Mia-gomex online sex chats for YOU!


RIDE DILDO 1 MIN.. CONTROL MEE GUYS, ❤️ [37 tokens remaining]

Date: October 12, 2022

130 thoughts on “Mia-gomex online sex chats for YOU!

  1. “It personally makes me uncomfortable that other men are looking at you that way and that you welcome it. I can’t tell you what to do, but it’s your decision after I expressed how it made me feel. I can’t control you and don’t want to.”

  2. This is the kind of thing that therapy is good for, so that you can unpick and understand where those trust issues come from (given that it's not due to your partner). I'd see it as a good investment if you value your relationship.

  3. Given that you had a vasectomy and she very clearly tried to baby trap you (and in my mind she still does): the paternity test is the first thing to do. If it is yours, I would tell her you support her with every decision, but a relationship is not on the table. Repeat that you would be willing to take custody. If it’s not yours, show her the door.

  4. I am an MT and there are red flags here.

    When we go to massage school we learn a lot about ethics and maintaining proper boundaries with clients. As the therapist it is our duty to ensure proper boundaries are upheld at all times.

    I would never in a million years do a two hour massage. Or only charge 50% for the time I worked. Or hang out with a patient for an hour or two after the massage ended.

    I also don't work from 7 until 9 pm. And if I am fully booked I dont squeeze people in. I only work my scheduled hours.

    All of the above are major red flags.

    The glut massage is a gray area. For me personally I don't do glut massage for neck or shoulder pain. I will however do glut massage for low back, hip or leg issues. That said some therapists work in different ways. I know some therapists who like to always include glut work….although that is a more old school way to work. Most newer MTs no longer work that way. In my region at least.

    However that said in light of all the red flags above it seems likely this MT just wanted to include gluts for inappropriate reasons.

    It sounds like your gf isn't comfortable. That is what she is saying she is making the decision to stop seeing him for you. It is ok that you never asked her to. Trust that she has seen red flags and she wants to stop for good reasons.

    Support her decision. Know this wasn't her fault. It was his job as the therapist to maintain professional boundaries and this was his failure to do so. He took advantage of her naivete.

    If MTs have a licensing board in your area feel free to want them about this situation and mention you are concerned the MT was grooming your gf setting her up for abuse. That is what this was. He was grooming.

  5. 23 and in couples therapy? You must like pushing boulders up hill for kicks eh? If she did cheat then go find someone else to build a life with

  6. Sounds plausible, my thought was he searches for women that remind him of his wife. At least that's how I've been in the past when searching for fap material. Descriptors that might be like my SO

  7. He’s not attacking the issues as a team. That’s what you should keep reiterating. How can you trust him if he isn’t working alongside you?

    This would be a deal breaker for me, unfortunately. I value privacy and respect in my relationships.

  8. it's ok, I begged them to put me in public school again cause I had no friends and never had help with homework but I was just brushed off and told no. school has always been very important to me cause I was good at most of it

  9. Been together for two years – so you were a 32-year-old man dating a 19-year-old woman? Wow a creep and controlling.

  10. You are far too old to be behaving like this. My best advice? Find someone your age with similar views. Help her get back to her family at the very least and be done with it.

  11. Hello /u/FacetiouslyFab,

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  13. Unfortunately, you’re gonna have to tell him that nothing happened for you. Tell him/show him what you like/is needed to get you off. If he gets off fairly easily, then you need to come first with foreplay, before the big event. It’ll take a little practice, but if he’s willing and doesn’t get his ego hurt, it’ll all work out.

  14. it’s embarassing because it’s not representative of who i am. i’m usually generous even in the worst financial times and i want a partner who is also generous to others. i don’t make him pay for everything there are many occasions where i’ve picked up the bill etc but it’s never split 50/50. we just do some here and some there. but now i feel uncomfortable for him to pay knowing that the person who served us won’t get their deserved tip

  15. Oh my god thank you!!! It's what I've been saying! She constantly dismisses me for it being “actually only a six year gap”.

    The issue with her parents is, she barely tells them anything. I know they're aware of the boyfriend, but maybe not of their whole past. Her parents have an even bigger age gap between them, so maybe they think it's okay. But even if they knew, I don't think it'd do any good. She dislikes her parents and wants to move away from them. I fear that them complaining would only make her want to be with him more.

