Marie Stephens live! sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 10, 2022

62 thoughts on “Marie Stephens live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Why are you still accepting contact from him? He sounds like a terrible prospect as a partner.

    He's still trying to connect with you because he can.

  2. Hey how are you? Thanks for the follow btw and if you wish to chat and tell me why you took him back.. I’m here buddy. It’s just gone 4pm here in ??

  3. If you honestly feel bad about it, then just stop. In this case, you're only thinking about telling your husband about this to get everything off your chest. That's selfish. You're making him feel bad for no reason, or maybe so you guys can wallow together. Just fucking stop doing what you're doing.

  4. Ideally, you shouldn't

    I guess my question is, why should I give her a 3rd chance?

    Your marriage is a disaster. I am sorry, no other way to put it.

    Two options:

    You two need to divorce. Go through a hell of a lot couples counselling,

    There is no in between. You cannot fix this on your own. You two need professional help, this is way beyond reddit's paygrade.

  5. u/Stonay_Balogna, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Hey man, thanks for checking in. It went alright, she denied it and her reasoning makes sense. I also checked with several people who were there and they said they never saw her go anywhere with anyone. One of the people I talked to have been my friend for 6 years. She had gotten very drunk, and we had sex a lot of places in our apartment, and being so drunk she had lost track of where we had been and not, hence why she said she didn’t cheat after saying she had sex in the bathroom.

  7. I realized I didn't bring up that we were friends before, I mean we were part of a circle-her friends were my friends too(but we were not that close), also she was my classmate from grade 8 to 9, and with her consent, it's completely fine for me to visit her (that's why her family knows me)

  8. I ended a 20yr marriage over this… he even admitted he had feelings for her and he was still going to be friends with her… well you be friends with her.. you will get the divorce papers in the morning.. he thought I was kidding… I was not… I won't be disrespected after 20 yrs. So be thankful she did this now… before she moved in… that is emotional cheating.. period.

  9. your wife has SEVERE mental issues and you need to run, not walk, to the nearest lawyer. she doesn't trust you with your mom or sister!! that's fucking insane

  10. I gave my wife a meat thermometer one year for christmas. We always joked about how we purposefully overcook our meats because we were paranoid about serving something raw/undercooked, so it had at least a little thought behind it. When she opened it we had a good laugh and i think i've used it more than she has since then. Had you and your husband had any similar conversations about cooking that would have made this not so 'out of the blue'? And i would hope that even if he totally whiffed with the thermometer, that it wasn't the only thing he had gotten you for christmas. Were the other gifts he had gotten you equally silly or thoughtless, or was it just this one gift that really rubbed you wrong and you are now stuck on? Not all gifts will be bangers. As long as some of his other gifts were thoughtful and somethings you really wanted, i don't think it's a problem worth getting hung up on.

  11. It’s not roasting you. It’s showing you that you need to value yourself.

    You are worthy of respect, kindness and loyalty.

  12. What you told him is not over sharing. I’m a proponent of being open with sexual history in the dating stage of a new relationship. You should be with a partner that knows and respects — or at the very least doesn’t judge you for — your sexual history. Your boyfriend is apparently not that person. It’s time for you to leave and find out who is

  13. Hello /u/throwawaychj,

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  14. He doesn't respect you. Men in their 30's and 40's are not trying to date a 25 year old because they “respect them” so much. Try therapy to work on your daddy issues instead of constantly complaining on Reddit about your failed relationships.

  15. As I stated in the first post , is an opinion. I gave my opinion and people can do what they want with it. Just saying im happy this way

  16. Is it possibly a religious thing?

    Actually, never mind, it doesn’t matter. You deserve better. He’s 31 not 15

  17. So first off GET OUT NOW! Asking you to buy him a gun is very, very illegal, like ATF knock down your door and shoot your dog before arresting you illegal.

    Secondly, where are you located if you don’t mind me asking? If you are in the US then it really is sketchy he can’t get a gun at 36. . . Did he commit a crime? Does he not have his citizenship? Why can’t he get a gun?

  18. Pretty sure your sister and friends are embarrassed on your behalf. There’s no one to “blame” in this situation because no one did anything wrong. You didn’t like it, but seriously, that’s entirely a you problem.

  19. Of course everyone says to dump her, but she is obviously just naïve to taking care of disabled family members, or more bluntly the injustice of the world. If she won't learn and grow with this opportunity, then you know what to do.

  20. It is manipulation, even if he doesnt see it that way, it is not really something you can fix… cuz u already tried reasoning and you are have come down to be careful about how you behave yourself near the person with the which you should be able to actually behave as you are.

    Not saying you should brake up or anthn, but i really advice you to rethink your relationship. Is he really reciprocating your love and carrying his half of the relationship when needed?

  21. How to make it right? Have you apologized? If not, then apologize, tell her that you regret everything, ADMIT YOUR FAULT (since you guys have already set a boundary for porn and you agreed to it then you broke your promise), and tell her it was very selfish of you and it's at your moment of weakness and that you will not do it anymore. Grovel in fact, if you want them back. Buy her flowers, buy her the diapers she needs, if she's breastfeeding, try to find out what will make things easier for her, if you haven't already. If you don't want to do those, that's fine, just a suggestion.

    16 days with a set of twins = very tough. Her body is still recovering. I remember myself after giving birth…and I only have the one baby, and it was very nude. Despite us both being healthy. Idk if you even make life easier for her a new mother with twins… I'd suggest you go over there to her mom's house, although she may not want to see you right now. You need to still bond with the babies even if she's mad at you. You're still a father, stop focusing on the penis for a little while here. C'mon man, you just become a father and your focus is on getting off?

