Megan-beaker online sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 12, 2022

96 thoughts on “Megan-beaker online sex chats for YOU!

  1. If you act like you know already, would he own up to it or is the type to deny deny deny? Do you have access to his phone?

  2. I think she wants to make him jealous because she has jealous issues about him with other females. But I respect her feelings and have my boundaries with him. It seems she doesn’t respect my feelings. ?

  3. I think you’re grossly underestimating how long 3 years felt like to your child. 3 years as an adult goes by way faster. For all he knows, he was a abandoned.

    You also don’t even make any mention of the outcome of the custody battle. Did you just win visitation? Partial custody? Once a month, once a week? You sure didn’t forget to include the disparaging details about your sons mother.

    My advice would be to never hire that lawyer again and maybe ask yourself why you were ever willing to take advice that would result in you not contacting your 3 year old child for 3 years. After some introspection, then try to be the best parent you can going forward.

    And yes, you have to coparent with your sons mother. You can’t make harsh comments towards her in front of your son to try and save face even if she does it to you. It sucks and it’s not fair, but when your son is old enough he will be better off if you don’t stick him in the middle of your failed relationship. Just be his dad.

  4. Hmmmmm…..lets see…..

    couple of teenagers….together for three years….shitty communication skills…..

    What could possibly go wrong?

  5. What does he do when he wakes up earlier than you? Does he leave or does he do stuff?

    Some people don’t like sitting in bed, my ex was like that when he woke up it would give him anxiety staying in bed if he was doing nothing,

    Sounds like you guys need to learn how to communicate and listen, it doesn’t count if you talk and he blows up because that’s not effective

  6. That’s really sad, is there any way to enforce it and have protection from police/charity? If you need him to agree to the split, be clear that you are not happy and you will never be in love with him. You could try convince him it is in his favour to leave I.e. Explain that he deserves someone who can truly love him, whereas you are only staying because he is forcing you.

  7. If the kind of loyalty in a relationship that your girlfriend is looking for is not your thing, but it is your girlfriend’s thing, then in the long term you are still heading to a breakup.

    Decide is she’s actually the person you want to be with, and if she’s not then let her go. And if she is, every time you’re tempted to like a lingerie picture, go like one of your girlfriend’s pictures instead.

  8. Resident here. The match is a binding contract so you need to be 100% honest with your partner if you are not wanting to commit to this process (which is understandable). There is a very real possibility she will match somewhere completely unexpected on the bottom of her list which may be in a very different location than what you are willing to work with. This is one of the biggest decisions in her career and you both need to do what is best for each of you. Open and honest discussions. Good luck.

  9. You’re 30 years old acting like an immature 50 year old, she’s 19 and wants to have lots of sex because she’s young you can’t keep up because of the age difference. Regardless of what you think in your case age IS an issue and you said it yourself. And we can talk about gov all you want but every single one is trash no matter where you are lol but I won’t roast you on that front as well 🙂 I’ll save you that humiliation

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  11. Do yourself, and all these other people a big favor. First off read after infidelity on Reddit. It will destroy any illusion that you have that it’s not that big of a deal. People are destroyed by their lovers infidelities. Secondly, don’t ever get into a relationship until you’re grown up enough to understand what a commitment and relationship mean.

  12. u/Mysterious-Bid-7079, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. I'm glad you're starting to try to take care of yourself. Obviously this so called boyfriend has no interest in taking care of you and I hope you dump him! Remember, a good partner is an actual partner. You two should be a team in life.

    I'm worried about how bad your health got. Mental health, but also physical! Do you have a primary care doctor, one that you see for yearly check ups? If not, I think you should find one. You need to have one established that you can call when you're having health problems. It's a lot easier to get simple prescriptions for things like nausea when you already have a doctor you go to regularly. You shouldn't have to suffer so much!