    Please, do you have any idea on how I can stop her from being alienated??

  16. Shit even if you don't cheat on anyone ever if you're partner is throwing your sexual history around at you and using that to request one it feels like a slap in the face. I'm actually the one who suggested me and my partner get one that way HE has the reassurance however if he'd brought it up the relationship would be over and I'd def be annoyed about doing it I would do it I'd just be annoyed as fuck

  17. Hopefully you and others can see that you engaged in totally normal behavior by asking your boyfriend a question and then explaining the desire you had that prompted your initial question. It's also a very normal urge to want to see your person when you're not feeling well, and have their presence make you feel better.

    He's telling you that having to spend time addressing your needs feels like a big deal to him because he doesn't want to. If he wanted to be there for you, he would have. It's as simple as that

  18. I honestly think it's weird aswell. The fact there is so many in here calling your man 'fragile' and insecure is insane. Nobody would like an adult man (yes, 18 is adult) protecting their SO by staying over during night.

  19. Man hearing this story. I just simply unable to understand why would someone not do anything sexual for 8 months and with it destroy someone's confidence and then cheat at the first opportunity and then act like some sort of victim.

    Like you expect the other to forgive you while you don't give anything back in return.

    I know that probably selfisness is the reason, but still the one who is the normal one, the one who tries to make things work are the one damaged, because someone damage them who is a trash person.

  20. This is why you needed to date linger before moving in. It doesn't matter that you “knew him”. Obviously you didnt

  21. Oh that’s good news. Have they apologised? Of course it bothers you because it is a huge breach and because they are your parents. When someone who loves you the most shows you they don’t trust you to make decisions in your own life, it hurts a special kind of hurt.

  22. That’s what gets me. She thinks it’s normal for them to be around each others children. Now when they break up or he reconciles with his wife she has to explain to her daughter. On the off chance they stay together he has to coparent still and there will always be bitterness there because he did not really try in the end and had someone to make things messy and his child will remember that woman that he saw while his parents still lived together and were not divorced yet.

  23. Yet he was still going out and managed to get it out of his system. AND he kept going out even after they had kids. So because she felt a way about it then (which he clearly at least partially disregarded) she should not be able to go out now? I don't think bars should be a deal breaker but it isn't my relationship or my boundary. However, if you left your wife home alone with small children to go out with friends and are now beefing about her going out a decade later with friends it is jerk behavior.

  24. “These thoughts often prevent me from sleeping and cause an unreasonable amount of stress and anxiety in my life.”

    These are intrusive thoughts that are seriously disrupting your daily functioning; you need psychotherapy, possibly medication.

  25. You are well within your rights to call the police. This little creep assaulted you. He'll probably do it again to someone else, especially if he gets away with it. His parents are abetting his behavior and are despicable people.

  26. His actions make him an asshole, what don't you understand? Him being too stupid to realize he's being an asshole is an actual defense.

  27. So, let's flip the script a second.

    What would you say to her if she said she wanted you to get rid of something you enjoy simply because she was insecure?

  28. Imagine telling a woman her body “looks like a gross pruney clam, about time you’re getting labiaplasty” Your wife seems like a shitty person that should reflect on the body shaming she perpetuates

  29. Same… I’m sorry he KEPT IT A SECRET and HID IT… it’s also really WEIRD….

    Sorry but I would be really grossed out by this.. you need to ask yourself are you going to be able to tolerate YEARS of insecurityand perpetual wondering?

    Even if he is genuine now.. it’s clearly a deep rooted issue… knowing you are second best or wondering if he would cheat on you with her. You need to ask yourself if it’s worth it … otherwise cut your losses… you are amazing in your own right! Perhaps therapy and being happily single might be better than this

  30. Experiences can vary. A friend with PCOS was sure she couldn’t get pregnant, but when she and her bf decided to have a kid, she got pregnant within a few short months. Point being that the OP shouldn’t expect that she’s actually infertile based on PCOS alone, and definitely not have a kid with this guy, unless she’s fine being a single mother.

  31. My only thoughts on telling him would be for if you are struggling to cover the cost of the procedure alone. (And online somewhere that charges for it, of course). If you are struggling, I'd tell him and ask for half the cost to solve the situation. Otherwise, I wouldn't. That's just me, but if you don't intend to see him again otherwise, and don't intend to carry to term, then I think there's not really a point.

