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Mia_Millennialive sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “Mia_Millennialive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It was a moment of impulse based on my own misery, insecurity, and confusion of whatever the hell I’m doing. This “love” has caused me turmoil, which for most of the time I handle on my own without bringing resentment to her because I love her and dont want to cause her unnecessary pain. I guess I wanted to impulsively know if there was any evidence of her talking to her coworker more than as a coworker, partly, because she said she absolutely wasn’t seeing or talking to anybody else and that its just me. It messes with my head, and I dont know what I should do, for my sake and for her sake.

  2. Thank you for the help with that aspect however I also need to regain her trust, how would you suppose I do rhat

  3. When was the last time this man went out of his way to make you feel appreciated? Cherished? Respected? Beautiful?

    He lies about everything if he's lying about something as important as rent. Imagine bringing a baby into this? What if you got pregnant?

    STOP CLINGING TO YOUR MISTAKES JUST BECAUSE YOU SPENT SO MUCH TIME MAKING THEM. This man is not an investment. There is no return. Lighting his uniform on fire is psychopathic. What's next? The house with you in it? Once he finds those texts (which you 100% SHOULD HAVE sent, that was the right thing), with this pattern, don't end up on dateline one day.

    Don't you want more for yourself? Like have you actually imagined your future and what you want to get out of it? 5 years from now you could be in your dream job with bills paid and a man who gives you everything you're willing to give him. Hell, that could be you in 1 or 2 years if you want it bad enough.

    Moving is a good idea, you probably don't want him to know where you live once you find some self respect. I mean that in the most loving way possible.

  4. Regardless, your new feelings changed the relationship.

    It will never be what it was before you felt like this.

    You should ask her or tell whatever. But i strongly recommend you decide before hand if you can remain friends if she isn't interested in you romantically.

    Best of luck!! Hugs

  5. He’s cheating WITH OP. He’s openly admitted to being in a relationship before they ever started dating. OP is the side chick. She needs to realize her worth and that she deserves better. End it, block and go no contact.

  6. First it is not you. This has nothing to do w you or your looks, attitude etc. This is about him and his complete disregard for your feelings and disrespecting you and your entire relationship.

    Not all men do this.

    If this were me and my wife did this I would tell her in no uncertain terms that if this is what she wants, & continues to disrespect me & our marriage then I would completely end our marriage. We’ve been together 31 years and it would be extremely hot but I’d rather be alone than to be disrespected by the one person who is supposed to love me and treat me w respect. Not lay beside me in bed sending random nude/half hard men’s pictures to her friends talking about how very hot they are etc.

    This behavior would put a wedge In any relationship. I can see how you’d feel a disconnect in the relationship. Understand how you’d second guess any time you were intimate whether he’s thinking of those people they’ve followed, looked at and shared w friends saying how attractive they are.

    What makes your situation worse is it sounds like this isn’t the first time he’s done this w the promise of stopping. Yet he continues. He’s even bold enough now that he isn’t hiding it. He’s doing it right beside you knowing you can see what he’s doing. Further lying and disrespecting you & the relationship. I don’t know how long y’all have been together or how long this has been going on but this behavior would be worth ending it all over. Because with him doing this it makes you feeling devalued and unloved and makes you feel unattractive because he’d rather lay in bed looking at other women rather than cuddling w you or making love. He’s essentially putting other women over you.

    Is this as bad as physically cheating? No. But it does put doubt in your mind among all the other feelings that comes w it. He simply doesn’t care how it makes you feel or he would never have started this and if so he would have stopped the first time you voiced your concern and told him how it hurts you.

    I wish you the best and you deserve to be respected and loved in your relationship. If he can’t do this is it worth staying? That’s for you to determine.

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