    I also think you should see a doctor and tell them about your experience and your current mental state. Primary care doctors do depression evaluations all the time. You understandably can't talk to your family about this, but you still need to reach out for help. A doctor- not the clinic doctor, but a primary care doctor- can get you started getting that help. What you're going through is absolutely understandable, but you can't do this alone!

  15. Hello /u/maryjohnson12345,

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  16. I might have to start looking into it. My aunt suggested the same thing a few weeks ago, and she doesn’t even have full context of the situation. I just don’t know where to look.

  17. My mom actually had a similar thing happen where there was a large age gap between her and her four older siblings. They were all her half siblings from her parents first two marriages and I think the youngest was 12/15 years older than her with the oldest being almost 20 years older. They basically helped to raise her but weren't really around because they had literally nothing in common. Considering that this was 40/50 years ago and parenting standards were very different back then as well as her family was not poor but definitely paycheque to paycheque she had to fight to get a word in edgewise and food wise. Dinner was a free for all and if she couldn't grab it she would have it grabbed from her by one of her older siblings until they all moved out of the house. If she didn't have anything interesting to say they wouldn't hear it because, again, they had nothing in common with a toddler as 20's themselves. Primarily in her 20's/30's my mom just didn't hear from them because all 5 of them moved to countries all over the world and cellphones just weren't a thing. She had me eventually and then they all moved back to the same country (on opposite ends but it was a start) and they started talking again now with my mom in her 40's/early 50's. They never “hung out” but we send each other Christmas cards and they call for work related stuff once a week but they can occasionally be know-it-all pricks which just comes from them seeing my mom as like their child or niece and me as the grandchild. My mom and I are fine with this as it's mostly how we see them too, except with more arguments because we'd never argue with my grandparents.

    So really from my own and my mom's experience you can take what you will from it but what I would recommend is stop trying to force something that is not going to happen. You may be related as siblings but they won't see you as one because you kinda aren't since they weren't raised with you the same way they were with each other. You're setting your expectations very high. On the talking over and conversation thing, wow is that ever rude of them, but sadly what my mom had too. In the end she learned to speak up and she ended up living probably the most interesting life of all of them so that when she was 25 at the dinner table they listened when told them the story of how she ran away to Miami to become a chef and brought home a male model (my father) whom she married and travelled the world with. She had friends outside of her family and what's more, she had a life outside of her family. When she had something to say they would listen, eventually. It also gets better with age. 20 is a lot harder to relate to as a 40 year old than 40 is to a 60 year old.

    Oh and as a final touch to this. All of my cousins are 15ish years older than me minimum so none of us talk. I think I hear from them once every 3 years, but again none of us care.

  18. That held me up, too. I don't think it is usual to ask the parents of a baby to just give it up for a little “vacation,” even if they are the grandparents. And it isn't rude to deny that request.

  19. Hello /u/OkEquivalent1681,

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  20. You can put things in perspective and realize that his past relationships are not important plus he was even embellishing his past instead of downplaying out of embarrassment. If you can’t you might need to work on your own insecurities if you feel the need to know the exact details of the former sex-life of your partner.

  21. The number who are unknowingly doing so is a fraction of that. How to Lie with Statistics 101… And your statistic is probably just invented, by you or someone else.

  22. As someone already said, it was the beauty standard before that because light skin was associated with not having to work outside in the sun.

  23. I wouldn't say you creeped him out. I honestly don't exactly know what he's thinking or what is going through is mind. Maybe he's not into “the chase” though you probably aren't intentionally making him chase you. If he's still active on Bumble then he could be seeking easier dates. Again, I don't exactly know.

  24. right, but what did you gain from the lie?

    when you're worried about someone lying to you, it's because you think they're going to manipulate you or try to take advantage. you lied about being a single year younger than you are, an age that makes no material difference in any way. there's nothing a 26 year old gains that a 27 year old couldn't.

    you made a mistake, and told a stupid, inconsequential lie to cover it up. i can't see this being a deal breaker.

