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Room for online video chats Maria-cuty

Maria-cutylive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for on-line sex video chat Maria-cuty

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Birth Date: 2000-09-25

Body Type: bodyTypeCurvy

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Date: October 20, 2022

172 thoughts on “Maria-cutylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Let me give you some insight from a woman who is late 20s, married to a wonderful man with a 2 year old & another baby on the way. We've been together 6 years.

    I'm bisexual. Have been since I was 14 years old. Before I met my husband, I was only sexually active once with a woman (it was a threesome with her & her older husband) & I was extremely drunk so it wasn't the experience I was hoping for considering it was my first (& only) time having sex with a woman.

    But when I met my husband, the desire to have sex with another woman – while it didn't disappear 100% (because how could it when I'm bi?) – faded into more of a fantasy than a want/need. I love this man wholeheartedly. He is the most amazing guy I've ever known & I wouldn't give him up for all the possibly amazing sexual experiences in the world.

    While you might feel right now that the urge will never go away, I just wanted to let you know that's not always the case. I mean, you're right that maybe it won't. But my point is, if you don't feel like you're willing to let it go, then staying with your boyfriend is only going to end in heartbreak. Especially based on how you said its not worth losing him 'right now'. That's disrespectful to him.

  2. and sometimes uses the word “stupid”.

    That'd be it for me. In the almost 13 years we've been together, neither my wife or I have ever used that word against each other, against our ideas, or against our beliefs/opinions. We don't agree on 100% of things but we respect each other enough to not dismiss with a word like that.

    It's a cutting word and has to hurt, coming from someone you care about.

  3. I used to have a thing against dating apps, but I’ve never tried one, so I think I’ll take your word for it and give it a shot!

  4. I tried the gym hard. Tried tennis majority of ladies where married in the club asked out the only 20s girl I played with and she stopped talking to me lol. Never thought of a book club.

  5. If he feels like he has to squeeze you 2 in, how about you tell him that you want to spend a full weekend just with him.

    No friends involved. Just you 2.

    And for the first time, you take the lead and plan it out. So he is not stressed by it.

    Later on you can arrange to switch responsibilities.

    If he can't agree to have at least one weekend spend solely on you and your relationship, then he is not worth it.

  6. Hmmmmmmm. So while the tests are a good start, a lot of date rape drugs do not show up on a standard panel/can be expensive.

    I think regardless of what this leads to (unless she is actuallydrugging you– then you have to hit the road and probably call the police), you don't seem to trust each other and if you want to continue this relationship you'll need some kind on therapy.

    On a side note– if she is doing this you HAVE to tell the police. I got brain damage from some jerk who spiked my drink in college.

  7. It takes a special kind of stupidity to take a video and save it. I highly doubt it’s a one off.

    Only you know if you can forgive this, but I would say the signs are not good.

  8. I can get why he would say not when you’re together. Why do you have to discuss it with him? Are you going to Amsterdam together?

  9. There are several reasons why a man may cheat including believing this bullshit that a lack of sex is a reason to cheat.

  10. Then I would take that at face value. She isn’t going to change. Is this what you’d like your life to look like forever? I wouldn’t, and I would leave.

  11. It's not his business and has nothing to do with your relationship. If he wants to break up with you over this, see it as a positive thing. Now you know how he feels about women's rights and how he would act towards his possible future daughter, or any other decisions you would or wouldn't make about your own body.

  12. She sucks man. If I was you, I would sit down with her and explain everything that you wrote in this post (everything). And see what’s her answer. If she’s not ashamed of herself or find a really great excuse (hard to find one tbh when even the dogs got a toy, you’re less worthy than a dog my man), I would personally consider a break up depending on how the rest of the relationship is.

  13. Wow. My ex-SIL criticised how we all acted at my Nan's funeral.

    Now, Nan was Somebody in our little town. She was on every committee, organising carnivals and whist drives and bingo nights and all. Then she had a huge stroke which should have killed her, but instead left her wheelchair-bound and downright depressed. She lived on for a good ten years after that, but her existence was pure misery and we were all glad her suffering was at an end. We none of us cried, because we were truly happy for her.

    Ex-SIL was the only one who cried, but she was also the only one who had never known Nan before the stroke, so she didn't understand why we were all plain relieved, after mourning the Nan we'd known and loved before for ten years while she eked out her miserable life not being able to do any of the stuff she'd loved to do before. She told us we had no soul or human kindness in us.