  32. Yeah I agree with other commenters, and see this in the light of a kind of processing – it’s as if she’s comfortable with it for and in herself, but now needs to try to reconcile that with her “new” reality IE it needs to be treated like it’s a real thing and not brushed under the carpet?

    Admittedly she’s not going about it in a great way (which, honestly, is to be expected – and if it’s this soon, then that’s kinda positive in terms of how bad reactions and coping methods can get…) – but I can see the sort of logic behind it.

    I mean, I’d suggest talking to her about it but framing it in a way that makes it clear it’s more about protecting others from the dark realities of the world rather than trying to say it isn’t like that or invalidate her or her experience in any way.

    I can only imagine what she’s going through and it must be incredibly difficult to be asked to act normally after having your world totally shattered, so I do sympathize with her a lot – but you’re right, for her own benefit, and not making herself a social outcast, she does need to find a way to temper it quite a bit

  33. Yes it does sound like he just wants you to help with bills. And him dictating how much he expects you to pay? Nah. That’s unacceptable.

    If he can’t afford the place he needs to find somewhere he can.

    Stay where you are. Any ultimatum with threats is unacceptable in a relationship.

    If you’re not ready, don’t do it. You’ll feel suffocated and the relationship will fail anyway.

    If he wants to follow through with his threat, let him. You will find someone better than him.

  34. It’s so great that you take care of your sister! Family comes first! As a guy even im so touched!

    One of my ex once was fighting with me about some random crap and I tried to keep my cool really very hot. After the fight was over I was like “finally you done.” But then she opened her mouth again and start talking crap about my sister and thats when I lost it and started screaming and after that I just stormed off.

  35. Tell him you're going to the pharmacy to get a morning after pill.

    His reaction will tell you whether you want him to still be there when you get back.

  36. Considering the fact she’s already done some shit behind y’all back, get a lawyer and have them look at it before you sign anything she gives you… your mother doesn’t sound very trust worthy tbh

  37. Drop 100% all of the responsibilities that involve helping or supporting your husband.

    If he wants you to lose weight then he loses all the things he gets that are pulling you away from his stated priority.

    I mean it. Stop making his dinner, stop doing his grocery shopping. Only make your half of the bed.

    Make treatment of your thyroid a priority – it affects much more than your weight. A healthy thyroid will also help with your emotional state – which you will absolutely need in the medium term as you work through this issue in your life.

    My surgeon needed me to lose weight so I could have keyhole surgery safety, and he got me to buy the CSIRO app diet (scientists at csiro made a series of diets for different weight problems, and they outsourced it to this crowd who have made a great app)

    Going for a walk every evening will help you get out of your head and any physical benefits will be a bonus.

    I’m really sorry you’re going through this. You are worth loving.

  38. Ignore the comments about breaking up. We don’t know what he will do. If he ends things with you he not only loses a baby but presumably the love of his life. He might just think you’re on the same page as him baby wise. Just tell him how you feel. Say you didn’t imagine getting married post partum, you imagined your life child free for a few more years, you’re still young and deserve to online your young years how you want to live! them, you were on birth control so you clearly didn’t want a baby, and whatever other reasons you might have. State clearly you will 100% want kids in the future. Good luck XX

  39. you're not in him future plan,

    get away from him, find someone new, explain your situation to your family, let them know that you are free in religious matters.

    you should have your own life, not with this guy

    remove that tattoo too

  40. I don't love him dearly as in “in love” with him. I love him as a person and a friend just like I can love a new friend I got really close to after a month. I was not allowed to ask this because of the community rules but I did want to ask if my thought process when someone gets up and leaves=they are ending the relationship makes sense or if its a normal thing to think its just to take a break.

    It is exhusting, I guess its a combination of me opening up to someone and getting close to them while spending time and energy and not wanting to waste all I've put into it, and also the people around me especially married couples who say it takes time and you have to work through these things. So yeah, deep inside, I know I should probably not give it anymore time, but I also don't want to give up on something I've put so much energy into and I see great potential in “if we can just make it work”.

  41. This is what I don't get about guys. Why would a guy pride himself on giving women the best sex of their lives, want to be FWBs, and then not want to see you when you're eager for sex with him? It makes no sense.

  42. What keeps us together is convenience. Our lives are very dependant on each other and it would take a considerable amount of work to rebuilt that independently of each other. We support each other but the pay off is entirely non-emotional.

