Miirandacox live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 23, 2022

6 thoughts on “Miirandacox live sex chats for YOU!

  1. So she offered to get takeout for her family and didn't want to pay for it.

    Then she didn't mention that you paid for it to them.

    Sounds like there is a reason she has triple in her bank account than you do and it is because she pulls shit like this.

    Rude isn't even close, she is using you to pay her bills so she doesn't have to dig into her own pocket for her own family.

    So how do you confront her? Well depends on how petty you want to be. I am petty and I would in front of her family ask for the £15 she owes you for the takeout the other night.

    Then ask them if she offered to pay for the meal or did they pay her back?

    If you want to keep this leach as a girlfriend then save £15 from whatever present you were going to get her and say that you couldn't afford what you were going to get because of paying for the takeout she ordered the other night as you were not expecting to have to pay to feed her family on a student budget. Or something like that. Or forget to bring your card next time she asks you to come with for something and say it doesn't matter because you are broke anyway and if only you had that £15 quid from the other day you would have been able to give her something towards the food.

    Or carry cash like £5 only ever is also an option.

  2. Lol what do you mean that isn’t how life works? So you’ve never made a bad choice and were granted a second chance? I didn’t treat him terribly the entire relationship. I was a great gf at times but definitely had my moments due to my own issues I am working to resolve. When two people love each other they’re going to understand that people have ups and downs in their life.

  3. So when I begged him to tell me what was making him question or relationship he said that every few months he thinks about how I come from trauma and a broken home and doesn’t think that I can be a good fit as a lifelong partner.

    Stop doing for him and start doing for you. You need to leave. Take a second job, work OT and save the money up to get a new car and move out.

    Future advice: Never let yourself be dependent financially on a man you aren't married to. Always have the ability to leave or don't move in together.

  4. This is not the roommates fault at all! Clearly there was an agreement to inform each other of company coming over.

    As a woman, if I come homer with some stranger in my home, I’d probably done the same thing! I’m sure the roommate was scared to death as well.

    This is all on the new bf and seriously OP, the way he reacted says he’s not the one for you. He should be the one apologizing to you BOTH not downplaying your feelings and taking zero accountability. This is just a small glimpse into the bigger picture with him if you continue this relationship ijs.

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