Melany-rousse on-line webcams for YOU!


Make me cum [Multi Goal]

Date: November 18, 2022

6 thoughts on “Melany-rousse on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Yeah as a guy, whom would have been working 6 hours away on valentine's day, and gets sent a picture of my gf with her straight guy best friend cuddling with his hand on my girl's breast… In their underwear… It's over. Sorry, but you should be more responsible. And not trying to be sexist or anything but as a female you should especially not be drinking that much.. you're more vulnerable to being taken advantage of. AND.. well I think that's it lol. Adjust your drinking habits. I had a friend who would drink and get really drunk. I wouldn't party with her bc I'm not really into the party scene but it was shocking to hear how much she would drink and also on tinder dates. At some point she couldn't even walk straight and her tinder date had to help her home up the stairs to her door. Her roommate was there and took her in from there. Point, be careful and drink less.

  2. I doubt my opinion on this will be popular but I am going to offer it anyway.

    I think you are being too sensitive. If he doesn't treat/talk to you that way under any other circumstances, then I don't see the instances as an over-all issue. Sounds like he might be taking gaming a bit too serious (I'm not a gamer so of course I feel this way) but I don't think this is indicative of someone who is otherwise predisposed to being abusive/violent.

    My analogy may be totally off, but it's like saying someone is likely to physically abuse you because they pushed you out of the way of an object falling on you that would only cause you minimal harm if it hit you. I'm sure everyone is going to shoot all kinds of holes in my analogy and that's ok. It's all subjective anyway.

  3. Yes I do recognise those. I honestly don’t know what to do. Also when she realises that it’s actually upset me ie i start crying she’s all love and nice again. I love her so much, and I know that she loves me i just don’t know what to do.

  4. You said how you feel about her but not how she felt. That leads me to believe that she just was having a good time. You’re treating her like she’s your gf when you guys kissed lol. Next time you should just come out and say you like someone and ask them out. Be a bit more calibrated than that but damn 6 months? I hope you learn from this and next time are the guy that just goes for it and gets literally the same action in 5 secs. Every time you try to play the long game rather than just man up and figure out, remember this situation.

  5. You're not here for relationship advice. Your here to whine about the shitty man you have now married and you're not going to leave him. I bet you have already complained to all of your friends and family and they just don't want to hear it anymore. Neither does reddit. Your husband likes to fuck other womens vaginas more than he loves you Marriage doesn't mean shit he is a cheater and plenty of men go on to get married and cheat on their wives. He doesn't love you he just knows you will put up with his cheating it's hot to find a woman who will let you disrespect them and cheat on them and do all of the work that a wife will do. He needs someone to bare the responsibility of life with him while he still gets to fuck whoever he wants and he has chosen you to be his sucker… Er wife… I hope you grow some self respect and decide you deserve to be loved and happy in life. But a lot of women who Marry cheaters just to stay until their hair is gray and their faces are wrinkled from stress and they gain weight and let themselves go from depression and some even fall so depressed they stop going to the dentist and lose teeth over it. Their husband goes on to leave them for a prettier healthier woman they haven't destroyed yet

  6. You are failed by people in all directions here. Do not ever lose sight of that.

    Based solely on the pain pouring out of your post, I'm going to try to tell you that there is nothing you did wrong, and I'm ashamed that there exist people that would behave this way.

    I don't want to tread too far into territory that I don't have the information on, but from what you just wrote:

    Your family has failed you (not the other way around), and this level of ignorance disgusts me and is unacceptable. This isn't 1823. This is 2023. You will never be happy so long as your family has any say in who you are supposed to be within your heart. From now on, keep them away from whom you love. You might want to point out how ashamed you are of them, but the high road is the best road for now. Your ex has also failed you, and terribly so!

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