Mia-glamm live! sex chats for YOU!


hot girl fucks with her machine while squirting, machine at maximum power [Fill The Tank Show]

Date: October 12, 2022

94 thoughts on “Mia-glamm live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I'm sorry OP, this is pretty major this is definitely something you should have shared with you, they broke the trust. Why didn't they tell you? Have they still been seeing each other? What were they doing when i left them alone together? You never know because they clearly aren't honest and it would be nude to trust anything out of their mouths about the situation at his point. They actively kept this from you because they knew it would be a huge deal. To them and everyone in the comments saying they were 16, yeah but this is today's betrayal for OP, they weren't 16 when they kept it from him. They broke your trust, whether or not you want to work past this is on you. I will say you have your whole life ahead of you, so decide wisely

  2. If you guys were on again off again and you felt it important to know who she hooked up with while you were off again, why wait until 6 years have passed and your married to ask about it?

  3. I can see you love her . What I can’t give you any confidence about is that she won’t do this again . It’s not just what she did but that she lied to you rather than telling you what happened . Love needs to be two way – however much you love her these are not the actions of someone who loves you in the same way . Unless there is honesty and trust between you all that lies ahead is pain for you .

  4. Yes you are right about what you did!

    I have some male friends that I’m really close with, but their SO is always invited to participate in any of our plans and I expect that they will be attending. If his coworker/friend isn’t also your friend at this point, it’s a weird situation.

    You’ll find someone who respects your boundaries.

  5. I would not feel comfortable with that person. Hell na, especially if u barely into sex in the first place. Consent is sexy

  6. If my back is itchy, I don't avoid scratching it just because my wife's back seldom itches.

    Masturbation is an important part of self care for most people. It also lowers our risk of prostate cancer.

    I agree with the other poster, I think a bit of sex therapy would be good for you guys.

  7. It’s about values and how each of you views marriage and those discussions should be had early in the relationship to avoid situations like this. Some people don’t see marriage as necessary and are perfectly ok with cohabiting forever without getting married. Other people like myself and clearly you too, value marriage and the stability that comes with it but also the significance. That’s why when you meet someone to whom it’s not important it can feel upsetting and surprising and you may even take it personally. At this stage of your relationship if you feel marriage is important to you, have the conversation with him and explain why. He may agree to get married and think it’s a good idea or he may be set in a way of thinking that it doesn’t change anything and it’s not important. You then have to think about what you want and if you would be ok with continuing to on-line as you are without being married or if doing so would go against what you believe. Don’t change your values just to fit in with what someone else wants. If you both can’t agree on it and it’s important to you, you have to think carefully about the future of the relationship and what you want to do.

  8. This is how the drugs work these days. You don't even test positive. Having HIV these days is not an issue, but it carries a huge stigma from the past when HIV was quite serious. This whole post documents how huge is the stigma when in fact, these days, you take drugs and that's it. You can't pass it to sexual partner or child, AIDS will never develop etc.

  9. You should breaking with her not because she’s a stripper but because you judge her.

    She told you who she was day 1. You thought you could change her, or “save” her. Turns out people are who they are. She deserves someone better than you, who looks down on her.

    Just from the way you write about her. What’re your career aspirations and goals? You say you don’t want to rely on her stripping. Where’s your money? What do you do?

    If she really wants to quit stripping I hope she makes it out and finds a great job. And I hope she does it dating someone else that accepts who she is.

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  11. Withholding sex as punishment is manipulative and toxic as heck. Don’t have sex you don’t want to have but if you think withholding sex is going to teach him a lesson, you’re wrong.

    Also, seems to me you need a lot of external validation due to low self esteem .not only do you want regular compliments, you want specific kinds as the current ones like “you look nice in that dress” apparently don’t count.

    Therapy. That’s what you need. Not forced fake compliments.

    I (44F) have never been with someone who was doling out compliments all day long or was playing grab ass every time I changed clothes. Frankly, it would annoy TF out of me. Sure it’s nice to hear “wow, you look gorgeous tonight” when we are dressed up to go to a fancy thing. But if he said that to me when I’m walking in the door from doing barn chores with hay in my hair and smelling like horse, I’d know it was bullshit.

  12. I wouldn’t have a problem with him not wanting to on-line together just yet, but I would have a problem with him moving far, which would make it a ldr. I wouldn’t do it. That’s just me.

  13. Girl, he befriended her after that because she's willing to mess around with her superiors. Their relationship goes beyond friendship.

  14. You do not give gifts in contemplation of receiving gifts, that's not what Christmas is about. Why should you be entitled to gifts from your boyfriend's family? You also don't say how old the brother is and how long they've been together, that's context that would be useful in this.

