Maddi Avalon the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Maddi Avalon, 26 y.o.

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Maddi Avalon live sex chat

Date: October 23, 2022

58 thoughts on “Maddi Avalon the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. How often do you tell him you love him?

    How often do you tell him you're proud of him?

    How many traditions or activities have you involved him in, explaining that this is what your dad did with you when you were his age?

    How often have you bought him a card or a gift which calls him your son?

    How involved are you in his life- do you ask about his day, go to parent-teacher things, watch his games, try to get him enrolled in extracurriculars that interest him, ask him about his interests and hobbies?

    There is a huge difference between correcting problematic and damaging communication and behaviors on your side, and actually putting in the work to treat him like a son. I hear about what you stopped doing, but what did you start doing? Kids need you to be the one to reach out, get involved, let them know how you feel and what they mean to you- especially when you missed so many years. If you haven't been doing this, then you massively dropped the ball as a father and at 16 I don't even think you have the time to make it up to him. Stopping toxic behaviors was just the first step you would have needed to take to be a father to him,

    Also, you went to therapy for a few months and then let it go because “it wasn't doing much”? Therapy is a process, and sometimes you don't even realize the progress you're making until you look back on it from a happier place in the future. It was a really bad move to stop counseling for a troubled child who'd lost the only parent they had ever known, and moved into a new living situation with a new parent he didn't know.

    You have so much work to do to correct the last four years, and very little time to do it in. Get the kid back in therapy, start using positive words and actions and getting involved with him like a father should, make it clear you do think of him as a son, and open the lines of communication so he feels comfortable talking to you about his thoughts and feelings.

  2. It can absolutely be a medical condition. Had a friend that couldn’t bare the painful sex with her boyfriend. She broke up with him cause she thought he was just too big or something.

    She later went to the doctor, got diagnosed with some medical problem, they gave her medicine and at-home-remedies, and now she’s back together with that same boyfriend having a great sex life.

  3. I don't even want to have sex because of what my dads current wife did tricking him into getting her pregnant. Im still virgin even though im 35. Its not the only thing she did though quite awful person.

  4. It sounds like something just doesn’t line up for what she’s looking for, and that’s fine. Chances are she’s looking for someone who has more spare time or more flexible obligations. And you’re clearly looking for someone who’s okay with your limited time. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a little confused about it, it happens and it’s jarring when it seems like it’s going fine but it’s not.

  5. Visit your parents and don’t return until it’s with them to pick up your stuff. If he is keeping you from visiting them or leaving call the police

  6. Do you really want to be with a guy who makes you work 1 and half jobs ( 1 full time and 1 part time?! You must be exhausted!) to pay 50/50 of everything while you're studying on top of that?

    I'm sorry, but that's not an equitable breakdown of finances here, for starters.

    How is domestic labour split in the household? Who does more chores? Is that factored into your 50/50 split too?

    The whole “i want someone who's career is established” sounds like an excuse, or a weird way of him saying he's a gold digger.

  7. You really do not want to surprise her on the day as it would be unfair to catch her unprepared in a public situation.

    Pretty good point.

  8. You absolutely did the right thing. Ignore your friends. Drug addiction is very serious and not easy to just “talk about” or “work through”. Don't contact her.

  9. I don't know about you but after I gave birth the first time I wondered if it would ever be the same again. ( I know it “snaps” back) but the thought was still there. The timing might not have been right, but it's a genuine concern.

  10. If it does I better let my yard go to shit so I don't get accused of stalking my neighbor while she's pulling weeds.

  11. I’m studying graphic design live!, but of course, I’m just studying it at the moment, and I have to make sure to earn enough money monthly.

  12. That first sentence kinda says it all. I have tried to be supportive with all of the alcoholism and the issues that it brings but there is only so much I can do. She is refusing to address a lot of it. At this point she is so shut down I can’t communicate with her at all. The problem is I still love her. I think I know where this ends I just don’t want to admit it

  13. This is single sided. And she acts the way she does because she knows that as soon as another woman shows you the stuff she withholds, you are going to leave her. She over played her hand and she is going to lose. Be free. Find someone else. Find someone that actually loves you and doesn't want to control you like she does. I can almost guarantee she will end up marrying one of the other guys and he will end up putting his foot down.