    I jumped for joy the day my brother left her.

    She was a narcissist, and the little you've said of your fiancé, he sounds like he probably shares that with her.

  14. Damn, with all the comments I’m seeing of the assumptions you’re making in this thread it’s pretty obvious you’ve never been to a rave. You should definitely go to a rave and take a peek around. Might be enlightening.

  15. Yes. If I makes any difference I started crushing on him when I got my first job at 18. We were just friends for a few years. We could only be friends because at the time he had a gal. Eventually his girl went crazy aggressive, and after she spent the night in jail, they broke up. About a year later we got together. He actively tried to dissuade me from wanting a relationship with him because he didn't want me to feel like I wasted my youth.

  16. You were excited about having a baby with him even though he never owns up to his mistakes?? You know what to do.

  17. So that means sex with you also means nothing to him… Just let that sink in.

    My bf and I thought we were not really sexual, maybe even asexual. I would never replace him and he would never replace me.

    He even said if I wanted to try stuff out it would have to be before a relationship with him. I didn't feel the need to (I'm bi)

    I have never felt as good as I do with him.

    Please don't let your bf use you with his stupid excuses. A lot of men do feel like sex is special, apparently he doesn't.

  18. Typical refugees who want to mooch instead of work hard. Met a lot in my time. It makes me respect the very hot working humble ones a lot more. But unfortunately not everyone is grateful

  19. You’re the easy to F option. He had a girlfriend, got emotionally involved with you, turned you you down in favor of his girlfriend, now his ex, and he wants to rekindle with you.

  20. It sounds like communication is almost nonexistent in your relationship??

    1) If you want to have a face-to-face convo with your wife about an argument vs how she usually communicates, TELL HER. Blocking her is passive aggressive, paternal, and dismissive. You removed her familiar strategy of communicating with you. You may not like that she does this, but IT IS YOUR JOB to TELL HER THAT in a calm, rational manner like an adult. Another strategy is putting your phone on silent and reading the texts when you can calmly think about it, or even not reading them at all and asking her to speak with you directly once you’re less angry. You only get to control your own actions, not manipulate her into getting what you want. This is the equivalent of her locking you out of the house until you agree to read her texts and respond that way.

    2) Her giving you the silent treatment is just meeting childish behavior with childish behavior. Fucking set this to rights and go to couples therapy asap. Neither of you act like adults – her pregnancy hormones give some validity to her reaction but you don’t have any excuse. Recognize your part in this and step up, future dad – you have a lot of examples to set soon.

  21. Honey, he’s not your friend. He’s competing with your boyfriend for your affections. He’s jealous as all hell and he’s pulling out all the stops to get you to pay attention to HIM. He’s not joking. He’s completely serious about everything he says.

    Is he actually invited on this Vegas trip? If not, be aware that he may “accidentally” show up where you are. If so, DO NOT tell him your room number.

    It’s time to cut him off completely.

  22. I kind of just forced myself to get over it. We are both stubborn so there was no talking about it for awhile. But very recently we had a huge epiphany together & are now going to couples therapy which ultimately felt easier. We are living together right now & finally getting to know how each other feel. I got lucky with the way things played out truthfully, bcus in my past relationships, me & my ex broke up rather than listen to each other.

    also sorry for the late response!!

  23. if I was your wife I'd be horrified and want to report him to the police,

    That's not going to happen. Because he didn't happen to”steal of her phone”. Because the reason she took her sexy photos in the first place was to send them to him.

    How else do you explain that she likes taking sexy photos in the bathroom? And then they end up on his phone, given he is also close to her.

    Did he WhatsApp them to himself from her phone without her knowing?

  24. I think the best way to address it is “I'm sorry if you guys saw something you didn't want to see, but this is precisely why we do not just walk into other people's homes without calling ahead and knocking when you arrive. Me being your son does not exempt you from this. I understand that maybe you were trying to surprise me for my birthday but this was not the way to go about it.” You gotta remember, they arent the wronged party here, you and your boyfriend are. You should be able to bang in your place with the reasonable expectation of privacy. Guests, even family, should knock.

  25. I read “My boyfriend won't allow me…” and knew immediately that we were dealing with and insecure, immature, controlling young man. My dear, please, don't let anyone tell you what to do with your kitten.