  15. Dude. You're 40 and she's 25. This was never a great situation. Your ex put you both through hell. She responded by sleeping around. You need deep therapy and to date a peer. Not someone just starting adulthood.

  16. I think you might be right. he said he needed space, so i haven’t been contacting him except to wish him a happy bday. I think he saw the package label and got excited and just opened it anyways.

  17. Unless this dude comes from a rich family or owns a big business he's not gonna get no tax break. Remember it's harsh capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich.

  18. It is probably a scam. Do they know your measurements? Do you have an agent? How can this scout even know you have the right body? Your husband was hurt but if you are determined to model, then go to a reputable agency. That is the way most businesses get models, not scouting the streets.

  19. Go back to work, get some financial freedom. It would be good to get some head space away from the predator that trapped you at what 18?

  20. He does not want to have a baby with you ever. He may be using this to get you to break up with him. But I assure you, he does not want to have a baby with YOU. Ever.

  21. I mean, you married a guy with a lot of red flags and you are surprised that he has red flags? This is who he is. He wasn’t functional and employed when you met him, he isn’t instantly going to become functional and employed because you tell him to get a job.

    You can quit telling him to get a job and just make sure you are splitting the household burden evenly with work, chores, and childcare. I don’t believe in men being ‘emasculated.’ So there’s no excuse for his nastiness. But if the shoe was on the other foot and a man was saying the wife had to get a job, people would be pointing out what SAHMs do for the family.

    Or you can divorce him. This will probably hurt you financially short term. But it’s better than constantly fighting and raising your child in this environment.

  22. Oof that’s just an odd situation. I can see why she didn’t address it head on because you’re not there yet.

    The reality is, you might also be a little upset at the direct knowledge that she’s simultaneously entertaining other sexual connections.

    Personally, I’d take it in stride and cross that bridge if and when you begin talking about more serious relationship things.

  23. I wouldn't give him another chance. He chose to look at them eventho you DISCUSSED it clearly. He knew how you would react if you saw it and still he chose to. Just for a few minutes of pleasure.

    I also have these boundaries with my bf and he would never ever do that to me. I never saw a picture of a half-naked girl on his feed. People CAN stop looking at soft-porn. But your bf didn't want to and overstepped them multiple times, lied to you etc.

  24. Guys do not joke about bacon. If there was one simple fact about men that all women should know, that's it.

  25. For me personally, being told his expectations and having to wait for him to propose, would honestly feel like I would put my life on a hold. I love him so much and see him as a long-term partner, so him wanting to put it on hold for 8 more years does feel like a certain part of my life is being put on hold.

  26. You cant make it better. Give him time away, let him focus on other things, let him sort himself out. If he had feelings for you, its pretty much a break up, and its just that much harder to get over someone when they're constantly around you.

  27. I mentioned some flirtatious behavior in another comment. As for the nasty comments, I don’t want to share details as my boyfriend has Reddit and it will make it obvious this is about us. Purposefully changed our ages a bit to make it more anonymous.

  28. So your violent 13 years older than you boyfriend wants you to buy a gun for him under your name because he’s not allowed to have one???? No. There is no way to handle the argument better in the future. In the future he’s going to hurt you or worse. Get out now you’re not safe.

  29. Cant believe I need to write you this but here it goes.

    Move the fuck on. Delete her from your life. Never acknowledge her existence again.

    the end

  30. Well for one good for you for being with someone that turns you on that much. Two just think about the grossest thing you can think of then go get an AI art print of it so whenever you're inappropriately horney you look at the print in your phone & boom you're good.

  31. Which culture are your and her family from? If you’re Chinese then I think you’re doing what you are supposed to and if non of you are then it seems like you are doing more than most would require.

  32. Imo both your parents are TA. Your moms an AH for forcing your dad to abandon one of his children. Your dads an AH for not only agreeing to it but then helping her out more with tuition then you. I know he probably did it because he feels guilty about abandoning her but that’s still really shitty of him to do.

  33. Why the fuck do people make up stuff on Reddit?

    You think he's a doctor. You say you're not sure if Plan B works and will be ovulating next time and are thinking about going back. Look, I'm sorry to be a dick, but it's not hard: Either stop making things up or break up with him due to sexual assault/rape.

  34. also I forgot to add this context: we dated off and on for 3.5 years up until now. (was in a real relationship for like 4 months then 1.5 years) and we act like we're dating but we're not. we're just like “off” in the whole on and off thing but also kinda talking but not really right now. we text all day, every day (like it takes minutes to scroll through Snapchat's daily messages). we call most nights. and I just think we need some transparency and I asked if we could talk in the morning to clear the air.

