MarshaMalone live sex cams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “MarshaMalone live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Well she told you she’s seeing someone… I think that’s your big neon sign in your face answer.

    Listen, just realize if you do tell her, it can go one of two ways:

    1) she feels the same and wants to be together

    2) she doesn’t, things get awkward, she may ask for space and may or may not want you around

    Also have to ask yourself regarding 1):

    How are you two going to sustain?

    Is one of you moving across the country?

  2. Get a photo from him or ask him to let you know when she's there and go check it out. I have been through this exact thing. I just sat down at the table with them.

  3. Some people say things without really knowing what they mean, just because they sound good, and follow up questions make them irritated because they don’t like to admit they don’t know what they’re talking about. Like the meters-Briggs-stuff she said, I bet she thinks that being a ‘protagonist’ means you are more prone to success because that word means the main character in a movie. She read that word and assumed that’s what it meant. It doesn’t. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about and I assume she does that a lot. Just nod your head and make some supportive noise.

  4. It sounds sketchy. Has he ever showed you the inside of where he works? I doubt he's a veterinarian. What else do you know or not know about him. Have you met any of his family or friends?

    Listen to your gut feeling. It's not smart to go back. He's being condescending about what happened to you — you almost got shot and could have been killed!!

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