Mia-megan on-line sex chats for YOU!


11 thoughts on “Mia-megan on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I've been in a very similar position, as I'm sure a lot of people have. And it's painful beyond description – believe me, I understand. Because she isn't aware of what you found, you need to take this time to get all of your initial shock and emotion out of the way, before you can decide what is best for you and your kids. Don't make any big decisions right now, they will be based on emotions. I think you need to ask yourself whether this is something you would be able to get past. If it is, then therapy and counselling is needed for both of you. If it isn't, then you know the only route you can go down.

    I wish you the best of luck OP.

  2. Actually, there is nothing wrong with talking to strangers, if they are in a sober state and not actively hitting on women like it is in the bar/club scene.

    My wife has been hit on a few times even in these sober settings, and I have no problem with that. But that is not comparable to the bar/club scene.

  3. Oh my goodness it is so sad and boring in your wee mind. Plenty grown up people are happy to chat casually to a stranger for their friend’s sake, or — shock, horror — just because people are interesting, with no promise of sex.

  4. Don’t tell her you want her to be your mom. She’s not old enough to be your mother and she is happy being like a big sister. Enjoy your relationship without putting unnecessary labels on it. Being friends is enough. You’re lucky to have her so don’t ruin it by making her uncomfortable.

  5. This may or may not make a difference, then. There are a lot of people who consider themselves devoutly religious who would have no problem with that kind of humor, at least within a committed relationship. That doesn’t mean you should have your own preferences, simply that it may be non-obvious to others that this is off-limits because of your religiosity. If you aim to continue the relationship, I’d suggest you have a direct conversation with each other about boundaries.

    In all honesty, my suspicion is that you’re simply incompatible – but it’s helpful to know that for sure. And since it sounds like you met live, you might want to elaborate a bit more on what your Catholicism means to you to avoid future misunderstandings.

  6. He is going for somebody who is over 20 years younger than him, there’s a reason women his own age aren’t interested in him.

  7. Aight you can't even answer a question ur dumb af. I've read her comments every single one she's saying over and over again “it's not that I don't want sex it's that I can't” and yet idiots like you who can't read just keep saying the same thing.

  8. end*

    we have been apart for 9 months.

    he used to attend to my school last semester so i would see him but now he doesnt go idk why he popped up

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