Mary , ♥ sale for pvt^.^, 19 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Mary , ♥ sale for pvt^.^
Date: October 10, 2022
Mary , ♥ sale for pvt^.^, 19 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
Yes. It's creepy and weird that a 24 yo dates a 18 yo. Your sister is right.
Not sure which term exactly but the masturbation thing is assault/harassment. And he's trying to coerce you into sex regardless. You deserve substantially better. I can't imagine what pain you're going through right now but I suggest that you step back from anyone that's refusing to give you the emotional attention you need right now.
It sounds like you need to press charges against your Dad, for whatever it was that he did to you. I am sorry you're having such a hot time lately, but at least your brother will pull through and maybe you two can do therapy and help each other through this awful part of life.
Thanks for taking the time to write this. I just can't fathom that people are saying to dump her and she's ungrateful. I love my boyfriend. I know he is exceptionally strong and he would never hurt me. If I saw this happen I'd definitely be in shock for a while after even though I'd still love him.
Yes you have to leave him now unfortunately! Might not be what you wanna hear and when you confront him he’ll claim he was worried and trying to keep you safe or some other such bullshit! But leave him. This is a very deep violation of privacy that was completely premeditated and planned to the point of literally buying it etc. There’s no way to build trust back after this. Leave him. Keep it short and sweet. Tell him he violated your privacy and you don’t want anything to do with him anymore then leave. Nothing he can say will make it ok.
Real sex isn't like porn. Porn studies have “fluffers” that give guys blow jobs so that anytime their penis is in a shot, its fully erect. They don't show that they stopped the camera and someone sucks off the guy to get him ready.
In real life when you go down on a woman (or she sits on your face), you get focused on the task, sometimes your jaw ends up hurting, or whatever, its not always easy to maintain an erection. You delivering pleasure is mentally pleasing but sometimes that's not enough and you have to get physical too.
Speak with her and explain that. Maybe she can help out with her hand or mouth next time
So…you started making jokes at the expense of your friend who is actually in an abusive relationship. I think you did take it too far and should be idk relieved that your husband is as sweet as you say he is. Ppl like your friend doesn’t have that. Nice to know you think it’s funny to joke about though /s.
You are insensitive so maybe you can start with that. You didn’t know when to stop and that’s a flaw you’ll have to correct. He should move on too since he found it funny in the beginning. Personally imo I don’t find that funny at all.
Thanks for the reply. Really insightful. I've been feeling like I've been wanting a break from my current gf, can't explain why, but on occasion I find myself feeling that I just want some time alone. Again, first relationship that has lasted a non-insignificant amount of time, so not sure what's to be expected, or how I should be feeling.
When did the bar become so low for men that women put up with this ridiculous behaviour?
You’ve been only dating a month, he may not be watching a lot of porn now but what was he like before you?
Porn is biggest cause of ED in young men and “death grip” from masturbation causes all kinds of problems.
For now- he should be pleasing you in other ways. A penis is not the only way to have sex.
And he needs to go see a Dr.
It's the way he phrases the sentence before his last one that makes him come across as racist. I'm beginning to think this was a troll post crafted to create outrage. How is it “even more of a red flag” if most of the guys on her list are black? Would it be less of one if they were Hispanic? The way he phrased it comes across as race driven.
He didn’t want his wife to know, whether he meant it for the sister or someone else. Regardless, he’s a sneaky liar, the photo was not meant for his wife.
Coming from someone who has also struggled with mental illness and is in a relationship—you are allowed to leave. if someone’s mental illness is so bad that its starting to make YOU anxious, that person shouldn’t even be in a relationship and should solely be focused on trying to heal. in fact, you SHOULD leave. this person is displaying dangerous and reckless behavior based on the info in this post and your comments
It may not shatter her confidence but it for sure stifles her opportunity to share it. I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong though.
I wouldn’t date a lover that didn’t care about it, it’s a kink for me and if he can’t participate with enthusiasm we aren’t compatible. Not sure how that’s insane, but i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt because you obviously don’t know my kinks. I will say though sexual incompatibility is a real things and if this is a big thing for her you lack of enthusiasm could be a deal breaker. That’s life! I hope it isn’t and you both can find common ground. Best of luck to you op!
get divorced now. she's still keeping her fuck line open.
I live on the North Carolina coast. The coast guard uses color coded flags on the beaches to indicate how safe it is to swim. A red flag means no swimming. The current is too dangerous.
Then there is a hurricane flag. It is two separate red square flags, one flying above the other, with a black square inside each. She is past the red do not swim flag, she is on the Hurricane flag at this point. OP needs to run!
No, we've already talked and established that it has nothing to do with how we made love. She just… doesn't like it anymore. Not with me, or with anyone else.
Just say you are done, you have 30 days to move out and move on.
I totally agree with your wife. You should’ve pick up your dad on your own and then help build up his relationship with your wife before bringing the kids around him.
He’s not exactly a role model you’d want around kids and needs to earn his trust back
april 6th
Are you serious?
Okay. I’m sober. A long time. You can’t help her. She has to want sobriety. You go. She’ll destroy everything in her path including you. Staying just enables her.
Modern dating is exhausting.