Mary-mayers live! sex cams for YOU!


5 thoughts on “Mary-mayers live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. You are dating not married. I know it will hurt but imagine your pockets if you continue. If you can't leave, it's not a deal breaker. It just sounds nice to say- pseudo strength.

  2. I'm in an open marriage, and it is clear you are monogamous. There is absolutely NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING MONOGAMOUS!!! I understand open relationships and polyamory are becoming more accepted than it was 15 years ago, but that does not mean you have to even try it. When I think of my husband sleeping with another woman, I'm just glad he's having a great time. A monogamous woman would probably want to vomit. Please do not force yourself to try something you are really uncomfortable with.

  3. Yep that’s a very toxic relationship. They made a massive decision which heavily effects your life without even telling you and continue to ignore you when you expressed your discomfort with the situation. Then your boyfriend is financially taking advantage of you.

    This is an incredibly unhealthy relationship and it is physically hurting you. You need to leave because they clearly don’t love you.

  4. I highly second this suggestion. I drove across the US twice already and the first time I was in a rush and it went horribly. I got there faster but I was tired and exhausted and frustrated all the time.

    The second time I did it I said fuck that. Made sure I pulled into a motel every night by around 7 or 8 pm. It was much nicer, much more relaxing and I enjoyed the sites along the way because clearly I wasn't in a rush to get anywhere.

    Why does he feel the need to suddenly rush the trip when you had both agreed on a leisurely time? I'd be suspicious as the spouse and I would call my husband out on it if he suddenly changed plans to a solo trip without a really good reason why :/

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