  25. Your dad doesn’t care about the logistics of your sexy time…. He cares that your boyfriend seems like an ass! WHY would he make a joke like that? Gay, straight or everything in between… no parent wants to hear that from their kid’s significant other. If this is someone you see being in your life for a long time, you might want to consider talking to him about apologizing to your dad.

  26. Your dad isn't uncomfortable with you being a bottom, he's uncomfortable with thinking about you having sex at all – normal. Why in the holy hell your bf decided to make a specific sex joke regarding your sex life to your parents is the real question here. Why would his “nervous joke” be something that would so obviously make the situation 10X more awkward??

  27. If someone stole your car, and then found out their parents had terminal cancer, would you just forget they stole your car?

    If you had an employee who stole money from the company, and on the way out the door he got hit by a motorcycle and paralyzed, would that prevent you from firing him and trying to get back your company's money?

    She cheated on you way before she walked into that bedroom. She flirted, kissed, and went into the room entertaining the idea that she might have sex. That's what she did for you to dump her. If something awful happened to her right after she betrayed you, it doesn't wipe away the betrayal. And that's if it even was sexual coercion, which you will never know for sure. All you know is that the person telling you about it already spent the whole night cheating on you before it happened.

  28. None of this is your fault. You can't light yourself on fire to keep another person warm.

    He's trying to manipulate you. If he tries again and succeeds, that's really sad and unfortunate but it's got nothing to do with you and everything to do with him and his issues.

    Don't let him keep making his issues your issues. You have absolutely no responsibility for his happiness, his health, his life, his emotions, or his actions.

    You did all you can do. You need to go completely no contact. Block him on all social media and phone and ignore him. Whatever he does after that is not your fault or concern.

    Unless he begins stalking or harassing you, then report him to the police.

    It sucks. But if you care for this guy even after he's a complete asshole to you then do him a favor and completely walk out of his life so he can hopefully move on. And if he doesn't well it's none of your business.

    Just walk away friend. Walk away and don't look back.

  29. You are absolutely moving too fast. You're only 22 and trying to tie yourself this older man in only 6months. Take your time before he runs.

  30. I mean at some point you've got to figure if you're just better off being alone. Cause you basically are at this point you just have a leech draining your bank account. I don't mean to insult her but that's kinda what she is at the moment. The fact is you're not getting what you need out of this relationship and its hurting you not helping. Partners are supposed to lift you up not weight you down

    If you want to work it out though I would lay out very clear conditions she has to meet if you're going to stay and give her a time frame in which it needs to be done or you're out.

    Something like 1) she gets a job 2) therapy for her issues (she pays for with job) 3) 50/50 work load around the house (we all gotta do shit we don't want to, she's a big girl she can handle it) 4) work on intimacy issues between you two 5) she pays for her stuff by herself

    And make it clear any trips or vacations she wants to go on come out of HER pocket unless you're going too which she splits with you. You need to let her know you're her boyfriend not her bank account. And give her a time frame of months not years for this too. You can extend it if you see she's really trying but if you give her a long time she just won't do it. The consequences need to be immediate and pressing (i.e. you bounce and she has to do all this shit anyway without you)

  31. No he cannot force you to pay cash for either of those things. For the ring, returning the ring (likely in your state you would have to anyway if he asked for it) is the end of your obligation. Make sure you document that you returned it though. If he repeatedly denies, then document that and look into options for getting it legally declared yours (he still wouldn’t be able to sue you for the cash equivalent of this). The timeshares thing is outrageous. If you didn’t sign any paperwork with the company putting you on the hook then he has nothing to work with. It’s possible if there are recurrent payments you could be partially responsible for those payments until your name was removed, but it’s impossible to know without having those details. This guy is pulling shit out of his ass. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I wish you luck with whatever you decide for your pregnancy. Put yourself first and protect yourself from this insane man.