  26. You’re not overreacting because the fact that he wants you to replicate this behavior shows how he views woman IRL. You’re not his plaything. This would be an ick for me, too.

    In case you need to hear this, it’s okay to just plain lose attraction to someone and move on from them. It doesn’t have to be some deep reason.

  27. Reality check time. What exsactly did she think op was doing that was sexual in any way shape or form to his sister. While he did sompthing soooooooooooo unsexy and gross and possibly embarrassing for both parties to a digree. As changing an adult diaper?

    I mean this seriously. What does she think that entailed????????

  28. To be honest, i think it may be his parents. I’m trying to be understanding about this being a culture shock to them, but i feel like almost 5 years is more than enough time to adjust to it

  29. He talks a lot about how he is in a career conundrum and doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life

    I understand that people can be late bloomers, however, by 33 you should have already sorted your shit out.


    All of this is to say, could this dynamic create issues in the long run?

    If you end up being the person who supports the relationship, it could be.

    It depends on the couple tbh.

    What is your target lifestyle long term? What are you willing to give up in order for this companionship? How much financial weight are you willing to accept in a relationship?

    Also, you may start to think about sacrifices you made because of how little he brings to the table.

    It depends on what you value in your overall life. Quality of home, vacation frequency, financial security, love, etc

    It's going to be a problem if you choose to make it a problem.

  30. Give her some flowers and secretly hide a note in there telling you love her worked for me when me and my girlfriend were on a break we're happy ever since

  31. I don't think she will, she has a heart condition that she never told her doctor which one day caused her to faint in class.

  32. Wow, you're a creep !

    She insisted she was already with my brother. I continually appeased her with words, touched her, and told her about all of the legal problems she could get into with dating my brother.

    You're 11 years older than her and forcing her into being in a relationship with you while she said she didn't want to. Your whole behaviour is creepy, saying that you own the right to date her, she's not an object. Leave her alone.

  33. I hate to say it but I think you know, but are in denial, about what you stumbled upon. You were seen, he’s been booted from the group, and is now doing damage control. He’s freaked because he’s not sure what you know, only that you were suspicious enough to follow him, and put the rest of his crew at risk of exposure. So for a while he’ll be nervous, loveable, and probably clingy. Maybe he’s realized how close he’s come to losing everything, maybe he’s afraid of some implied threat from the crew, or maybe he’s just trying to throw you off the scent.

    He may eventually get confident that you’re not going to do anything, or that he escaped detection and will find a new group or hookup apps to join or even explore sex workers. If he’s emboldened he may begin taking his anger and frustration out on you.

  34. This is creepy, he's a grade A creep.

    Document everything. Time, place, what was said.

    Record evidence of you super politely asking him to stop calling you on your personal phone unless it's an emergency.

    And gently probe the situation at work to see how much power he actually holds over layoffs.

    It might be him getting laid off next time.

  35. I mean i think youre only responsible for how you want to handle it. She gave no evidence that she is dishonest. She was quick and willing to show you the app and didnt hide it from screensharing. Youre only options are to accept her word as truth or move on? Otherwise what can you really do?

  36. He wants to get married and we have plans set in place for me to come move in with him. It worries me that all of a sudden he wants to go days without talking and is content with that. I’ve hinted to him so many times whenever I’d like to talk but he never gets the hints and when I say it outright like last night he gets upset. Thank you so much for ur comment and advice 🙂

  37. I wouldn’t be interested in meeting your child until we were in an established long term relationship. If I didn’t know that your child existed until after we’d been dating a while I’d wonder what else you were hiding and why. There’s no way I’d continue the relationship even if I was happy to date a man who had a child.

  38. You guys need to get on the same page w finances. This is hugely important. Many divorces are caused by financial issues. He is living beyond his means and to me has no real plan to change.

    He’s probably just paying the minimum balances on the cards. $17k is enormous if he only makes $40k. Probably $3500-$4000 on interest per year before even reducing the balance.

    I feel like compatibility is not the right word, because financial decisions are actions not genetics or a sexual orientation, and you can always change your habits. So it’s more like irreconcilable differences unless he’s open to change.

    If he has no plans to tackle the debt I think you have no option tbh. Can’t get sucked into that with him.

  39. Well if you make up a rumor like that and get someone in trouble or they harm themselves, you can be held responsible either through a defamation suit, libel, even in an extreme case manslaughter should the person off themself. So yeah making up something like that isn’t something the school would take lightly, especially considering they could be sued also.