    I sympathise with her because she has had a rough life and has lots of mental and physical issues; it's hard sometime to see the real her underneath all of that. I suppose I am just running on autopilot at this stage.

    I am almost entirely different from her, she has a temper and is stubborn as all hell; I am none of those things. I can communicate with our kids on a personal and emotional level and she simply can't, she constantly claims that she is a terrible parent.

    The reason I have spoken to you so bluntly is because it always frustrates me when someone right at the beginning stage of a relationship and shit is hitting the fan for them the same it did for me; I refused to see it and 8 years later I stuck in what essentially breaks down to a relationship of convenience. I don't know you internet stranger, I'd be amazed if we even online in the same country even, but I just don't want you waste your time on what is already failing. Don't be like me.

  43. Thank you for the perspective, I really appreciate it. I can’t afford a separate therapist at the moment, but I may propose some kind of discussion.

  44. Huh? Sorry, what does him acting aggressive have to do with him being dead? If he's dead, shouldn't your questions have something to do about picking up pieces and single parenting with a job?

  45. Have you ever been to his house? This kinda seems like he might have another relationship and you were a side chick. Either that or he's incredibly selfish and immature. Either way, you dodged a bullet. He's mean and intentionally said things to hurt you. Honestly, I'd block and move on. He seems really manipulative because he's been saying contradictory things to you like “he hasn't felt this way in a long time” but you'd “never meet his mom”. These just read as manipulative and hurtful. You may feel bad now but with some time you'll be glad you dodged this bullet. You deserve someone who is as equally excited about being with you as you are them. It's ok to have boindaries when dating. Maybe letting ppl know you expect (x) amount of time to spend together per week if they plan on continuing to see you.

  46. Don’t think we came to an agreement. Like I’ve said several times now. There doesn’t have to be a formal promise. It can be implied. We can throw around hypotheticals all day, but I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

  47. The first sign of you being or doing something he doesn't like, he'll tear you down from that pedestal all the harder.

    I understand the enjoyment, but proceed with caution. Obsession isn't healthy and sooner or later, you'll see the drawbacks.

  48. If I were to put my entire business on Reddit it could be an entire book. But honestly it was a genuine question that I thought he would say yes too…I mentioned my weight because it’s been a topic of discussion not that I needed to air that but there it goes. I just asked a question. No mind games.

  49. I don’t like that attitude. People do things without a particular reason in mind, if the dick pics where also since forever who the hell remembers as insignificant as a dick pick from years ago? Not having an answer doesn’t translate to you don’t want to answer automatically….shiiiiiiiit i can’t tell you why i did some of the things I did yesterday outside of i just felt like it…

  50. Yeeeah, and probably mental. I mean, if it's a topic so easily approached then it's normalized for her. Which honestly makes me concerned for her well-being.

    There was a post I read a few days ago about a guy (OP) whose 'kink' was holding a knife to their partner's throat while performing violent sexual acts. ? He wondered if he was the victim of being ghosted by his ex.

    Not all kinks are kinks. Some are just straight-up psychopathic.

  51. He has a gaming addiction. Even if you left he wouldn't notice until he wanted something you normally provide. that's a sad way for you to online the rest of your life. He needs to decide to change his behavior, you can not change him. If he doesn't change then you ought to find someone else. You deserve better than this.

  52. i just dont want it to seem like im hurt or he still has me you know (even if i do actually feel sad about the relationship ending etc we dont want him to know that) Lol

  53. Thank you. This was the wake up call I needed. I think this in all honesty was a test of my faith and I need to now listen to what my soul is telling me, which is to move on and find someone with a spiritual background.

  54. OK I know where you’re coming from but difference between you and me I’ve been raised by guys mostly my grandfather never show your feelings, and when I finally broke my grandpa from that I’m trying to break myself from that

  55. BS sorry but not possible. She doesn't want you that much is clear. You don't actually have to confront her just say I'm sure you agree buy this isn't working anymore, it was good while it lasted but its time for us to move on. Its clearly what she wants

  56. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    This might sound a bit random.. been with my bf for 2 years …. He lost his hand cream yesterday after work on the underground train (neutrogena hand cream for context)… This morning (Saturday) .. he got on the train .. to the last stop (took him 20 mins there and 20 mins back) .. to ask if it had been handed in.