  35. also I forgot to add this context: we dated off and on for 3.5 years up until now. (was in a real relationship for like 4 months then 1.5 years) and we act like we're dating but we're not. we're just like “off” in the whole on and off thing but also kinda talking but not really right now. we text all day, every day (like it takes minutes to scroll through Snapchat's daily messages). we call most nights. and I just think we need some transparency and I asked if we could talk in the morning to clear the air.

  36. I did, but under a false pretense. He had already decided to break up with me but was still being intimate with me and saying things he clearly didn’t mean. If I had known how he truly felt I would not have consented.

  37. Did your father left your mom because he didnt want to be responsible when she was pregnant?. If yes, then let him marry this cheater, serves him right. When its the right time, when you are not afraid, casually tell your father about your relationship with his husband.

  38. You have zero cards. What you did was a serious violation of privacy and respect. There are no cards in your favor. You are selfish, you violated her privacy and boundaries and now you’re playing stupid saying you can overlook it. She may not be able to and you not giving her a choice makes you a manipulative liar and a coward and it’s straight up abusive behavior. You are not a good boyfriend. You made the decision to violate her trust in you. On-line with the consequences.

  39. I take pictures of my butt and body so that I can see progress that I otherwise wouldn't see because it happens so gradually and I have some body dysmorphia. Lots of women do this.

  40. Yea I agree, I guess what sucks is just that it is so sudden and basically completely the opposite to what she said. It also sucks that I’ll see her at college often, but will just do the same as she does

  41. Yep I am! I won’t hold mistakes over myself for the rest of my life sorry. Apparently I planned out this whole night and knew exactly what was going to happen and how to avoid it. Taking an Uber is what anyone would’ve done and I didn’t plan for the Uber driver to be a creep or I would’ve gotten home safely. Never mind that that can’t be changed and wasn’t even WHAT I WAS ASKING. DUmbasses I swear

  42. You need to go to therapy. Then at some point, when you can get over yourself, perhaps you can ask her to join you.

    Right now, you still can't see where you were wrong, so you need to get that addressed first, and alone.

  43. If you do reach out to him, which might actually give him quite a bit of closure, you need to make sure that:

    Your husband knows and is okay with it Your make it very clear to “this guy” that you are taken Your mental health will not be harmed by reaching out You genuinely want to do this

  44. No he’s the one who texted me first as soon as I left his house the next morning to make sure I got home safely. He also kept saying “next time you come” he plans to see me again and we didn’t have sex so soon it’s been 4 months and we’ve hooked up before but didn’t have sex we were both anticipating it for awhile and he said it was amazing. He also texted me first on superbowl then Valentine’s Day but it still seems like he’s hesitant to ask to see me again or what’s me to be the aggressor

  45. We know considerably more than that.

    This charmer began the relationship with the following declarations: No Marriage! No Children! and No Pets!

    I do believe it was good for him to be up front about all of that but he is clearly a withholding, overbearing, grump.

  46. Buy her a shirt…. cover it with suckers…. write on the shirt “A suck for a buck”…. and use the money to buy her drinks.

  47. What advice is it you’re looking for here? You’re having a baby with another man. You were separated from your husband. Family and so called friends are giving unsolicited opinions and ultimately, they don’t matter. Things happen for a reason. This is between you and the babies father. Absolutely no one else’s opinion should be taken in to account with any decisions being made

  48. Yeah, if she's a friend and you want to grab lunch, you should be able to. If it ever feels like that dynamic shift, then reevaluate. But right now, it sounds like your GF is insecure. You might want to dig a little as to why she thinks this is such a huge problem.

  49. What can I do? I'd take any form of advice.

    Figure out why you did it instead of just trying to say “I don't know”. Then maybe you will have a great relationship with another man in the future.

  50. We’re pooling together £700 each and putting it all towards this holiday it won’t be anyones money it’ll just be both of our money for that trip to use on one account

  51. Quite frankly: This may be a lost cause. It's not like you've been together for years. The first few months are supposed to be awesome. Honeymoon phase, everything about the partner is amazing, it's all sunshine and roses.

    But here, in the first four months, you have shown so many red flags that most women would have run away. You are absolutely not at fault for having trauma, but it is clear that you weren't (and still aren't) ready for a relationship yet.

    The sad truth is that a few days of reflecting and reading a few books is a good start, but real change is nude. Especially if the issues are locked down by trauma. Knowing the theory is good, but it takes often months of therapy to be able to act accordingly in stressful situations, where the anxiety and panic then suddenly surges forward.

    And, in the eyes of this woman, it hasn't gotten better – it got worse. It went from you not being able to sleep with her (which she understood and was fine with) to you feeling used and over-apologizing (which turned her off) to you completely overwhelming her with your insecurities. This isn't “anxiety getting better”. That's the opposite.