  40. Your wife needs to go see a therapist for her issues. She insane. Just because she was getting married. Doesn't mean that the whole world has to stop.

    She really needs to grow up.

  41. You're a hypocrite. You're not watching Magic Mike for the plot, let's face it. And demanding he not look at models or celebrities or whoever is not a reasonable request. You can simply break up if he does that.

  42. That's fair! But I'm leaning towards more on the dumb side, less on “intentionally hurtful.” It's ok to want to know why she said it, but I promise you that I have said so many dumb things like this out loud, with zero intention of hurting anyone's feelings. Sometimes we're just not careful with our words, but we can always learn to do better! I think if you tell her it worried you because of your past bad experiences, she'd understand that! And do her best to reassure you, that you're the only guy she wants

  43. My ex was the same way even down to the video games. We’re divorced now after 10 years. Listen. You are not the problem here. This is all him. It sounds like you pull your weight PLUS more. Have you talked about maybe trying marriage counseling? Maybe you guys can better figure out the actual root of the problem with a bit of help from a mediator.

  44. Thanks for that in-depth answer! I did talk to him and he just said that now that we are more serious it’s something we should do together or not at all. He said he never goes out without me when it comes to clubbing and he expects the same. He also said clubbing is more of a single person activity. While I can see that as he is a guy and most men go out to clubs to find hookups, a lot of girls like me just go out to dance with their friends. I don’t like this new “boundary” of his but I also see where he’s coming from at the same time. It’s a headache lol

  45. Is this a troll? Has to be right? If its not, I applaud your willingness to bend over backwards to accommodate someone who doesn't give a shit about you. I'm sure that's a quality that will serve you well in life.

  46. Historically, it's been little things like asking me to change what I'm wearing before going out or having me retake the same picture a dozen times because she isn't satisfied with it. Pretty normal relationship stuff.

    That's not normal relationship stuff. That's someone who is more concerned about appearances than in actually enjoying the moment. Someone who is so self-absorbed that they think a couple thousand anonymous (potentially bot) accounts on social media are more important than celebrating an anniversary with their SO.

    Your girlfriend is incredibly shallow, put her need for affirmation from Internet strangers above quality time with you, and made your injury all about how it will impact her social media impressions.

    I hope you take a little time to reflect on whether this is really who you want to be with going forward. And consider how long you think she would have stuck around if the damage to your face had been permanent.

  47. I want to give you a big hug. You deserve affection and attention – before sex, during sex, after sex and any other time you want it. We all deserve that. Just tell your boyfriend that’s what you need. It’s OK to do that. There’s nothing demanding or weird about letting your partner know what would make you happy.

  48. Wow thank you for the insight. This really brings clarity to my mind. You're right, I'm scared of confronting my bf about the joh issue cause it is very sensitive to him and I don't wanna upset him. But I guess having a crush on someone from the office isn't gonna solve the problem, huh (lol). Should I be honest about my feelings towards this guy to my BF, or should I just keep it to myself then?

  49. Just don’t start the argument. You know what you were feeling was unreasonable. You need to sit with your uncomfortable feelings yourself and stop reaching out to her (in this case via fighting) as an attempt to get a response or interaction from her to make you feel better.

  50. This woman is not your girlfriend. I can’t say what else is going on, but you are not in a mutual romantic relationship.

  51. what do you think being separated means

    he started crying and asking how I could do this to him…

    Exactly, he clearly only cares about himself, he doesn’t deserve OP.

    It sucks that some people in her life have turned on her, but they kinda sound like assholes anyway.

    On the bright side, OP will be so distracted by all the new good things going on in her life, she probably won’t notice them gone!

    Don’t light yourself on fire to keep others warm. Don’t make this decision for others’ benefit OP, give yourself a chance at happiness ?

  52. It’s not like he says “you’re cheating of me” what about those men who raises children that are not theirs. Why not do it to be sure? It isn’t such a big deal in the end.

  53. Leave it alone. He’s changed his mind. He used to post her a bunch and clearly that didn’t work out. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why he might not want to do that again.

  54. I was in the exact opposite situation. I wanted to do anything, if only we would have a (second) child. Even if this would affect my health and shorten my lifespan.

    My (now ex) husband was afraid to lose me and thought after child 1 that it was enough. He is really traumatized by everything that happened to us during the route. It ultimately cost us our marriage.