    What do you think about this? We are arguing about it because I can’t comprehend why he would make a journey for a tiny bottle of cream which only has about a quarter of cream left???

  57. “very honest and blunt” = tactless asshole who hurts peoples feelings and hides behind i'M jUsT bEiNg HoNeSt. Let me guess it's really important for him to be the smartest guy in the room and let everyone know it?

    He's religious and parents are both pastors. Denomination is important here. Methodist or Episcopalian? That barely qualifies as religion. Baptist or Catholic? Run like a motherfucker. Presbyterian? Be prepared for them to never pick up the check and always give you JC Penny's gift cards.

    I'm kidding. I have never one single time seen one partner who is very churchy and another who isn't have a good outcome. The churchy partner always gets more and more churchy and it always ends in some sort of showdown.

    Also his pros list is very short and it sounds like lovebombing. Meanwhile his cons list make him sound judgmental, arrogant, lazy, and ugly. Why are you with this guy?

  58. I am completely okay with porn. It’s not the fact that he watched it that’s the issue, it’s the fact that I am obviously trying to initiate everyday with him and he is saying that it’s simply because it hurts when that is obviously not the case. He said it hurts to even touch so that’s why there’s an issue. Of course in every relationship you want your partner to prefer you to porn but it’s not a jealousy thing, it’s an issue with our intimate life

  59. Maybe she feels awkward af about her mum handing out her number. Pressured to “get out there”. You have done all you can, wait for her to get back to you, if she ever does. If you keep chasing I can feel a strong block coming on.

  60. No offence OP but why are you married to someone who wants to sleep with your best friend? Also what kind best friend sleeps with your husband? That shit is trashy af unless you are truly ethically poly, which you guys are clearly not and generally shouldn't happen AFTER you get married.

    Your relationship is clearly not founded on caring about one another.

  61. He was asking me for forgiveness and wanted us to be able to move on. In the email, he said that he is asking for my forgiveness to help in his recovery to become a better husband and dad.

    Yeah nothing about wanting forgiveness because he's sorry for what he's done. I mean good for his wife and daughter for making him want to be a better man but I'd just delete this shit.

  62. Eesh a lot of flags. First of all do not go back home without knowing you will probably be forced to stay and married out to someone who will act like your father. Also dont take your husband there seeing they will probably kill him.

    Your family home is horrible but I do have questions how violent your husband acted.

  63. Goddess above, are you daft?

    Stop looking for ways to make her talk to you (especially when you've made it apparent all you want is money). Apologize. Step back. Let her heal for once. If she wants to have a relationship with you — and that's a humongous if — it must be on her terms. Not yours.

    Stop saying “it was the best I could do”. It wasn't.

    Stop saying “she was a difficult child”. She might have been, but even if she was, it was largely the result of your abandonment. Even if you (think you) had a good reason, that doesn't matter. Kids need support, and it doesn't matter why they don't get it, only that they don't.

    Stop acting like she owes you anything. She doesn't owe you her money, her time, or her life. Just stop. If you want to have an actual relationship with her, it has to be on her terms, and you must accept that you did enough damage that she may never want one, and that needs to be understood as the natural consequence of your actions.

  64. Bro she's wasian and I am a black dude with blue eyes. Like connect some dots here my guy. What other black dudes have blue eyes. Now I am lightskin but fucking hell what if this baby comes out black with blue eyes. Like the fuck am I supposed to do.

  65. Yeah, this is what boggles me. Sure, fine. You want to be traditional and be a SAHM. Then why get a degree at all? Why waste that money?

    OP should at least pay off that loan and money she wasted, before she expects someone to pay all her bills.

  66. Happily married 41 years here. OP, I’d love to believe “you didn’t mean it”, but in my experience over all the years of my marriage, if my husband blurts something out during the heat of an argument or discussion…. he absolutely means it.

    As to the kids… We have many children and grandchildren. I can’t begin to imagine my life without them. If this is something you two have been talking about all along, and she’s just now springing this on you, she’s not going to change her mind. She’s hoping you’ll change your mind. Don’t marry this girl.

  67. why do you think she 'led' him? I didn't know you couldn't change your mind on feelings about big things.

    FFS some people don't even realize they are gay or bi until they are fully married and have kids.

    Realizing that you don't want kids, or might not want kids after thinking you did want kids is not 'leading someone' . You might want kids, and then realize that you really don't.

