Mia Scott on-line sex chats for YOU!


Sexy licking and finger sucking [Multi Goal]

Date: October 26, 2022

9 thoughts on “Mia Scott on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. He offered a solution. He isn't staying away the entire weekend. Based on the op, the husband's only support might be this friend. We can only go by what is said by the op, so don't project your own feelings and opinions on them. The funeral is only mentioned as the excuse for the family coming over. We have no idea what Ops feelings are towards the grandfather or the funeral in general. You assume grief, we don't actually know.

  2. Another important thing to keep in mind is what the goal of the fight/argument is. Instead of trying to win, try to solve the issue. Framing the conflict as the two of you trying to work together to listen to each other helps a lot. I think its also super important to give the other person the benefit of the doubt and try to interpret whatever they say in the best possible way. It also can be helpful to have an explicit conversation setting norms of how you want to fight, before you actually have conflict.

  3. No she didn't want to see me. She was going through serious depression and was in a lot of therapy and made a promise that we can see each other after she was done with her outpatient therapy but we didn't. She didn't want to see me during Christmas and new years cause she said that made her sad. And we just had this big argument and I agreed to therapy but now she says she doesn't want to talk for a while. Not until we are doing better. I want to get better for her but I really want to at least talk to her. I feel like we keep getting farther apart.

  4. You know why he left. Odds are that you have been doing things he doesn't like and that you got physical first. No, you haven't said as much, but you'd be blasting him if he did it. So be prepared for a divorce.

  5. True that he was rejected by ballerina, but he totally did choose the sk8ter girl in the end “I’m with the sk8ter boy, I said see you later boy, I’ll be backstage after the show”

  6. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So yeah she wants to go unprotected. I really like her. I trust her. I want to especially cause it’s gonna be my first time and it seems like the best way to do it. But I’m a lil hesitant.

    She’s on birth control and seems to think it’s a non issue. I am aware that’s like 99.9 but not 100%. Idk. She is very intelligent and we are not in a position to have kids. I doubt she would risk an abortion that heavily so I believe that she believes it won’t be an issue.

    I would never dream of demanding her to get one but I am also not ready to a be a father so I’m really unsure of myself here. It is legal and accessible here. But I don’t think it’s meant as a backup plan should literally be like a last resort you never want to go to.

    Idk fellas, ladies, what should I do? I really like her like insanely like a lot. I know what I want to do, I’m just not sure if it’s a good call? What y’all think?

    Edit: not a single person here has told me to go for it. I’m starting to think I shouldn’t. The lizard brain wants it so bad. I gotta have self control or what am I?!?

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