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MichelleFerrylive sex stripping with hd cam


16 thoughts on “MichelleFerrylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The reason you mention are all the wrong reasons to stay with her. It sounds like your love needs are not compatible. She is hurting as it is now, she feels unloved and have need of being showed love in a different way than you have. I bet you think she is a great woman, as you could imagine marrying her later in life, but sometimes even with great people we care a lot for, life and compability comes in the way.

    Her hurting herself or not is not your fault, what you can do is at most alert family or school, but again absolutely not a reason to stay with her.

  2. Yeah I see your point but still think 50 and 32 is too different of life stages and there's an inherent power imbalance, in most cases, probably not all, but is likely. I think dating someone 18 years younger is off. When did they meet? Married, let's say 5 years, so she was 27 and he was 45. Yeah…

  3. The standard rule applies: in a committed relationship, you each deal with your own family. So has your fiance told them to knock it off yet?

    The other thing to discuss with your fiance is why they have this attitude. It may help you two strategize how he should address this with him.

  4. First off, this is rape. You told her no and she continued. Do what you want with that information but please discontinue your relationship with this person.

    Getting tested for STIs now and 3 months from now. 6 months after that to be safe.

    The possibility of pregnancy is slim as pre cum doesn't have sperm in it unless you came prior to fucking and didn't pee to flush any remaining sperm out.

    I'm sorry this awful person violated you and your consent.

  5. Hey OP, this will probably get buried, but we’ll see!

    I’ve read both of your posts and the word that kept popping into my head was “maturity.” She was willing to throw away 7 years because of things people who’ve never met you told her. Their motive doesn’t matter – her reaction to it does. Whatever stories they’ve heard were told by her; either they’re twisting the stories back to her or she’s hearing them through another persons perspective and thinks “oh, you know, that wasn’t great.” Telling her to find someplace else to work also isn’t a mature response. Everywhere she goes there’s likely going to be someone who will nitpick. Is she supposed to just keep salon hopping?

    Maturity also applies to you in this case – you knew showing her the ring and everything was going to hurt her even more. And you chose to kick her while she was done, because you were hurt. You didn’t have to do that; you could’ve said you’d been making plans to propose and left it. You didn’t have to tell her at all. But that whole section was manipulative, IMO.

    Are you two in the same place in life? It sounds like she’s early in her career and you may be a little further along. Are your goals really aligned or is someone taking the lead and the other just following along because you’ve been together for 7 years?

    I think taking time apart is good for both of you. You’re already thinking about moving one month after the 3 months – this says to me you’re ready to move on OR you expect her to go along with you in a decision you already made, which forces her do going with you if she wants to stay together, even if she doesn’t want to move.

  6. I only know this girl because i knew her name before we broke up. I respect your opinion. I just posted to see what others thing because if i was warned about him, i wouldn't have put myself through the struggle.

  7. You’re supposed to love your partner in their love language, not yours. It appears OP enjoys receiving gifts and physical touch. I think it’s a stretch to say she is trying to make him a different person, all she wants is flowers and to go on a date sometimes. Those are completely normal things in almost every relationship.

  8. Breakups are hot. You’re not crazy for being hesitant about it. But you need to get it out of your head that you’re “slighting” her.

    Why? Because you’re ignoring a very important person in this situation; you. You matter. You’re miserable. Do you want to be miserable forever just to avoid hurting her?

  9. she sounds like an asshole fr. she sees you as a safety net and is using you. not only that, but when confronted, she gaslit you. and the fact that y’all got engaged pretty quickly because she kept pushing for it a month or two after y’all got official?? aw hell naw. thats toxic asf.

    my advice is to call off the wedding and break things off with her. she’s disrespecting you. you deserve better. i’m wishing you the best.

  10. So, it's your opinion that Sami has no autonomy? That she has no say in whether she stays with her husband? Based on the story so far, can you imagine anyone, be it a professional counselor or just a good friend, who would advise Sami to stay with a husband who regularly cheated on her? I think the advice would be uniformly for her to get out.

    Take the accident out of the equation. Imagine Mark is perfectly healthy. All indications are that Sami would have left already. So, the desire on Sami's part to leave is real. And I am willing to bet, that had healthy Tom made any kind of offer to keep Sami in the marriage with an open marriage, she would have ignored it on her way to file divorce papers. In other words, Sami's not tied to the marriage by children, manipulation or by some forcible threat by Tom to stay. Her staying, under any circumstance is her choice. She is choosing not to divorce Tom. That's 100% on her. It's not manipulation, like you claim it is. She is fully aware of what Tom has done and is doing, does not accept or condone it, yet she agrees to stay. And in other conditions, she would have left. Her decision to stay is clearly due to Sami's own personal morals and pathos for Tom.

    If Sami would have wanted to stay, under any condition, i.e., a healthy Tom, then I would agree that there may have been some manipulation to change her outlook on Tom's cheating that OP may not be aware of (or describing here). If Sami was suddenly “Oh but Tom is reformed now” and publicly rug sweeping his continued affairs, then that would clearly be manipulation of the worst kind. But that is completely absent here. This is just bad decision making on Sami's part, despite having the best of intentions. 2 different things.

    In the exact same way, she is choosing to take on some form of “open marriage”. How would this be any requirement for her to stay and care for Tom? She could just as easily say “no” to the open marriage, stay until Tom is on his feet and then leave. What would saying “no” change? She knows Tom is already a cheater, and unrepentant about it. Nowhere in that care-giving is it required that she open the relationship. That is entirely on Sami and it is entirely a separate issue from her decision to continue with Tom's care. That is a decision which reflects entirely on her, as she can just as easily refuse to accept that (as an apparently innately monogamous person). Sami stopped being a victim of her husband's infidelity when she decided to stay, and is now entering into infidelity herself, consciously and willingly. She is lowering herself to Tom's level.

    OP's husband seems very aware of this situation and his decision seems like it is based on watching his wife's friend make one bad (but somewhat justifiable) decision and compounding it by making an even worse decision.

    Bad decision-making can be contagious and I don't blame OP's husband for wanting to be as far as possible from the shitshow Sami has made of her life. OP's husband was fine with Sami's friendship until she acted to open her relationship. That's hardly controlling behavior. It's more like self-preservation.

    I think you asked the wrong question. I think the better question would be: Would OP be OK with Sami's friendship had she always been in open relationships? If so, would her husband still have married her if she insisted on keeping Sami as a friend?

  11. OP now that no one believes you, please give us a little insight in why you would write this. I'm dying to know every time I read such a very true story. What do you get out of it?

  12. Reality is this is one of the biggest questions couples face these days. And I think that her being 20% really only covered a 'whoops' pregnancy and that part of you was sort of holding out for that, ergo the fixation on spontaneity. Part of your 'optimism' has been shut down as a result of her taking that more or less off the table. Instead of putting off this discussion and hoping for the best you now actually have to have that hot conversation.

    You aren't wrong to want kids but also have to be real if that is the line that you have to draw. She has made clear that it is hers. Can you deal with not being a dad and if not then this dynamic was on borrowed time to begin with, contrary to your hopes.

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