Miia-01 on-line webcams for YOU!


4 thoughts on “Miia-01 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Well then it sounds like an ideal place for a child. There seems to be no legitimate grievance so I think you should be having your child over there. Good luck! Please update us

  2. Have some self-respect. So you find out you're the side chick and instead of leaving him and telling his gf, you demand that he leaves her for you? Seriously this isn't just being “young and naive” you literally don't have any love for yourself. You are a sad person. Dont be surprised if you keep ending up in these sad relationships if you keep acting like this. If you don't love yourself and don't care about the people around you then you will always find shitty men like that. I dont care if I sound harsh, i am only a year older than you but I've never been this dumb. Grow up seriously.

  3. It could be about your pubic hair comment or not. People who are overly clingy and who overly compliment are sometimes trying to convince themselves things are working out while knowing they’re not really into their partner.

    Maybe she was never that into you and seeing her friends and family back and home and talking to them convinced her you weren’t the one.

    I’d still ask her for a chat, to clear the air and make sure there’s no bad blood between you guys as you’re classmates

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