Mike and hot girl Taya & Lina(blond) the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Mike and naked girl Taya & Lina(blond), 18 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Mike and nude girl Taya & Lina(blond)

Mike and naked girl Taya & Lina(blond) online sex chat

Date: September 21, 2022

40 thoughts on “Mike and hot girl Taya & Lina(blond) the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You don’t need to worry about your boyfriend. It sounds like he lives in reality not in his imagination. Watch porn is his his imagination.

  2. Hello /u/Spiritual-Client-896,

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  4. You are not being inconsiderate. Just because you may have the money to spend, doesn’t mean you have to. She needs to learn herself how to budget and prioritize spending or this relationship won’t work for either of you. It’s great that you had this conversation before you got a place and moved in together. It’s a necessary conversation to have. You both need to be on the same page when it comes to joint living expenses. She needs to understand that she will now have to manage her money and handle the responsibilities she will have. You will also need to know that she is capable of doing it so that not everything falls on you financially.

    Have more conversations before getting a place together.

  5. Don’t tell her you’re leaving either. She may keep the baby to try and make you stay. Then gtfo right after the abortion. She deserves no honesty

  6. Staying together “for the kid(s)” is rarely beneficial for the kids. Part of our job as parents is to demonstrate healthy relationships for kids to model. Even if you two aren’t constantly fighting in front of the child, kids pick up on tension and lack of affection and that can make them more prone to anxiety disorders and such later on.

    Kids are also very adaptable and growing up going between two happy coparenting homes does not make them miserable.

    As for the sex…for some people it’s not terribly important and for others it is. I stayed with a guy I really did love for several years even though the sex wasn’t good. We tried all the things but it just…sucked. So I ended things. Some may find that selfish but frankly, to me, life is too short for mediocre to bad sex or no sex. I wouldn’t leave a marriage if we could no longer have sex or it wasn’t good due to a medical issue but i wouldn’t marry someone where it was that way from the start.

    It sounds to me like you two wouldn’t be together if it weren’t for the child so….end it.

    But also keep in mind that dating when you have a kid isn’t necessarily easy. And you need to get a job. You can’t be a single mom and a stay at home mom unless you’re independently wealthy. Living with your parents or depending on them financially and being unemployed aren’t exactly attractive qualities to a potential date/partner. I’m sure you could get laid—dick is plentiful—but would you want to actually date someone who was in the same boat as you? I don’t mean that unkindly, just trying to be honest—I sure wouldn’t be interested in dating a man who had no job, had his parents paying his way, and had a little kid. Like…what does he have to offer me but the “opportunity” to financially support him and his kid and also be expected to step in and help raise a child. ?‍♀️

    I’m a stepmom so it’s not that I have anything against kids but fiscal responsibility and the ability to adult are important to me and many other adults.

    I’d start making a plan for ending things. He’s really not additive in your life and in fact wears you down due to his issues and inability to participate in a helpful way.

  7. From the sounds of things, he's paranoid, controlling, and doesn't respect your boundaries at all. If he doesn't trust you enough to not cheat on him, he shouldn't be with you. He can't forbid you from doing anything, you're your own person. This isn't healthy, and you need to decide if you're okay with continuing to be a doormat for him or if you want better.

  8. I mean, she proposed, I think that's pretty clear. Also it is implicit in any relationship that these things are the goal unless stated otherwise.

  9. Punks specifically. Punks who have been fully immersed into the culture since youth have a hot time connecting with people who aren’t also life long punks. You can’t date someone who doesn’t like the same music, art, books, politics and as you and is afraid of your friends. Also the life is quite different. I’m 35. I have been a punk since I was about 9 years old. I couldn’t imagine dating someone who isn’t at least a bit involved in the scene. I know love finds a way and all that but the idea of an md coming to weird punx picnics and skateparks and the diy shows just doesn’t seem like reality.

  10. I agree with everyone here. This ain’t going to workout, and the sad part is that of you leave he won’t have a relationship with your daughter. I’ve seen it a million times from ex husbands. I would try therapy first. Sometimes people are just use to being selfish, and not sharing their life. Therapy can help him see your side. If he’s not willing to try therapy. Then it’s time to go. You can’t work on a relationship by yourself.

  11. He also said it was “something selfless Captain America would do”.

    But it's not a 'selfless' action if he is doing it to be seen as selfless or for his coworkers admiration. He wants to manipulate people's perception of him and is using this 'award rejection' as a tool to do that. Also, I guess it hasn't occurred to him that a promotion is a reward for doing your job well. It is literally an award for exceeding expectations.

    He sounds like he has some very fucked up thought processes and sees everything very compartmentalized and transactional.