  32. No he cannot force you to pay cash for either of those things. For the ring, returning the ring (likely in your state you would have to anyway if he asked for it) is the end of your obligation. Make sure you document that you returned it though. If he repeatedly denies, then document that and look into options for getting it legally declared yours (he still wouldn’t be able to sue you for the cash equivalent of this). The timeshares thing is outrageous. If you didn’t sign any paperwork with the company putting you on the hook then he has nothing to work with. It’s possible if there are recurrent payments you could be partially responsible for those payments until your name was removed, but it’s impossible to know without having those details. This guy is pulling shit out of his ass. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I wish you luck with whatever you decide for your pregnancy. Put yourself first and protect yourself from this insane man.

  33. Is this relationship working for you? It doesn't sound like it is.

    You need someone that treats you like an equal not a maid. Please dump him and run.

  34. Don’t expect anyone to forgive you, that’s up to them. Continue with your anger management, and continue trying to be a better person.

  35. I know but what about this incident? He said he knows her but he didnt understand why she didn't pay attention to him

  36. Talk to her about it. And know if this is a dealbreaker for you, it is ok. Some will shame you for it, but there's nothing wrong with having this as a dealbreaker if you can't imagine never having a BJ again in your life.

  37. It's not nice but it certainly is valid. Not taking care of yourself is unappealing and depressing. He may be losing sttraction and so on.

    It's also not just your fault either. Depression can be very real. If you're still willing to go on with the relstionship, ask him if he'd like to work out together and so on. As for your binge eating that's entirely up to you and disciplining yourself. Maybe talk to a therapist if truly necessary.

  38. To give some detail on just how much stronger than an amateur a 2350 rated player is – at that level, she would have been in the top 100 or so female players in the world. Even if she declined to the level of a strong amateur of 1900 (very unlikely), and if the 10 year old was a strong beginner at 1000 (again, very unlikely if they are falling to the tactics OP described), she would still be expected to beat him 99.4% of the time. There's simply no way that a former 2350 could be performing so badly unless deliberately throwing games, which certainly appears to be the case here.

  39. You probably attract more bees with honey.

    Your fiancé may have to learn to hone up social skill and be less antagonistic with his brother.

    If the brother sensed some change in your bf (via his action), sure, at first he may be suspicious (I'm married to a person whose brother is similar to your fiance here–and I think my BIL still sucks, tbh, despite now that he's been cleaning up his act, he still caused so much damage for so many years and the relapses after a decade or so, oh man–I digress)….but consistency will bear fruit. It takes time.

    But if your fiance won't even try to be civilized or be the one who extend that olive branch etc, then eh…this dynamic will stay forever.

  40. You need To control the narrative. So I would make sure the in-laws know the extent of her betrayal. If you don’t you will regret not doing it because the rumor Will spread very fast.

  41. Whatever you do, don’t confront her just yet. Gather more evidence.

    I understand your privacy concern, but you guys are married and if there are any issues related to the sanctity/health of your marriage, then you are well within your rights to know about them.

  42. Unfortunately, some people are just really childish about things like this. Im afraid you found one of them. Best thing to do is cut ties, block her on everything you can, and live your life.

  43. THIS!!!!! The grave yards are full of women who naively believed the words “I promise I'll never do it again.” Also please don't fall into the trap of thinking you can change him. When people tell/show you who they really are…..Believe them.

  44. Lmaooo you think people on the internet who have never met your boyfriend want to snatch him away from you?? what an absolute clown. No wonder youre jealous from a DEAD person. Get over yourself and support your boyfriend who you ‘claim’ to love.

  45. I'm not religious but I had the same problem. I don't do overtly sexual conversations. I told him straight up to stop it. And guess what? He stopped. Talk to him. No reason to feel uncomfortable.

  46. I'm French, you can find it creepy, but it's the case of many relationship here. Despite that you made a good point. I could simply go to the weeding (after all, I'll be here to celebrate my cousin's hapiness) and ignore her. And if she comes to me, or whatever, I'll try to be the good ol' friend she had. Y'know, just writting the situation down helped a lot.