    Or you may not have ever really thought about it, because most people (esp women) it's the social default. So it might be that she loves him and she enjoyed the fantasy of it, talking about it as part of their future together, but as she got older, and things got closer and more real, she might have realized that that weird feeling was her really not wanting kids, or not being SURE she wanted kids anymore, so she told him.

    none of that is her leading him. It's her being a human being and thinking about what is right for her.

    Instead of talking to her like an adult. He went out of his way to try and HURT her.

  68. I do.

    Here’s the thing. 3 months isn’t very long. It’s the honeymoon phase when people are on their best behavior so you don’t really fully know if you can trust them enough to share past trauma or hot truths.

    Like I said, unless he was very upfront about sex work being a hard boundary, then you don’t owe him this information until you feel safe to share it given it’s in the past and there is nothing that affects him (like a non curable STI)

    And unless you have videos or photos on the internet for this part of your life, it’s highly unlikely he stumbles on this info.

    But you can certainly start soft testing his reaction by finding stories or posts and seeing how he reacts to it.

  69. These are all symptoms of bad mental health. Untreated depression and anxiety can look like this.

    I urge you to address this as a mental health issue and not a matter of lack of motivation or laziness, nor physical size and appearance.

    Talk to her about her mental health, tell her you are concerned and would like her to seek treatment.

    If she doesn't want to address her issues, then you have to decide whether your lifestyles line up and whether there is a future together that would satisfy you.

  70. Why are you with this guy if you hate everything about him?

    It seems like the kind of guy that has tried his entire life to find the things that make him happy and to be comfortable in his own skin, and now he's got a judgemental “partner”.

    When you care about someone, seeing them do things that make them happy will bring you joy. This isn't happening here, so stop dating him.

    Also, this is borderline worth responding to, and probably a troll, since it LITERALLY IS THE EXACT SAME STORYLINE AS 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN.

  71. He is using you, find someone in your age range before you have to make another post called “he cheated on me for a younger girl” in a decade or so

  72. The best way to respond to him is to ignore his personal questions. Do not entertain him. He does not own the company, you can always file a complaint about him if he’s taking it too personal on you.

  73. It can work and it can be a disaster. I hope it works out for you.

    Advice: You are going to have to adapt to each other quickly so there's a reasonable amount of give and take BUT – your boundaries need to be respected. Don't let new Hubby bully or coerce you into decisions that you do not want regarding the biggies of sex, finance, children and living arrangements. You are still your own person.

    Always know where you'd have to go if he turns out to be a monster (the narcissists can change suddenly once you're 'theirs')

  74. And that movie is the ultimate romantic idealistic version of a story that much more commonly unfolds in a way to be bleak and unhappy.

  75. If you went through the trouble of going through her phone, I hope you screen shot everything. And sent them to yourself.

    What you do is you ask her how her night was and what she did. And you ask her why she got home so late after saying she was getting a uner around 330.

    If you can explain the time gap and mentions Harry, your fine. If she can't and doesn't mention him? Then you break out the screenshots

  76. I think it's nice to have friends of different ages. You can spend time with these people, and also make some older friends. You could even volunteer at a nursing home and make some senior citizen friends. It's not creepy to be platonic friends with people of different ages. It's only creepy if you're hitting on young women sexually.

  77. Apologize for what? Truly. You have a prior commitment. He’s angry? Not good. Red flag. He didn’t even consider your schedule when making plans for an entire week. What in the world are you apologizing for?

  78. Apologize for what? Truly. You have a prior commitment. He’s angry? Not good. Red flag. He didn’t even consider your schedule when making plans for an entire week. What in the world are you apologizing for?

  79. I've know loads of alcoholics and one fact is they're either sober and don't drink or make up every excuse lie story schedule etc to conceal or justify their drinking. 3 family members are dead now from alcohol so it is a serious problem..

  80. Not sure why you’re taking it out on other people when you’re the one who fucked up. Seems like she dodged a bullet if you have that attitude

  81. My boyfriend has terrible ADHD and makes sure i cum every time multiple times if that’s what I’d like. Get a new boyfriend

  82. I think you are getting hung up on the sex issue and feeling uncertainty about it because you haven’t clearly thought through how to handle this as a limiting factor in dating. If you feel strongly that you want to wait for marriage to have sex, you need to really own it and let that be a driving force in whom you choose to date and how you go about it.

