Mandy Kay live! sex cams for YOU!


The Mandy Kay!! IG SiliconePrincess [GOAL MET]

Date: October 7, 2022

38 thoughts on “Mandy Kay live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Dude.

    He is saying that every act that does not conform to masculine stereotypes is homosexual, and thus should not be Done by straight men.

    It's homophobic and also quite idiotic.

  2. Either way you are both having a detrimental effect and impact on each other, which is never a good situation for you both to be in or any other couple in a relationship for that matter but the biggest issue and difference here in your particular situation is that the detrimental effect that you are having on each other is not just bruising your egos but it’s actually impacting on the mental health and mental state of you both and doing some real lasting damage it’s also preventing you both from getting better mentally

  3. The truth came out when you said you didn't trust her. It makes no sense for you to be with someone you don't trust, or for her to be with someone who doesn't trust her.

  4. Someone told me once so ima tell you life can feel frustrating or annoying but why not try and see where it goes, we don’t really know where death puts us but what is there to gain by going there sooner, you should see your kids grow up (like another commenter said you can probably get a large share of custody) grow old, find a new hobby, the small good things in life are 100% worth all the bad times even if it doesn’t seem like it in the bad moments… I would suggest seeing a therapist or councillor it’s scary to show your weaknesses and share your experiences but depression is a sickness and there is treatment. I love you and hope you get better 🙂

  5. This subs sexist af , I keeps saying it and get downvoted everytime. You’re right if it was the other way around they’d be lining up to noose him.

  6. At the time of my appointment I was too far along for that. If they'd have time a couple days earlier then that would have been an option. It was a very close call though, if I remember correctly. I just know that when she did the ultrasound, she said a surgical abortion under general anesthesia was my only option.

  7. Hello /u/Turbulent_Thought_33,

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  8. This man, is into penis. Not for nothing but I would be really offended if someone had to look at porn to stay aroused in the bedroom with me. He is telegraphing “I prefer penis” in every possible way to you.

  9. I suppose that there’s something I’ve never told her I feel like I’m being dishonest. What if she asks who the last person before her was?

    Also that I never told her I was going to meet the other girl whilst I was talking to her.

  10. Then yea, on top of the physical demand of caring for someone, she's probably got a lot of emotional stuff going on as well. It totally makes sense that she wouldn't have much mental energy left over for texting. That said, it may be like this for a while depending on how much time their loved one has left, and then there's the aftermath: funeral, grief period, etc. For a relationship this new, you may decide you can't wait that long or won't be able to provide the kind of support that she needs, and if you decide you need to move on then that's okay too.

  11. If she broke a stated boundary by sending other people nudes, it's not about “not judging her for it.” It's just about breaking up with her because she violated the rules of your relationship.

  12. I don't have experience on either side of this, but almost all serious relationship changes can be navigated better with the help of a competent couples therapist. Finding one with some background in this area (disability and/or open relationships) would probably be helpful too

  13. I hope you can find someone to emotionally support you.

    Your grades and skipping school is concerning. What do you plan for the future? How will you make money? Will you go to university? These are things you need to be thinking of very seriously at your age. Especially because money is about the only way you are going to be able to get away from your abusive parents.

  14. Yeah, this should probably be my first step. Trying to figure it out by myself is eating me up from the inside. Thank you.

  15. He sounds like a terrible person. I’d go no contact – he clearly doesn’t care about you or the child you were carrying. Talking to him is unlikely to be anything but painful for you.

    I’d recommend spending your time in therapy instead. You’ll get a lot more closure that way than by speaking with your ex.

  16. I understand not responding if you are the kind of person who lives more detached from their phone. Both my boyfriend and I are constantly on our phones. As I mentioned in a previous response, I believe that simple updates such as change in location or any major occurrence isn’t being needy. Obviously it’s entirely opinionated, but if he can respond to his friends when he’s we me, then I think it’s fair to be able to respond to me occasionally when he’s with them.

  17. Just leave it. You broke up and who he hooks up with, regardless of whether you know them or not, is none of your business. You're in a healthier and happier relationship. You can obviously trust your friends to draw the line so I wouldn't spend the mental energy on it.

  18. OP apologized and he rolled over, stopped speaking to her, jabbed her in the back in the middle of the night, and faked snoring.

  19. Baby girl please don't do this to yourself! My current partner and I met on Tinder and we both sat and deleted our accounts together. There should be no mystery or doubt about it. I was with a man who did this same thing, I ignored the signs, and then a few years later I one day walked into our bedroom to find another woman on top of him. Listen to the red flags. Don't do yourself a disservice.

  20. There is nothing you can do to change him. That's something he needs to do for himself, and if he doesn't want to or keeps making excuses why he “can't” then that's all there is to it.

    You can decide if you want to be with this person, and that's all you have control over. Certainly offering to help with resumes and applications is awesome, but if he isn't taking them seriously or returning their calls then you're simply wasting your time.

    If he asks for help, certainty help but the more you do for him, the more you are enabling him to “do nothing” for himself. The best help you can give him is to let him take care of himself. Do not stay with him hoping he'll change, or thinking enabling and supporting are the same thing.

  21. It’s not necessarily a DEMAND (nice use of caps…) if they have an AGREEMENT that he goes out to work and pays the bills and she keeps the house clean.

    We all have to add some level of value to a relationship. If he’s holding up his end of the bargain, why shouldn’t she? If the 1950s housewife thing isn’t working for her, she could get a job and they both split the cleaning. Problem solved.

  22. If this story is on the level (sorry but it is Reddit) then kick her out. Now. Ghost her. Drop her. Whatever it takes to get this toxic human away from you forever.

  23. If changing her body to make you happy would take so much effort that she wouldn’t enjoy life—that can happen—then are you worth it? Can she really permanently, safely change her body without being miserable? You underestimate how hot it can be for someone to change their body.

  24. Yep, in this story, he obviously manipulated OP into entertaining a fetish of his. Not such a great friend.

  25. Thank you, I will not ask her about the above and will continue to use condoms. I just want to clarify, I shouldn't have a discussion about birth control methods on her end at all? I'm definitely not going to coerce her into doing it just for “the feeling” (since she's my first and I've never not used a condom); I just wanted to better understand her past experiences with it and see if it's something she'd want to do now that we're a bit further along in our relationship.

  26. Is he open to individual and couples therapy? If you are right and he really was a good, loving person instead of controlling and insecure, I think couples therapy could really help you get to a good place again. If you were wrong about him, individual therapy for you might help you figure it out. And individual therapy for him could help him work on his insecurity and fear of being left behind/you being out of his league or whatever is making him act this way.

    I get that it’s not affordable in the US, so you could think about which issue you want to tackle first and decide which kind of therapy and for whom of you you want. Sometimes a couples therapist will also suggest going to individual therapy first if they think it’s necessary. What’s important is getting a good therapist that you vibe with and who has good qualifications.

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