Martina-volken live! webcams for YOU!


Hard Show [203 tokens remaining]

Date: February 11, 2023

6 thoughts on “Martina-volken live! webcams for YOU!

  1. “Staying friends” is usually a meaningless cliché, something people say to make themselves feel better for dumping you, and to keep you from bad-mouthing them to mutual friends. It's possible to be friends with an ex, but usually not right away, not while you're still hurting.

    You don't have to be friends, and you don't have to jump straight into forgiveness. This guy kicked you in the teeth. He hurt you. You don't owe him friendship or even civility. For your own sake, you shouldn't attack, but you're well within your rights to close the door and refuse to communicate with him. Take your time and heal.

  2. Please be for real

    She’s meeting men in bars. They will absolutely judge based off looks with the first impression. They won’t know anything at all about her intelligence just by looking at her. For all you know she has a straight up unattractive face but you would rather make assumptions and say they’re emasculated by her LOL

  3. OP hasn't said that her argumentative personality and ADHD are linked. He says this as an example of why he might be afraid to bring up therapy/medical professionals as his partner seems to use this against him.

  4. Take a proper DNA-Test where you give them something from your dad and a swab from yourself, and they can tell you if you are related. Those 23andme things are very unspecific.

    Or if you want to save that money, go talk to your mother in a quiet moment when your father is at work. See what she has to say. Maybe there is a clear reason. Don’t talk to her making accusations. Just tell her the facts of the test and that you are surprised and would like to know if she knows anything about this.

  5. More than that even: In one of her comments, she said she told him she wouldn’t have much time during school & her breaks (fall, winter & spring) would all include a few days at Disney. And “he agreed” so thus he shouldn’t complain now. Lol.

  6. I do… But damn if the situation isn't making it hot and triggering a lot of things.

    Just found out they had planned to sleep on the same bed.

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