  47. Yeah. Totally get all that. I never considered pinning him down and forcibly shaving him.

    Was just kinda hoping for ya know, advice.

  48. Snooping is not nice but the suspicion of cheating or other things trumps that. Since he is also actively avoiding conversation it's your only resort short of leaving the relationship. Also if you find evidence of something document it before confronting him.

  49. Never settle for crumbs at the feast, break up and tell him you’re not into threesomes with his past.

  50. Of course he likes her AS A FRIEND!!! You really need to stop behaving like this, if I was your boyfriend I'd be seeing big red flags. Why don't you try & get to know her? You never know you might even like her & gain a new friend instead of treating her like an enemy!

  51. Well don’t marry him and definitely don’t procreate with him.

    You have to decide if this is a dealbreaker or not. If it’s not, then leave him alone and accept him as he is. People aren’t projects. If it is a dealbreaker then end things.

    I’d also say that he doesn’t sound like a good candidate for being a father either.

  52. Yea, so there is that. Hope you see the light there and tell him to pack his shit.

    Sucks to be scammed but…you know if he had not been cheating…wouldn't have happened.

  53. Problem is that if he found the messages on her iPad, they would have the bubbles the wrong way (assuming Apple family of products). Although he could just say a friend saw her open the messages and snapped a pic when she wasn’t looking.

  54. It almost sounds like she got cold feet about moving with you and purposely sent you the stuff she had been keeping quiet so you would end it and it would be you and not her.

  55. I didn't find my love until I was 29. After having my heart ripped out by a man I adored.

    You have to put yourself out there. Even if it is scary. Once you find a new man who treats you right the old love will seem like it was nothing.

    Find a group for a hobby you enjoy, go to events.

  56. Why would you stayed married to this man? Just because you're married, doesn't mean you can't leave.

    If a friend told you this, what would you say to that friend?

  57. If she is a pwBPD who has dated other BFs, it very likely is not true. But she likely BELIEVED it to be true when she said it to you.

    So from what I understood, I’m not really her soulmate nor does she think I’m special, she actually BELIEVES that because of her “boosted” emotions, well that sucks .

    I’m sorry if it’s personal but did you stop with your exW because of her BPD ?

  58. I don’t expect to be given the benefit of the doubt for something I may not have done, when I’m asking for advice and opinions on what I have. As kind as your words are, they’re more hopeful than a herald for what lies ahead for me on this post.

    I guess I should have made it more clear that I’m not upset at what he chose to do, just the double standard at play.

    Yes, it’s always easier to help people with their problems than confront your own, I understand that. But we have never shied away from the truth with each other, whether it was what we wanted from in life, our past, our hope for the future or what we expect from each other.

    I guess I chose to be angry rather than confront the sadness that my partner who saw me struggle with the same issue he was facing chose to let me do it alone and feel like I was some sort of aberration than go through it with me.

    I chose to put this out on Reddit, I can’t chose what people have to say about it.

    Choices are everything, they make us and they break us.

  59. The main question that needs to be answered is: in general, does your girlfriend want to have more sex, or is she content with how things are now? There’s no one correct amount of sex for everyone to have. But if you want more and she’s happy with the status quo, you’re probably just not sexually compatible.

    The other thing that jumped out to me from your post is that she says her sex drive is random. If she wants to explore that further, there are lots of things that you both can do to help her get in the mood more consistently. One thing you should google is spontaneous desire vs. responsive desire. This is a massive generalization but generally more men tend to have spontaneous desire and more women have responsive desire. With spontaneous desire, pretty much as soon as you think about having sex or you feel turned on, your body snaps to attention and is ready to have sex. Responsive desire is kind of the opposite: the feeling of desire often happens after the body is turned on, so merely thinking about having sex doesn’t actually make you want to have it. Do some googling, talk to your girlfriend, and come up with some ideas to help her get there, since her brain and body don’t work the same way yours do.

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