    Talk to each other. State your fears. If it doesn't work together, go to a therapist who specializes in fertility problems.

  55. Honestly it's just like any other relationship… It might work out in the long term or it might not.

    Applying certain expectations, timelines, and metrics to relationships doesn't really have any positive outcomes.

  56. So a 29 year old man got into a relationship with a 20 year old woman, and now 11 years later that woman has discovered she wants something different now. (Also, 9 years is a big age gap when one partner is so young.)

    That's pretty normal. We change and grow a whole lot in our 20s, and what you want as a 31 yo is almost certainly not the same as what you wanted when you were 20.

    It sounds like you and your Bf now want very different kinds of relationships, and that's okay. Not everyone wants the “typical” romantic relationship – I also want the independence that you describe and I'm lucky to have found partners who feel the same way.

    Sounds to me like it is time for you two to go your separate ways. You don't meet each other's needs any more, and you both deserve to have someone (or more than one someone, if you are polyamorous) in your life that does.

  57. My ex was manipulative in weird ways like that too. Become a ghost, as far as he's concerned. There's no problem with telling your friends you don't want any news of him, and you don't want him to know any details about you. Respect yourself, be polite about it to your buds and they should understand, but there's nothing wrong with boundaries. Especially while it's such a fresh breakup.

  58. Not saying no doesn’t necessarily mean you consented. But without any fear or coercion or lack of ability to express your disapproval; after a certain point if you keep accepting the handjob you’ve consented.

    If he froze out of fear, I’d say that is still assault. But if he just got caught up in the moment—which is understandable—that’s not really assault.

  59. Listen. This is advice, not judgement. Stop bothering this woman!!! Don’t joke. Don’t track her movements in her own house. Don’t complain about sex. You have up to 30 more weeks to go! She will become more uncomfortable and irritable so being less annoying is a matter of survival. You can do this!!!

  60. I bought all these programs lol like the siren one and umm something about making a man fall in love etc.

    Also important to date more than one guy at a time. Dont put all your eggs in one basket, at least at first. 🙂 I followed all these program tips and am happily married now.

  61. He never beings it up, he hasn't brought it up for years. I am just scared that i may not be fulfilling enough and am holding him back

  62. He’s going down the misogynistic alpha pipeline.

    Your life with him will only get worse. He doesn’t see you as an independent person, he sees you as his possession or an extension of him.

    If he won’t respect you, I hope you respect yourself enough to leave. You’d rather be alone than be with someone like this.

  63. But she did have an obligation to tell you that you wouldn't be included. She may not be able to control the (what seems, based solely on your description) childish butt-hurt of her friend, but she IS responsible for just leaving you with your ass in the breeze. Realistically, it's her choosing to diss and dismiss you and I'd call bullshit on her explaining it away as something she'd be completely understanding about in a reversed situation. She'd be lighting up your phone, social media, calling your relatives, etc and be so far up your ass that you'd think you were getting a colonoscopy.

  64. tbf you have a glimpse of what life will be like co parenting with him.

    I how op reads this and takes it to heart. She's seeing exactly what her future with him will look like. (It looks exhausting.)

  65. I am not saying what he did is okay. It is so not, but I can’t help but look at both sides here. None of this would have happened if she had just stopped. It’s literally that simple.

    It doesn’t matter WHAT she was trying to do, hug or otherwise—he was uncomfortable, but she didn’t care.

    ‘Especially when it is something as small as this…’

    You invalidating his feelings over a hug—which obviously was a big thing to him—is just as disrespectful as her continuing.

    ‘She should have left him alone, yes. But the disproportionate response from him was disturbing.’

    Can you not agree that this response would’ve never happened, if she had just backed off?

    Can you tell me why she kept pushing him?

    Can you tell me why her hug was so much more important than his need?

    If the roles were reversed, and he was doing this to her instead of her doing it to him, so many would be congratulating her for standing up for herself by throwing elbows and boxes because he wouldn’t stop. No one would be saying that her response was disproportionate and disturbing.

    So, he lashed out.

    And now, she’s suddenly shocked. And then, for reasons I still can’t understand, she runs to Reddit, to tell the world about it, talking about her safety….

    Again, I’m not saying what he did is okay. Clearly there are issues here, and they are not good together. Clearly, he needs to work on himself. But so does she. When someone says go away, when someone wants you to back off, you respect that.