    I also want to suggest that you may need to masturbate more discreetly (just do it in the shower) and possibly not use p0rn for it.

  22. love bombing, age gap, manipulation. all red flags. Age gaps like this aren't much of a big deal once both people are post college (22-25 age range), but when one is as young as you, it's a problem.

    Cut and run.

  23. Nobody is saying that lol. I’m saying it evokes thoughts of sex offenders and who wants to think about that when they’re trying to have sex? Vagina=sandpaper

  24. You may be right. Our love languages are actually very different so we’re bound to hurt each others feelings in some instances

  25. He is not the guy you thought he was.

    Stop trying and waiting for him to go back to how he was, it won't happen.

  26. This guy sounds like a textbook example of a problem dater; entitled, rude, dominating, spiteful and behaving like an immature teen not a 35 year old.

    There are plenty of more reasonably behaved single guys in the dating sea.

    Politely let him know that he is incompatible with your dealbreakers, you wish him good luck in his future dating endeavours and don't want to have any further contact with him. Then block him and switch all your social media accounts to private.

    Good luck!

  27. Np. I get it. I hope you find a way to move forward with everything. Whatever you do, don't give up on yourself.

  28. NTA: Get rid of Jim find a man who will respect you and explore and share your sexual needs. Jim is a liar and a hypocrite by lying to his friends. I truly hope you told them that was bullshit. Jim sounds like a total selfish cunt and I say that with the most kindness.

  29. But it’s NOT his girlfriend and it doesn’t need to be shown anymore. The relationship is over. The memories are over. You aren’t in that relationship anymore. If you can’t delete a POST after your relationship ended wtf are you even doing trying to marry someone else?

  30. Yes, this. Let your interactions with her be a reminder to her that you’re done playing her games and leave it at that. Even if she has “changed” (i.e., fakes being nice in front of your family), let her know that you don’t want a relationship with her either way.

  31. 1st point, he does know when I make advances. He just turns them down because he says he is stressed or tired. Which I understand and respect and we always figure out something else to do. 2nd point, I also completely understand, but he has often said he does enjoy receiving head. I’ve even made him cum many times from oral. We often talk about what gets each other off and what doesn’t. 3rd point, we do communicate as much as possible very openly. I can’t tell you if he likes me because I’m not inside his head, but all of his actions support this. He constantly asks to spend time together or set up a date night while respecting my schedule. When we do have sex we both get to enjoy safe, kink forward sex while knowing and respecting each others limits and boundaries. I am very physically attracted to him and he seems the same. We have common interests and I get along well with his family and friends, and vice versa. No one else I have dated is able to put up with my work hours without being needy or feel neglected and is into the same kinks I am, wants to spend time gaming, working on cars, and is able communicate so well. He has helped me learn to cope with my trauma while he has done the same, making me feel loved, safe, and secure.

  32. If you've spoken at length multiple times about this, he is very, very aware of you burning yourself out to keep everything together with no help. It's awful to think about but barring an executive dysfunction disorder, he probably just doesn't care.

    Too many men will let their partners grind themselves into dust trying to keep up with 100% of the housework, administrative tasks, cooking, child and elder care because they just don't want to. I've lived with several men platonically and otherwise that knew perfectly well how to keep a clean house but magically forgot how to turn on a vacuum, wash a dish or scrub their ring of shit out of the toilet once I moved in. Some dudes just subconsciously think all that stuff is the job of whatever woman is convenient. They do it because it makes their lives easier, more relaxing and less stressful at the cost of an order of magnitude of more stress on your shoulders. A loving partner wouldn't want to burden you like that. The mental load plus slaving away alone for our families literally takes years off our lives.

    You might have to start thinking about whether you still want to be trying to teach him that dirty socks go in the hamper and not a foot away on the floor for the next 50 years of your life.

  33. Because they thought their father had abandoned them their whole lives, the fact is the guy they think was their father isn’t.

  34. If he didn’t want to talk to you about the change in amount don’t talk to him about moving your paycheques to your personal account. That’s not a small amount of money if it’s 3/4 of a paycheque, and if he’s already lying to his SO about his finances then how does bf expect he’ll pay back a larger amount? Tell him you’ll start putting money back into the shared account when the money that he stole from you is repayed

  35. I have no idea what you look like. I don’t know if you’re “fit” or not, depending on your definition. You say he’s been treating you badly since you’ve gained weight yeah? Does his dirty talk make you feel sexy and aroused? Or does it make you feel bad. Is this how he usually dirty talks? I can’t answer that for you. If you wanna stay with him and figure it out, go for it. You’ve already tried telling him it upsets you and he finds your distress funny. He’ll decide if he wants to stop bullying you, or you can remove yourself from the situation. Love isn’t enough.

  36. Bullies don’t stop bullying because you ask them to. It’s that bully bit that they get the most satisfaction from – they enjoy torturing you- it makes them feel good. Also abusive ppl aren’t abusive all time because it’s the lull of niceness that makes the abuse hurt more. Also they’re got tobfunction in normal society- so have to be normal some of the time. They have a sixth sense about who will tolerate being bullied & who will not. After all they’ll been perfecting being a bully for most of their lives. The only way to stop a bully is to leave or bully back- but I don’t think you’ve the right temperament for that.

    I can’t say this more clearly & loudly enough-LEAVE HIM. You’re the one who’s going get more hurt & harmed. He’s be fine & won’t change. He actively likes making you suffer.

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