  12. You are 33, in the prime of your dating life. There is someone out there for you right now that will give you what you need that your current boyfriend can't supply. Tight now that is trust. If I was in that position I'd be on the road again, looking for the Right one

  13. So as everyone said it’s a you problem. But I want to point out a few things as someone who wfh. I work hot. In some ways harder at home because I don’t get natural interruptions and office talk, walking around or coffee breaks etc. when I have a moment (maybe calls ends early or training I’m fast doing etc) I do put in laundry or start meals. But I also step out for appts when needed. A late morning start on occasion so I can grab a few items or say hello to a friend in passing. Walk the dog. But – I.work.hard. I contribute financially and household wise. We are lucky I have the ability to be flexible because when it comes to kids they demand flexibility. If you plan on (getting over this and) having kids you will have a great appreciation for his schedule and wfh option. Stop comparing and see how you can help each other.

  14. Oh yuck. Honey, I still have a few 40 year old stretch marks from my pregnancy days and am much older than you. I’ve been married twice, widowed once and now cohabit with my third and final partner. Even with my pandemic weight gain, my partner and partners never ever criticized my appearance. Love don’t act like that. Your bf should start needing the little blue pills any time now, if you don’t respect yourself enough to dump him, please be brutally honest when he can’t get it up.

  15. What do you mean how do you tell her?

    You use your words like a 27 year old big boy and you tell her you can’t talk anymore. You’re telling her this, you’re not asking her, so YOU need to stand firm. If she keeps texting you, block her.

  16. Personally yes, I think you’re being unreasonable, but that said, how you feel is how you feel and your boundaries are your boundaries. Plenty of people have this one, though I disagree.

    The problem is, this is probably a fundamental incompatibility. Your boyfriend (like me and many others) thinks that porn is fine in a committed relationship. You think it is not. Instead of trying to change your boyfriend, if it’s a dealbreaker-then this is probably going to break the deal. You should look for somebody who shares your values in a relationship-and definitely have the dealbreaker conversations sooner.

  17. Do you think she's bipolar ?

    That could explain why she's fine and nice one minute but then paranoid and down the next.

    I think technically bipolar makes you down not paranoid. But if she's really down she might get paranoid. I did when I was depressed. Paranoid no one wanted me around no matter what they said etc.

    She might just be crazy and batshjt.

    But she might be bipolar ?

  18. To nail this point home:

    80% of sexually active women will get infected with HPV.

    Get the damn shot.

  19. He tends to joke after we have a sex or he kisses me that I should pay him for it. I

    Fancies himself as a gigolo does he.

  20. Arguing and disagreements at least once a month in only the first year of dating doesn't scream “happy and healthy” relationship.

    If you have to ask how often is TOO OFTEN, it's probably too often.

  21. Her friends tell HER things in confidence – a confidence she respects – not YOU. That is a big difference. If she didn’t tell you things about herself and her life, I’d be worried, but her friend’s most private matters are none of your business. I’m with your gf. She will share if she wants to or wants your opinion, but other than that, her respecting her friend’s privacy is admirable. Means, she is likely also respecting yours, which would be a big bonus to me too.

  22. I know it's shocking and inconceivable, but your partner has met and spoken to women before. It's even more shocking to learn he's not fucked all of them. I know it's going to come as a bigger surprise, but he can also remember them.

    I know these are DEVASTATING times for you. I hope you can recover.

  23. Yes it’s possible to get pregnant having sec once, but that doesn’t mean that was the facts. What factual medical proof did she provide of the gestational age to you. I’m talking paperwork with her name on it, not she told you. When she miscarried where you there at the hospital with her?

    I hate to say Women do lie about being pregnant and miraculously miscarry when it’s time to start showing and can keep up the lie anymore or the father is insisting on a dna test. It’s a cruel way to trap a man but it does happen.

  24. His wife sounds like an idiot. I appreciate your advice. But really think about , something is obviously wrong with her, but she would rather believe that a man’s penis can still grown way later in life then think something is wrong with her. Imagine if he tells her to go to the doctor. She will be on the witches vs patriarchy sub saying her husband is mansplaining vaginas.

  25. Even if they don't separate, he does not control her. It sucks, but that's why we have to choose partners wisely.

    His comments on here are extremely concerning. He's talking about what he will and won't let his wife do. That is not his right. He can choose not to be with a woman who would do XYZ, he can talk to his lawyer about adding XYZ to the custody agreement, but he doesn't get to prevent his wife from doing anything.

  26. “doesn't want to take money from friends” really says it. She has no respect for you, and believes you are someone she can just take advantage of. I can't imagine, even at my worst, eating real food and smoking a preroll while I watch the person supporting me eat ramen. I think she needs to go back home. The help isn't helping and hasn't been, and there's nothing to salvage or work on because she was never kind to you. Cut your losses and makr yourself an actual dinner.

  27. That's the thing about relationships. You can't avoid these conversations out of fear. They need to happen eventually.

  28. She said some were very inappropriate, which I thought she meant pornographic, though she's not saying that explicitly.

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