    SHE created this entire thing. Not him.

    none of it would’ve happened.

    Like I said, make it make sense.

  66. End the relationship and get therapy. You should not feel at all guilty for having this boundary. He can take whatever justification he has for such a request with him when he leaves.

  67. Touching someone for hug doesn’t justify violence. And then further violence and then emotional abuse.

    Go away now please.

  68. For some reason this sub is obsessed with the idea of marriage.

    Just FYI – You can spend the rest of your lives together extremely happily without ever getting married.

  69. He's using you up and not giving you any support. Living with him is draining and you're used to not relying on him, because he doesn't give you any space to talk and won't listen to you.

    Move out and you'll feel free. Move on and you'll feel better.

  70. @-@ This is part of what my brain is telling me but idk… just the not-knowing part is what’s making it unbearable

  71. I have anxiety, I struggled with this when I was younger. You’re being outstandingly, mindblowingly, supportive which is awesome. Personally the issue entirely went away for me after being a bit into the relationship unless I was under a ton of stress and couldn’t get my mind off it.

    When my partner was angry or accusational or anything like that it wouldn’t only make it worse, it would kill my interest in trying as much as I would like because I wanted to avoid that reaction that was usually born out of women thinking men are constant walking erections you could will to existence unless you were elderly.

    So props there. I’d hold the course, speak to a doctor at some point, potentially get some pharmaceutical help if the doctor recommends it.

    When I struggled with it I was extremely extremely fit and healthy, was able to rule that out but can always impact it as well.

  72. People throw around the word grooming but it's a word that means the person pushes tiny boundaries to get you used to boundary pushing and compliance. It seems easy to remove negative pressure by wearing your hair down and the conflict will magically go away. Only there never needed to be a conflict if you have bodily autonomy. His reaction to a hairstyle is insane by the way. My BF would love me if I shaved my head and still see the person I am inside

  73. Talk to him and let him know that you’re leaving if he doesn’t change his behavior. Imagine how shitty he’d feel if you were compulsively jerking off to strange men live, lying about it to him, jerking off at work and refusing sex with him in favor of porn ?

  74. I was devastated going to my abortion appointment with BPAS (England), but I knew it was the right decision at the time. It was a tough pill to swallow but I wasnt financially, emotionally or physically ready to have a child let alone raise one. I cried before and after the appointment, I thought about it a lot and wondered if my decision was the right one for me. Deep down despite the guilt and sadness I knew it was.

    In my case the abortion never happened as my ex never showed up to take me and when I had recovered emotionally enough to seek help on my own I was too far along. I love my child more than anyone in the world but it was too soon and I was not ready for it. I have adjusted and am doing well but I find myself often worrying about my ability to raise my baby well. Its difficult because I know I dont have the money to raise them the way I want to, I dont have a career yet, i dropped out of uni because I was pregnant. I feel guilty that I brought a life into this world knowing it wasnt the right time. My circumstances are very weird but I it has taught me that you need to make the right decision for you and for the potential life you could bring into this world. Even if you want it are you ready for it? You need to think carefully and you have a bit of time.

    I honestly would go to the appointment. You can always not follow up if it doesnt feel right or if you are having serious reservations. Talk to your partner and have a heart to heart about the topic. I wish you the best

  75. You either believe her or you don't; that's the crossroad you are at. And it's pretty clear from her actions which you should choose. God speed ?

  76. He cheated on you because he is a piece of shit. If you had not gone abroad he would have found a different excuse. Just stop expecting him to give you any semblance of an intelligent answer, flush him down the toilet and be done with him. Everything will be okay, you will get through it I promise. We’ve all kissed a few frogs before we found a prince.

  77. Well, he suggested a threesome with another girl, does that mean he's thinking about having sex with another girl? How are you supposed to trust HIM? (Just turning his logic back on him, for the sake of argument). He's a hypocrite and has toxic views on women and men and sex. Dump him.

  78. Well he said he wouldn't have sex with the girl if we did it with another girl and I said I didn't have to have sex with the guy

  79. They feel unsafe because their response to hospitality was violence. Your family has “lost control” of you and they are more likely try to exert extreme behaviors to try to regain that control if you go back.

  80. I’ve thought the same thing that there seems to be something amiss since he has not seemed to be too concerned in the past with saving for a house. But at the same time is adamant that the only way to move in together is to buy one.