    Lots of people have qualities or criteria that limit their dating pool. Like when I was dating after my divorce, I knew that lots of available men would not want to date a divorced woman with 2 young kids. That’s totally fair, and I didn’t begrudge any guy that would feel that way; I just looked for ways to weed them out so that nobody wasted their time and I could try to find people that would be truly interested in me.

    Your limiting factor is that you want to remain a virgin until you marry. Lots of guys won’t be up for that either, and that’s their prerogative. Your goal isn’t to change anyone’s mind on that; it’s to identify them and get them out of your way so that you can find the ones that do truly accept that.

    There are guys out there that will accept this, and some may even desire this just as much as you do. This guy isn’t one of them. He doesn’t respect your decision on that at all. He clearly went into this with the intent of breaking your resolve and is getting angry and dangerous because he’s been unsuccessful. That makes him way worse than a guy that just says “thanks but no thanks” and moves on right from the very beginning. A person that does that is not a person that you could expect to respect any of your other boundaries in your relationship either.

    Ditch this guy and make room for someone better. Think about ways to weed out future boundary stompers. This is one thing that internet dating is really helpful with, as you can get this out right away in your profile and let those that aren’t interested in waiting for marriage move right along.

    Also, if there is a religious component to this, using sites that are geared towards matching people with common religious beliefs is probably a good idea as well.

  83. It sounds like you’re in a position where, culturally, your options are limited, and even if they weren’t, your family thinks that finding a love match is unlikely?

    Have you talked to the woman they are trying to match you with, to hear her thoughts on it? Have you told her what you would expect in a spouse, and asked her what she would expect? It could be that she’s equally ambivalent about the match, but also feels her options are limited?

    Is it possible that the two of you could come to an agreement about what marriage will look like, what each of you can expect from the other, and consider proceeding with the match, if you both can come to an agreement that suits you? Could you both agree that neither of you is interested in sexual relations with the other, and discuss what it would take for both of you to ultimately feel attracted? Is it possible that she could get out of her family’s home and would then feel happier, may not be so “lazy” once she isn’t depressed, and may start being more active and lose weight?

    Alternately, is it possible that your father will stop paying for school regardless, once he thinks you’ve secured financial stability, and is looking for an out?

    I wouldn’t normally advise someone to marry someone they aren’t in love with, but I know that’s a very western outlook on love and marriage, and that in cultures where arranged marriages are common, that may not be the case. If marrying her is the only way to achieve your life goals, maybe in this scenario your best bet is to talk to her, to better understand what this would look like for each of you, and figure out how to make it work so you both feel happy with the arrangement.

  84. I heard somewhere recently that men who are controlling aren’t often into women who appear to like being controlled. Because then when they succeed in controlling this type of woman, it’s like a prize. I don’t know if this resonates with you, but your husband sounds like a real jerk.

  85. Yeah, no.

    Get your stuff, be glad you got some kind of answer, even though it's probably a lie, and keep it moving, sister.

    If somebody shows you who they are, believe them.

    This guy showed you that you can't trust him, he's extremely unreliable, and maybe that's not his fault, but you're the one who got hurt. He shouldn't get a chance to hurt you again.

  86. Lie to dad. Tell him you broke up with bf. Keep him in a very strict info diet. Once you're done with school, go no contact with dad.

  87. The only way you'd lose her is if you stopped being in her life, or moved out of state. Even if your now gf got primary custody, some courts won't permit relocation with a child if it causes the child to have to uproot their life or avoid contact with a parent with custody rights. I'm not a lawyer, but I am a child of divorce and have some experiential knowledge with this. Firstly, I wouldn't stay with your ex. You two aren't good together, and it'll be better in the long run for your children if you co-parent from a distance. Trust me on this one, watching mom and dad fight all the time is extremely traumatizing. Second, I'd consult with a family lawyer about custody so you don't lose your daughter.

  88. Oh, OP.

    Dump the bf, don't waste another second on him.

    Someone who genuinely loves you will love you for you. Even your accent. This guy is not it.

    Never change yourself for someone else in such a way like this. This is different than personal growth, this is a core aspect of you that makes you unique.

    PS I find Scottish accents to be one of the most beautiful accents around the world. A mix between all the different locations in Scotland would be so neat to hear!

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