Martiina-jones live sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 30, 2022

6 thoughts on “Martiina-jones live sex cams for YOU!

  1. This new girl is very disrespectful of you and your boundaries. If you are no longer into a relationship with your girlfriend, break up with her. Do not do it for a particular person, especially not this person who is not a good friend to you at all. A good friend would respect you and your boundaries, not selfishly continue to pursue her own desires.

    Relationships change and grow over time. You and GF will either grow together or grow apart. Humans are going to enjoy positive attention. But how you respect the relationships in your life while receiving that attention, and how you react to it, will define those relationships. Having spent all my 20s, 30s, and now almost 40s with the same person in a monogamous relationship – there are MANY changes that happen, especially with intimate attraction.

    Think about what you really want. And I cannot repeat it enough – that other person is not your friend.

  2. Her next boyfriend will outwardly appear to be a better catch to her friends. Whether he treats her as well as OP will be irrelevant to them, and apparently, to her as well. Let them have each other. OP deserves better.

  3. BuT tHey DoN’t wAnt to lOSe acCeSs to the GrAndkIdS!! I hate how many parents justify and enable shitty behavior because of this. But I’m petty so this is what I suggest: keep the relationship with the parents and cut off the sisters because a complete cutoff would just vindicate the sisters as in “OP is the problem, he can’t get along with anyone”. Buy gifts to the parents, not the sisters. Take the parents on vacation, not the sisters. Then the parents have to deal with the pressure coming from the sisters, not the OP. Sure, they might still choose the sisters but then they would be the ones burning bridges, not OP. Meanwhile OP, tell your parents this is it, you have decided, you’re willing to keep a relationship with them but not the sisters and you’re done talking about it.

  4. Ask yourself, is this the game you want to play for the rest of your life ?? Find someone who loves you and being a good partner by communicating and working through life, both up and down,

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