  81. Hon, sometimes tough love is required. You aren't being kind to your partner by treating him like this.

    Based on everything else going on in your life in your history, I'd say now is a good time to be speaking with a professional if you are not already. Getting in touch with yourself will help you become confident and gain better communication skills, and give you tools to handle stressful situations.

    You don't have to let your stress and your mental health shrink your life. I know it can be comfy when we build ourselves little cages where we feel like we can control things, but truth is your being controlled by the bad.

    People are going to be a bit aggro because sometimes they see themselves in it. I know I let a friends mental illness take over my life. I know I've let my own get more control than it was warranted.

    At the end of the day people here want you to grow and succeed, it's just your actions here are indicative you are not growing. We just want you to get the message: You deserve the help you need to get you where you need to be.

  82. What advice are you looking for?

    If you’re not interested in a relationship, then you’d be going on a date to see if he’s someone you’d want to casually hook up with. Which is totally fine and normal.

    But the way you wrote the post you said you would go on ONE date and that’s it. Then what’s the point? Just to pity him? If not, then the wheelchair is irrelevant to the question. You should be asking “I’m not interested in a relationship, but should I go on one date with a guy I’m talking to?” I can only assume you mentioned the wheelchair because it is a bigger issue to you than you’re admitting.

  83. I mean its not blatant cheating, but its definitely a grey area. I'd just tell her from now on you don't suck on any other male's body parts or its a done deal lmao

  84. Why not let him decide for himself if he minds it or not? I've never been with a guy who cared if I was on my period or not. I'm sure they exist but I think it's less common than you'd expect at least based on my experience, it's not like I select my partners based on that.

  85. You're extremely weird and prudish. Oh nooo, a friend of his wore a crop top. Idk you sound 16 not 28. It's normal to like your friend's posts

  86. The way I read the original post, he is paying OP already. OP doesn't have a job anymore and he does and presumably he is covering most/all of OP's expenses.

  87. Yeah, no. She's an adult. She has agency. She could put two and two together and figure out that her husband might have a problem with this. OPs friend is a creep for sure, but she also majorly dropped the ball by going along with it

  88. Few things I want to clarify. I have never made it an expectation for her having to respond to my texts within a certain period of time. In fact, she apologized a couple of times for texting back a couple of days later and i called and said that she doesn't have to do that as we both are adults and have busy lives. I sent a screenshot of my text because 1) it was an a very abrupt move to move from texting to insta messaging and 2) it seemed like she never got the text in the first place the way she responded. I think you are being very uncharitable with regards to where i'm coming from.

  89. I think he’s right in that you’re incompatible and you should forget about him based on that.

  90. He tends to joke after we have a sex or he kisses me that I should pay him for it. I

    Fancies himself as a gigolo does he.

  91. These incidents really do show the quality of someone's character though. A relationship will have multiple difficult conversations over the years, and the second he was confronted with something he didn't like, he lashed out. That's not something you can forget with an apology.

  92. It would make sense that her original disinterest turned you off without you realizing it! You put yourself out there and didn’t get anything back originally, so it could be off putting for her to do that months after the fact

  93. He's an equal adult to you. When someone tells you to stop something, you understand that it's offensive and you stop doing it, correct? He's not a child nor mentally inferior, he understands also, but had been unwilling to stop because he doesn't care enough or respect you enough. Take this into consideration.

    People don't suddenly “wake up” one day and change their ways for a person they've been waking up to for days on end. They do however get comfortable being disrespectful and get worse because they think you're not going anywhere and you will accept the behavior no matter what because you're an optimist and think one day they'll be different. But they won't and don't plan to.

    So, long story short, he doesn't plan on “understanding” one day because he already does understand. He just doesn't care that it hurts you. This is a fundamental flaw in him, not you. But you need to take the steps to get away from him and separate yourself from him, so that you can see that there are non delusional partners that will appreciate you in the world. Don't waste your life and time on someone who has their brain preoccupied with digital fantasy garbage.

  94. You're gut is right. So are the majority of these comments. Do yourself a favour and ditch the old man

  95. If that is the case then you should stop seeing her.

    Obviously her past sexual escapades matters to you since you yourself only had sex with those you are in relationship with.

    If this is your dealbreaker, stick to it. Dont keep guessing what ifs what ifs. There are alot of women out there to choose from.

