pregnant having sec once, but that doesn’t mean that was the facts. What factual medical proof did she provide of the gestational age to you. I’m talking paperwork with her name on it, not she told you. When she miscarried where you there at the hospital with her?

    I hate to say Women do lie about being pregnant and miraculously miscarry when it’s time to start showing and can keep up the lie anymore or the father is insisting on a dna test. It’s a cruel way to trap a man but it does happen.

  8. No completely agree. As someone who loves kids and works with them they can be annoying af!

    And some parents are damn entitled when dealing with set bratty children. Im not talking about frowning at a child throwing a tantrum in a restaurant or a family expecting u to smile and wave about not getting to enjoy the peace u paid for.

    But people who physically recoil at the sight of a child and acts like they are the most vile thing they've ever encountered for just existing.

  9. She said some were very inappropriate, which I thought she meant pornographic, though she's not saying that explicitly.

  10. God damn we love a good character development. You're growing out of being his mom and he is being an insecure ass over it. All I can say is that his behavior will likely get worse and you should prepare yourself. In worst case scenario, before you confront him on his insecurities, better make sure you have separate bank account and savings of your own so you can leave his sorry ass.

    If he changes, that's good, if not, you won't be trapped in his hell. It's likely also that he will gaslight you a lot (even more so) so mentally reassure yourself often.

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