    So no, you have not changed your mindset. You want to change your mindset, which will take hot work and doesn't magically happen overnight. You have identified the issue, not solved it. It just feels this way because you are desperate and also because you have right now the distance from situations which triggered you – situations you will get into again.

    I would suggest you get a real therapist to work on your issues instead of just a few books. Not for this girl, but for yourself. And if she decides to give you another chance, then she can see that you're working on yourself for real that way.

    That said, don't contact her. The ball is now in her court. And if she doesn't get back to you, then no answer is also an answer. I personally don't think you're ready, though.

  52. That does sound rather cruel. There is certainly a lot of frustration floating around the house.

    I would say that you should attempt to do a quid-pro-quo situation. Do something he likes in exchange for a favor you want. While he shouldn't NEED to have a favor given to him in exchange for basic house chores, he may be in a mind space that would appreciate that sort of situation.

    If that doesn't work, then you may need to have a serious discussion about your health, how the relationship is stagnating, and what you want to do to save it.

    If he takes it badly, then you may have to weigh your options for moving on. Being in a toxic situation long term, especially with health issues to deal with ontop of everything else, is going to leave you in a place that is REALLY nude to get out of.

    You're still relatively young and could bounce back from a shitty marriage. I've dated divorced people and had wonderful times. You have options, don't forget that.

  53. Why on earth would you want her back? She cheated on you and doesn't care. That's in your own words. Move on. Don't talk to her again.

  54. How is she nice when she blocked you and was with another guy for your, I would assume, relationship? Or did you just think yall were together?

  55. It's about the baby being fed first and foremost. The baby is not being fed by trans wife and that's what's worrying. Nothing in your comment addresses this.

  56. And I appreciate that piece of advice. Yeah, this current therapist is really something… we’ve had about six or seven sessions and she still can’t say my name right.

    Would it be rude for me to switch to another provider at the same office?

  57. If she didn't have your consent for her to go out on this date and do stuff then she is cheating. It really sounds like you two are not compatible, you should probably move on.

  58. Send him text saying you two are done. Then block him on everything. Don’t bother with anything left at his place. Do not see him in person or speak with him on the phone.

    Tell your parents what’s going on. They need to know since you on-line with them and it’s a safety issue. If he keeps trying to contact you, keep the evidence but don’t respond. Go to the police if you have to. Tell your friends not to give him any info about you and block him as well if they have him on sm.

    Good luck to you.

  59. Unfortunately, this is becoming all too common. Like alcohol, some people can’t just smoke weed on occasion, and his addiction is ruining his life. He most likely needs serious treatment. You can try to talk to him about it, but it may be better if a group of friends and family work together to get him some help.

  60. I get that but lying to someone's face, pushing them to tell you personal things about their health and then claiming drained you of their emotions pisses me off. I don't want him back, he doesn't want me back however idk why he wants to be friends and mix out professional lives together when he feels this way?

  61. My husband told me he would not be involved in the planning and that he shouldn't be expected to help.

    Why tf does he think he shouldn't be expected to help with his own daughter's birthday party?

    He then got mad at me for being upset and told me I better not tell anyone.

    Of course, he wouldn't want you telling people what an asshole he's being. It might look bad.

    Inviting a few of her classmates instead of the whole class is completely fine. Having a husband who doesn't care about his own daughter's happiness is not fine.

  62. Get a job. If you’re being a “homemaker” full time, it’s not out of line to expect the home to be “made.” The only solutions are, clean up more, or get a job and split cleaning duties.

  63. The only reason this dude should be on your mind is if he does in fact “go to the cops” and they come knocking at your door.

    Which is a totally hollow bullshit threat because I'm willing to bet evidence of him messing around with you while he was on the clock and keeping his other relationships a secret from you is a heck of a lot more damaging to him than it would be to you lol

    He's just trying to have the last word, losers like him can't stand being defeated by their own actions so they have to take one last shot to feel they “got ahead” or whatever…

    let him

    this idiot is not worth another second of your energy or thought.

  64. It’s complicated but the gist is that we’re from different countries. My dad is also from another different country, but same as the ex. My bf mentioned something about his ex’s grave when they were talking about said country, and he said he just followed the conversation from there.

  65. Healing from such a tragic event is forever. Therapy, suicide survivors support groups, knowing it never really goes away.

    20 years after niece ended her life, my sister still grieves and has joined on-line support of others. My grandfather took his life middle of WWII and I can't say anyone has closure. At some point if you are still a couple, for your own growth, you might want to look into suicide support.

    I think it is up to him when he feels safe and ready. Maybe “accidentally” was a way of letting others in.

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