MikMerlin on-line webcams for YOU!


Make me Squirt [315 tokens remaining]

Date: October 17, 2022

7 thoughts on “MikMerlin on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. He did not say she has been telling her for 3 years. He said he just found out – probably she just told her and anytime theres a convo about it she brushes off

  2. I’ve essentially been in a relationship I felt I couldn’t escape from. It was the best choice I’ve ever made to leave. I hope you can leave this relationship soon because you deserve so much better than the abuse he’s putting you thru. Protect yourself and get away from him.

  3. A very similar thing happened to a friend of mine. She was upfront from the beginning she wanted marriage and kids, her partner did not but said he would marry to “make her happy”. She stuck it out thinking it would happen someday, even though they were not on the same page with literally anything in their relationship.

    He never proposed in the 10 years they were together before she finally wised up and left.

    Don’t waste your best years waiting for someone to become the partner you actually want.

  4. If my partner felt THAT strongly about it then I would think about his feelings. But I also wouldn’t be with someone if I couldn’t trust them or they didn’t trust me.

  5. I'd it was an accident, then it was intended for someone else with a similar name to your sister. Either way, it's not looking good.

    This is not the conduct of a man who's a bout to be a father for the second time. He should be at home with his pregnant wife helping you with your young child and making sure you're comfortable with your health complications, NOT in bars getting trashed every night.

    I wouldn't want to build a life with someone like this. The question is, what are you going to do about this? “It was a mistake” isn't good enough.

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