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5 thoughts on “miasolovedlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Obviously the incident was so bad or traumatic, that he runs from you. He doesn't want to be your friend and doesn't want to talk to you. You have to respect that and again leave him alone.

  2. wow, you did great for yourself. Many people would just continue to stay with their abuser. But you chose not to take his abuse and choose a better life for yourself. We the internet strangers are so proud of you. You are wonderful and great. Look at it as a life experience. Now you know what to look for in a relationship- someone who treats you with respect. Don’t ever settle for less because you deserve to have a partner who cherish and love you.

  3. That’s because by 50 you have probably either been infected with a high-risk strain or you’re not going to be infected with a high-risk strain. Maybe this will change in the future, but it would depend on how likely it is for a person infected at that age to develop cancer.

  4. So, give yourself some grace here. This isn't just your mom's life it is affecting you as well.

    She makes shit decisions for sure and it sounds like you have experienced a lot with her. You have the right to evaluate her decisions in how the impact you and your life.

    Now she has a grandchild and you need to protect that child from her. I would go LC for sure with her. Children are very impressionable and the lies, alcohol, and maybe even drugs will leave their mark.

    You sound super smart and intuitive. Keep that up and protect yourself and your child.

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