Mia the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Mia on-line sex chat

Date: October 10, 2022

16 thoughts on “Mia the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It’s nice you’re worried about his feelings, but two things. One, if you want to avoid hurt feelings, it’s best to discuss and agree on expectations BEFORE inviting someone into your place. And two, if he doesn’t like how things plays out, you can check in on him, but ultimately that’s up to him to discuss with you. If he doesn’t address it, then either it’s not that big of a deal, or he’s got poor conflict resolution skills, and that’s on him, not you.

  2. That’s not an good comparison though. A more apt comparison would be if I know my partner got an STI from a past partner, and now requires we both be tested for STI every 6 months, would I take that boundary as them not trusting me? My answer would be no. I know that they would feel the same way with ANY partner. Why would I take it as a trust issue between us? It doesn’t make an logical sense. People do things all the time to protect themselves from harm they’ve experienced in life. It’s called learning and risk mitigation.

  3. I expect the problem here is that you're making a (somewhat understandable, though deeply incorrect) assumption that gay bars are exclusively or primarily a place that people go to meet people or to hook up, akin to singles bars.

    That is absolutely, thoroughly, not the case. Gay bars are very much a community/safety thing, more akin to sports bars or [country] bars. There certainly can be an element of going there to find people, both because of it being a safer environment to do that and because of the higher concentration of people who will have a compatible sexuality, but it doesn't come close to the level where a bi woman simply going there with a friend would imply anything at all.

  4. Hello /u/qiwinerd1992,

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  5. Ultimatum: he gets help this week (book apt with therapist this week) or he leaves and u are done.

    At this point, you will be enabling him. And u can’t make him get himself better he has to do it. So either he can start now or let you free of him. It’s not fair for him to keep you down and not make any progress.

    Good luck

  6. I am saying this because she is not really a nice person and I don't want you to think it just wasn't in the cards. If she didn't want a relationship she wouldn't have been on bumble. She's actively on it and is loving the attention. Maybe she was overlooked in her past two relationships. And now she just wants as many people as possible to validate her. What matters is she keeps telling you she doesn't want you and then acts like you're a jerk for pulling away.

  7. This seems like a ticking time bomb. Seriously. This is gonna erupt sooner or later and it’s gonna be hell. I’m not sure I would want to be there when it does.

  8. You don’t. He knows what you want, and is either unable or unwilling to be the partner you want.

    You can’t make anybody change. You can’t “raise him” to your standards. You can only tell him what those standards are. If he’s not meeting your standards, it’s your job to move on.

  9. We talked about this, too, because I was afraid of that as well. I don’t ever want to create that kind of environment for us, so I asked him that as well. He also expects me to not smoke or not watch porn (not that I’ve ever had an issue with doing either), so it wasn’t that this was a standard that I set up myself solely for him. He told me he had a past history of having to lie to get out of things, and it’s something he has a very hot time shaking I suppose. He also just has a lot of guilt and told me he was afraid I’d leave if I knew some of these things. I’ve never hinted towards that at all, but I also know he was in a very toxic relationship prior to us getting together.

    He truly isn’t a bad guy, and is normally a very good and loving partner. It’s just the lying that has sucked.

  10. Libra here that doesn't put any stock in astrology- just drop him cold turkey and find somebody that isn't saying one thing and then doing another.

  11. Seems you are downplaying your weight gain and lifestyle choices which might be causing the disconnect.

    It’s difficult for anyone to tell a loved one or close friend in an honest fashion that they are living an unhealthy lifestyle and have grown to an unhealthy weight. It’s difficult because of the reaction.

    5’6 at 180 is an unhealthy weight. Not much way around it but speak plainly. You prodded her to tell you how she felt and you can tell she didn’t want to by her reaction of crying, but it’s the honest truth.

    So either you stay angry at her or accept what she said is the truth and change for the better. You don’t need to be a marathon runner again, but show her you’re making changes for a healthier lifestyle and over time she will see the results.

    This isn’t about being an alpha male buff guy, just being healthy so you have a wonderful future together.

    When my wife and I got married I was 5’11 and 170lbs and fit. When my daughter was born 4 years later I was 235lbs. I could see it in the pictures but I denied it to myself. It wasn’t until I realized I needed to change and was told by someone close to me that it really sent a shock to me.

    I obviously am much older than I was when I was 5’11 170lb (10 years older!) and I’ll prob not be able to get back to 170lb with all the responsibilities of life, but I made an earnest effort to exercise and eat cleanly and have gotten into much better shape. Sometimes it yoyos but knowing you can get healthy again will drive you to make sure you stay healthy when veering aside.

  12. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    He still lives at home and doesn’t have a car yet, I understand this. However I feel like he benefits more from this relationship than I do, I do his hair, cook for him, he’s always at my apartment I really take care of him. And at most we’ll probably go out on a date ? feel like he’s benefiting more. Forgot to mention he has a great job, 2 intact.

  13. I've copied the below directly from one of OPs quotes, clearly says needs it to finish.

    So horny it was distracting but still needed to view others?

    Yes. Even if I'm very aroused I need some kind of visual/audio stimulation to finish. It's how my body works and I don't feel that's something I need to justify.

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