Melodyhot1 online sex chats for YOU!


46 thoughts on “Melodyhot1 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think you need to start planning your life without a nan involved, buy the house etc, and if the right man comes along then possibly change your plans.

  2. I would keep in mind that it takes a lot of time to really know someone. Also maybe keep in mind that if you want a future with him, this stuff may still be on his record and their are times as an adult background checks are done, for example some good jobs will have a background check on good candidates, i had to provide a background check to rent a couple different apartments. If I had a criminal record I would not be able to live! in a decent place or have a good job. Depending on how old he was when he got his criminal record, it could be a roadblock through his/your life. Keep your eyes open as actions speak louder than words and good luck to you.

  3. you are an adult right? Theres a very fine like that men can walk and often toe over, and its the difference between treating your partner like a partner, and treating them like a child.

    Frankly if you want your boyfriend to rescue you, dont engage in banter. There is always a level of escalation that can happen dangerously fast from men, i know this because i have been on both sides of it.

    If you apologized after you obviously upset the “friend” and then he continued to berate you… then id understand and think your boyfriend was an asshole for not getting involved.

    For him its a Lose Lose situation, im just trying to provide insight, i am not trying to minimize or ignore your feelings or victim blame.

  4. Hello! I’ve been in what I would call a “stale” relationship before. I dated a guy for 6 years and we lived together for 4.5 of those. We got to a point where we were both complacent with the relationship. I wanted to fix it by getting to the root of the problem and/or breaking up if necessary, but he did not act in a way that made me think he was concerned about our dynamic at all. When I did finally end it, it felt like it had dragged on for months and we were both a lot happier once broken up yet i knew he would have never made any steps to break it off if I hadn’t. A lot of people drag out serious relationships for longer than they should because they’re comfortable in them.

    What I’m trying to say is, it sounds like your girlfriend may be just “coasting” on autopilot in you two’s relationship. It seems like she has no desire to change the current dynamic of your relationship so unfortunately if she will not do it, you may be left with no other choice but to initiate a breakup. However, considering your health and financial situation I don’t think there is any harm staying in the relationship until you can get your health back in order and have more money saved up to get a place. Based on what you are saying, I personally think you’re going to keep emotionally investing in a relationship she appears to be completely fine with or possibly checked out of and it will exhaust you more in the end. My advice would be to remove yourself emotionally from your relationship as much as you can, get back on your feet health-wise and financial-wise, find a place to live! without her, and then break it off. I doubt she is going to suspect anything and even if she does, she does not seem like the person who is going to end the relationship because she notices you discontent with it.

    I hope your situation improves and best of luck!

  5. It honestly could have been an innocent slip. But if I were you I would start focusing a lot more on his behavior

  6. This is a really good response. I appreciate you taking the time to write that. You’re right, I think it will take me some more time and serious thinking to decide the answer to that.

  7. I would stop doing something if he doesn't like it. Especially if he asks me to limit it and not to give it up. Plus I think any reasearch will tell you that gaming that much is not healthy.

  8. My ex husband beat the shit out of me then threatened to commit suicide bc he “felt so bad about it”(he did it the night I found out my childhood dog was being put down and in severe pain). I told him to go ahead and off himself because I didn’t care. Spoiler alert: he didn’t and the abuse continued and I nearly lost my life and he was facing 80 years behind bars.

    When people show their true colors, believe them. There’s nothing you can do to change a person like this and it’s not worth risking your life to do so…no matter how “good” it is when “things are good”.

  9. Kinda sounds to me like she’s shaming you for a normal and healthy behavior. Personally I would consider that overly controlling and would see it as a huge red flag, especially if you are doing it in moderation and thinking of her while you do it. Almost every human being masturbates or has masturbated. Men, women, other, people who say they do, people who say they don’t, we are biologically sexual beings and sex isn’t always readily available. it’s not something to feel shame for and as long as you are doing it respectfully, and it certainly doesn’t make you a monster.

  10. She ditched you and lied and said she was going to a girls night out and got some numbers from some guys. Ex girlfriend right there.

  11. That's not the point of my comment, men refuse to see reason or logic when dealing with Hygiene and take the easy way out then moan and complain about having to “compromise” on something that should be a basic habit

  12. Bruh she’s a older lady who probably gives no fucks and is laughing her ass off right now. I can see my grandma doing some random bullshit like this to make everyone uncomfortable for her own enjoyment. She would be overjoyed if she found out you wrote all this to strangers on the internet for advice.

  13. Hello /u/anonrabbit1892,

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  14. Good suggestion! Our deal is whoever cooks doesn't have to clean up from cooking dinner so I like that I can still hold up my end of the bargain. I'll hate it but short-term hate for long-term gain is definitely better than nothing.


  15. I've never said whether or not it's acceptable or not.

    I'm saying, it's a pretty common thing. I've seen it pretty often, actually.

    Those “friends” are solely live! “friends” whom I met in some FB groups. That's why I put “”–they're not my irl friends. I try to not befriend people who basically hype each other out to lie/cheat on their partners.

  16. Holy fucking shit dude, I'm so sorry to hear about your treatment by the hands of your parents. That is so dark, but because it is that way, I'd say simply showing her the damage done to your body without it getting sexual is probably the BEST way to convey to her why you are so reluctant. Just make sure to share this and your story at the same time, because those two things combined made me think, “Holy fuck honey (imagining I'm your girlfriend), I understand why you have been so hesitant. I'm willing to slow down if that helps.”

    I should mention that I'm a guy, but I could totally see her saying this to you, as that is how I would react if my SO shared something so traumatizing with me.

    And if she doesn't react well, then she is probably not the type of person who could help you heal over such an ordeal. GL dude, hope that you decide to share this with her and it goes well! ❤️??