  96. So did he admit it to you last night or three weeks ago when you said it happened and then took a plan b? Either way you should leave him and he doesn’t need to be there for a pregnancy test

  97. This is definitely not a possibility. As I’ve seen for years what he watches when he was hiding it so if that was the case I would have already found it.

  98. First —You guys aren’t labeled but you “basically are” because you’ve been seeing each other for awhile? No, have that talk— it is never good to assume even if you’re confident. But, there are going to be things you will get to experience together in a relationship and separate. He’s at least texting you and sending you photos which means he is at least thinking about you while he is away and probably wishes the same thing, that you were there too— esp if all his other friends brought their significant others. Don’t distance yourself, just try to think about if you were in his shoes. Its natural to feel this way, but don’t let this create an issue between you two.

  99. Of course. Like Ryan gosling being “sexist man alive” and me being “Bitch please” about that nonsense.

    But I was literally just talking about the numbers scale. Women act like 5 is a 0, and anything under 9.5 is average.

  100. I don't know. I assumed that it will get better as my kids get older.

    There is a part of me that thinks that maybe I was not ready to be a mother. Maybe those initial conditions my husband proposed while dating were too much? But it seemed pretty straightforward. Take care of the house and raise a kid. You don't even need to work a job. If anything it seemed like I broke the “contract”. He never hid what he wanted from me. He wanted a partner AFTER I fulfilled my obligations.

    Eventually (maybe in 5 ish years) my husband wants to decrease the amount he works and spend more time with us. For the near future he wants to try to implement solutions that will help me be happy without necessarily taking away the responsibilities of motherhood.

  101. Of course. Like Ryan gosling being “sexist man alive” and me being “Bitch please” about that nonsense.

    But I was literally just talking about the numbers scale. Women act like 5 is a 0, and anything under 9.5 is average.

  102. Your post relieved me because despite I don't even know who you are there are many things in common between what I lived and what you said.

  103. Your post relieved me because despite I don't even know who you are there are many things in common between what I lived and what you said.

  104. Yep, there comes a point where your parent's SOs aren't step anything. My Dad's wife is exactly that, my Dad's wife. They didn't get married until after I did. Don't get me wrong, she's a lovely person, but not my stepmother.

  105. Welcome to life, where you most of the time can’t have your cake AND eat it. I know the internet loves to peddle that idea with all the glitz and glamour. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea now, you’ll probably hold onto some bitterness that you felt forced to accept an open relationship, etc. You’re not obligated to go thru the emotional and mental anguish of not being able to pick because she wants to keep you as a security blanket while exploring her other options.

  106. She said she just wants to figure things out. I was patient, but if she still doesn't know where she wants us to be, then I have no choice than to move on. We don't fight about random things, the only thing we've seriously fought about is where our relationship stands.

  107. Apologize for what? Truly. You have a prior commitment. He’s angry? Not good. Red flag. He didn’t even consider your schedule when making plans for an entire week. What in the world are you apologizing for?

  108. Well, most notably, “she thinks I’m with her for her money” and then “we make the same as one another and I have more assets than she does”. Like fam, this is NOT a woman to start a life with. You have kids. You need someone stable and trustworthy, not a woman looking to bail any time you make a joke, a joke, that anyone smart enough to be a fucking doctor should realize is a joke. You literally have more money than her.

  109. He keeps asking for reasons, so I didn’t know if telling him something more than what I said when I ended it is the right thing to do. But likely not…

  110. You can end a relationship for any reason or none at all.

    I’m hard pressed to understand what complication of diabetes would be so debilitating that she can’t work and needs special care if she’s following doctor’s orders. ?‍♀️

  111. Yeah i know there are many trash garbage people in this world. Too bad we have to online with them. Perhaps in a communist society they would be dealt with

  112. My partner has checked with me before lending money that was 100% from his paycheck and didn't affect bills at all.

  113. That is not true. Plenty of people of different religions seek virgins for some reason. I wouldn’t touch a virgin with a 10 foot pole but somehow that’s their preference.

  114. I've known guys SAd by men and women, none of them reported and it's not just the homophobic culture, it's also the toxic masculinity and the belief that “men can't be raped”

  115. I've known guys SAd by men and women, none of them reported and it's not just the homophobic culture, it's also the toxic masculinity and the belief that “men can't be raped”

  116. Please don't. What he said is garbage, and could cause so much harm. Do not marry this man. You'll regret it forever.

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