MARIANA SANZ on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 8, 2022

4 thoughts on “MARIANA SANZ on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. This sounds like an unhappy situation for you and I am sure she can be nice and fun but these other traits like giving ultimatums and not caring if you feel respected, not accepting any of the blame, they are toxic and they likely won’t change which means you are wanting to be with someone who isn’t good to you where it counts, can’t be reasoned with buuuuut has a few things that look good on paper that align with what you’re looking for and you are counting on those things to be enough.

    They’re not gonna be enough and you deserve to have somebody who respects how you feel so you can guess my advice. Be your own best friend and take care of the person that you are who is not being respected or treated well by putting some space between you and that person and knowing that some people just aren’t the right person, but there’s so many people out there who are..

  2. I’m American and my wife is German. She asked me to correct her grammar and pronunciation always. No matter the situation. Led to some awkward social moments and some complete gems.

    One day she was really mad at me and told me, “You are so and asshole”

    I replied, “Such. I am such an asshole.”

    She then closes with, “Exactly.”

    We live in Germany now and you’d be hard pressed to tell she’s not American when she speaks English. But her German colleagues say she speaks German now with an American accent.

  3. That’s not saying “talk to me or our future is in danger” it is “talk to me so we can keep ourselves on the right track to communicate and let each other feel heard.” You misinterpreted what I was trying to convey.

    OP can handle this with care while also telling her it’s okay and also necessary to discuss family issues because they will need to one day and that he’s not going to leave her if she tells him something that changes how he views family, while still moving at an appropriate pace.

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