Meercelinaa online sex cams for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Meercelinaa online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I never understood taking back a cheater. You were literally BETRAYED. Backstabbing. Double crossed.

    I wouldn't be able to justify wasting time on trying to trust someone who didn't protect my trust well enough in the first place.

    It hasn't even been that long. You must have some shit self-esteem, eh?

    What would you tell a friend if they were in your shoes?

  2. Honestly, I would just ignore him, and not engage with any of it.

    If you try to hire security or tell the wedding coordinator to tell him, any of that, it’ll all come back on you anyway. He, and his enabling parents, will blame you for it. And then a big rift will develop, your in-laws and everyone upset, he will cause a big huge scene and ruin everything. He wins. And he goads you into looking bad in the process. You can’t win in the game that’s being played right now.

    So just don’t play that game.

    Remember the scene in the Office where after Michael fell in the fish pond, everybody poked at him cuz of his uncomfortable reaction. And kept poking. It was only when he took the coaching and upped the ante and poked at himself (so now their barbs didn’t land), it all went away.

    You are marrying your blushing bride. You get her family, and you’re not marrying them. At the wedding, if he wears a clown suit, he’s not embarrassing you. He’s only embarrassing himself. Rise above. Don’t play his game. You ignore him mostly, never react.

    It sounds like your wife doesn’t support his behaviors. And she wants her parents and family at her wedding of course. So stop talking about it. If he’s the idiot who wears a clown suit to his sisters wedding, let him die on that hill.

    He can be referred to as ‘the brother who had so little respect for his sister he wore a clowsuit to her wedding. Only ever poke in that zone, how little he supports his sister (not how little he loves her cuz he can say I love her not you). How he isn’t there for her, goes against her wishes, and disrespected her very wedding. Don’t be an asshole about it, don’t let him get your goat.

    He loves hearing you called his parents to plead your case. That’s part of his game. It won’t work. They are enabling him.

    Later, and forever, when he makes his ‘jokes’ that are very mean, call him out. Be direct and simple. Tell him ‘that wasn’t funny. That was just mean.’ and very specific about how it actually hurts. No embellishment, call it out, don’t react, ignore, rise above.

  3. He is having sex with you without your consent. That is rape. And you don't owe anybody sex, I'm not sure what makes you think that but nobody is entitled to your body. It's yours. No means no. Start planning an exit strategy.

  4. True, and what is the problem with that? English is not my main language and how i suppose to answer to a person who call me fake.

  5. Still doesn’t change the fact he got engaged to another woman. His ex has every right not to have a relationship with him.

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