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8 thoughts on “mariia_annalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I was very, very broke at some point in my life…I still made an effort (cheap but very special handmade card with heartfelt message inside and a box of homemade cookies). Money is not a problem here, it's an attitude.

  2. I didn’t need to mark days. My first was a surprise. They did the conception date based on last period and then how big the baby was and such. It marked it as Aug 10th. That made sense to me because it was literally the day before we broke up. We didn’t have sex for a few days prior to that date. With my son, I was TTC. You don’t need to check every time you have sex… that doesn’t even make sense. It wouldn’t show up after sex…. I checked on the 19th because I just “had a feeling” and decided to go for it. I was TTC for 5 months and never took a test during that time because my period started. When you track properly and test during the period time (if you’re late) then you’d only need to check maybe 2x a month. Beginning of period and end. Either way, you will find out about 2.5+ weeks

  3. A mistake is a misunderstanding. A misguided action… how is cheating a misguided or misunderstood choice? He knew what was happening, and understood it would hurt your relationship and have consequences.

    Why can’t people just admit they made a decision and they regret it? At least take full responsibility for what they did and not blame it on somehow accidentally making the wrong choice.

    Also, cheating can come from a lack of understanding and communicating their own needs so they make choices to fulfill those needs recklessly. It can also come from being in a toxic relationship and finding refuge in someone else as an escape. Or living with toxic examples of relationships and thinking the behavior is healthy or acceptable to others.

    Either way, no matter the reason for cheating, these folks need to work on themselves and learn to make better choices in their lives and communicate what they need to feel happier in a relationship and just be honest with themselves and others.

    These folks won’t just learn these skills overnight. So it’s best to let them figure their lives out while you do what is best for you.

    Just like a lot of addicts needing to figure out their new sober lifestyle without the added pressure or influence of relationships, which can muddle and complicate things. Not all the time, but it’s common.

    So “once a cheater always a cheater”? That’s extreme. But an unhealthy pattern that’s not addressed will repeat.

  4. I guarantee what it really means, in this case, is that the other guy didn't want anything more serious, and she was afraid of losing both of them, so she lied to OP after the other guy broke it off with her.

  5. I guarantee what it really means, in this case, is that the other guy didn't want anything more serious, and she was afraid of losing both of them, so she lied to OP after the other guy broke it off with her.

  6. You can't justify what you said. So don't try.

    You've both discussed marriage and kids and what that looks like. It sounded like you were initially on the same page, but aren't anymore. Maybe she just started thinking this way. Maybe it's been long on her mind. Either way, this is where she is at right now and she brought it up before you got married. So, there needs to be another discussion on whether or not you are both on the same page.

    What you did, instead, was react almost violently (losing your mind – in your own words, then insulting her, belittling her, and then leaving) to a conflict.

    So that's the first thing you have to work on. Do you often have outbursts like this when you are met with a conflict or any adversity? What caused the extreme reaction to this, if not? If so, then what are your plans to bring your anger issues under control?

    I don't want to talk about it with anyone we know.

    Well, this may be a case of tough shit. You need to involve an outside mediator in all of this because you've shown you can't handle things on your own and it's not fair to put a burden on your fiancee to possibly deal with your anger while trying to work this out. In fact, that's the first suggestion you can make to try to mend your relationship here – counseling.

    You can't handle conflicts like this and need to learn to work together and communicate effectively together. And you need to show her that you are committed to working on that.

    That's the first step.

    Second step – you need to decide, on your own, how important children are to you. And you need to do so objectively – not on the aspect of “I love her and don't want to lose her, so I'll give up that dream,” but in the reality. I never wanted kids and almost married a guy who wanted them but said he was okay without having them.

    Well, he wasn't. And he would bring it up regularly, and I'd regularly have to remind him that's not part of our future. In the end, he always felt like I'd change my mind, and didn't really take the thought of not having kids seriously. But that would have led to him constantly guilting me over not wanting kids, and to an eventual divorce.

    Nobody deserves that. So you need to really think about what that will do to your happiness, and in turn hers before getting married.

  7. So that's bullshit. You are both still kids. You will have many more partners and find people who treat you better. Stop wasting your time with this guy, leave and find someone else.

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