  17. After you got home and found out that your gf was right, did you go and admit you were wrong and apologize for doubting her?

  18. DO NOT involve yourself in his current crisis. This is not your fault, and this is not your mess to clean up. He decided to disrespect you and didn't want to live! with the consequences of his decisions: not your fault, not your problem. It's disgusting that anyone would tell you that you should be there to support or forgive him because of what he did to himself. The amount of emotional manipulation is unacceptable. Oh, and btw, the amount of emotional turmoil placed on you is unfair. Clean your hands and walk away from his trash ass.

  19. It just seems weird. I have done international travel and never needed a passport to make the arrangements? Just be careful.

  20. Oh yes. It most certainly was. And it ended up really hurting us both and our son and her daughter from a previous relationship.

    Everyone being flawed doesn’t mean it’s ok to continue acting in ways that hurt yourself and others. Whether you heed my warning and experience or not, I just hope the minimal amount of damage gets done to everyone involved.

  21. since you canceled it and the venus are non refundable, why don’t you do a big family reunion or something on that day and still use what you paid for? doesn’t have to go to waste and you could make good out of bad

  22. I know others have said this in different ways about the abuser's playbook but I just wanted to try and make this point really clear – this 'vulnerability' that he shows about being insecure, is most definitely a playbook tactic.

    Abuser's agenda, is to suck you back in, and maintain their power over you. Full stop. If they have to show a bit of 'vulnerability' to do that, they will, because they know it works. It pulls on your guilt/empathy string, like crocodile tears.

    They will usually go to this one when aaaaaall the other manipulations have failed.

    The sooner you see it as just another tool in his toolbox to get you back, rather than as a genuine display of remorse, the sooner you will see the real person in front of you.

  23. Let's go ahead and just go with HIS version of things for the sake of still impressing upon you how serious this is. So, sure, we will say she came home and he apparently had evidence she was cheating on him. By his own admission, he has such little control of his temper that he escalated the confrontation to the point he shoved her very hot enough near something else that she hit her head. He was charged and convicted of a lesser crime than originally booked for… But even then he harmed another human because he was angry. What if he thinks YOU'RE cheating because you've been out with friends? Are you willing to take that chance? Has he been to therapy of his own accord? Anger management classes? Domestic violence classes? ANYTHING to grow and learn from the experience and change his reactions? If not, what makes you believe he won't repeat the behavior that he at least admitted to.

    So with that being what he admits to, consider that the truth is often somewhere in the middle between two opposing parties. Maybe he didn't get as violent as she describes but he almost certainly did more than shove her and have her accidentally hit her head. Don't be naive.

  24. This was my thought. If the girlfriend's reaction had been to dump OP and be with BFF instead, I highly doubt that OP would feel as warm and fuzzy about staying friends while BFF steals his girl.

    But because she shut it down, it's somehow different?

  25. This is the best advice in this thread. Always look at actions first as the best indicator of progress

  26. Friend circles are a good start, make people aware you are interested in meeting people. Volunteering can also be useful to increase your friend group. Instead of focusing on men, focus on being confident and enjoying yourself that is attractive to other people. Have a range of interests and hobbies. Learn active listening and how to signal interest via body language will also be helpful.

    I say that about body language as you can communicate interest without words more effectively that way.

    Learn about healthy relationships and boundaries wouldn't hurt either so you can make good choices.

  27. the real question here is who is the anime girl? fr tho im with u on this. doesnt sound like a big deal, sth to laugh about even. but im a 27 f weeb so my perspective is more relaxed than your wifes.

  28. Oh no, she needs individual therapy with a licensed psychologist specialized in abuse. For me, it would be a dealbreaker if she doesn’t go, considering her behaviour.

  29. I 100% support your right to use condoms while on the pill, and you are not an AH for hiding the birth control from your husband. Your body…your choice!

    Question: Would your husband be open to using condoms during your fertile time even if you were on the pill? That’s something to consider if you have a respectful relationship. If your periods are regular and consistent, you can consult with your doctor on which days/week you are fertile. There also are apps that help. During that fertile time, double up the contraception with condoms. But your risk of pregnancy during the non-fertile times (assuming you are consistently taking your birth control pills and have regular periods) is extremely low. I recommend discussing this with your doctor.

    Depending on the trust within your relationship and your husband’s understanding of his own body, withdrawal is also a good secondary method of birth control when used WITH the pill, IUD, etc.

    It’s understandable if your husband would prefer not to use condoms, but this is ultimately your choice. However, it may help if you talk to your doctor about risks of pregnancy when the pill is used with a secondary method such as fertility tracking. Again, fertility tracking only works if you have very regular periods. Definitely discuss with your doctor first.

  30. Definitely not a surprise. I was more surprised that my own mind had changed in this way when I didn’t think I wanted children

  31. Lol. So you’re dodging the question because you don’t want to admit that you are, actually, biphobic.

    And like I said, just ask him and tell him it’s a dealbreaker if so. If there’s nothing to be ashamed of in that position, why hesitate?

  32. Christ dude. Your girlfriend deserves better than this.

    I mean hell there is a statistic about how often men leave their wives/girlfriends when they get sick. It literally happens so often doctors have to prepare women married to men for the potential of their man leaving them. Your girlfriend aint even sick and just the thought, the potential of it happening, has you with one foot out the door ?. Let her find someone who will stick beside her in sickness and in health.

  33. She’s having an affair with her boss, spent Valentine’s Day/night with him. Don’t invest more time, just end it.

  34. Is this girl the same of your previous post? Did you got back with your previous ex? If yes. PLEASE STOP HURTING EACH OTHER, just leave and live.

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