  14. “Closure” is kind of a myth and if you've broken up with him via text that basically is your “closure”. You've ended it so now stop reaching out to him. Don't message, don't call, he seems to believe you're broken up so now all you have to do is accept that as well.

  15. I would tell him to give you time to find a place and not worry about getting a break because if you leave, you won't be back. This os manipulative game playing

  16. This definitely rings alarm bells to me. If it was just one of these weird things, it could be brushed off. But that’s too many weird, out of character behaviours if what you say is accurate.

    Suddenly acting distant and sneaking around after going on a trip definitely sounds like she’s up to something.

  17. Bah. You lied, check back in a year or two. I feel like you may have a different tone unless of course you stop lying.

  18. Get ready to reestablish contact with your friend. All I’d be concerned is what level of grooming existed and if they had sex when it was illegal. Depending where you are he could have been legally having sex with her for a while cause grooming in his case doesn’t come from a “position” of power. Id be nice and talk to a professional first.

  19. I think the issue here is the quality of who you brought into your home. You brought someone into a shared home who was clearly unstable and ready to fight.

    I would question your judgement too tbh

  20. Then i'd be the bigger person to tell him it's over or start going to a relationship counseling. If he has been starting to take thing away from his apartment he's mentally preparing to end things. If he has broken up with you before and you have gotten him back. He will do it again, explain the situation to him and explain how you feel and let him tell you how you feel.

    Make a choice if you want to keep going or end it right then and there,

  21. It is hot to shake that. But when you fall into the trap of thinking that’s who she is, try to remind yourself who she really is. Picture her sexting people behind your back, calling you paranoid and insecure and a narcissist, starting fights over meals and then storming away. That’s who she is.

  22. I really want you to think about how she feels right now. Your snap judgement about her was that she's just like her mom.

    You called her abusive

    You've been together for 5 years, but you jump to that conclusion after one sentence she utters. She's devastated. She has no clue when you'll call her abusive again.

    Fucking apologize, man.

  23. She fucking held you hostage. Does he not grasp how traumatic that is? And he’s an idiot for not following the house rules. This is pretty much his fault. If he’s not kissing your ass, you deserve better.

  24. I need you to reread your post again, but this time with open eyes. No making excuses or thinking you need to be a grownup’ about this.

    This is not okay.

    He just chose her over you.

    He is protecting her…over you.

    He is thinking about her—not you.

    He has shown you, your worth to him—which is under her.

    Are you going to let him show you again?

    How long will this go on? That he doesn’t want to tell her about you is a HUGE red flag, and in my opinion, a dealbreaker. How are you just sitting there, taking this?

    If that’s were me, his things would be outside waiting for him. when he asked why I was kicking him out, I’d day, go ask your ‘ex’ girlfriend.

    And you are sure they’re really broken up?

    My question is—are you going to put up with this? Because he’s going to do it again and again. And I bet if she wanted to get back together with him, he would be there so fast…

    You deserve better.

  25. If she got upset that you didn’t accept her apology straight away, then she wasn’t sorry. She was just saying whatever you wanted to hear, to get you to shut up and drop the subject. If she were genuinely remorseful, she wouldn’t just apologize – she would actually take accountability. That means no shifting blame, no making excuses, and no demanding that you accept her “sorry” and get over it. A genuinely remorseful person wouldn’t even expect you to accept their apology at all…and they wouldn’t equate an acceptance of their apology with forgiveness (which is a totally separate issue).

    The fact that she hurt you by crossing a boundary, and couldn’t even muster a genuine apology, is incredibly telling.

  26. He is using you, find someone in your age range before you have to make another post called “he cheated on me for a younger girl” in a decade or so

  27. After only six months, you wouldn’t be getting on my insurance and you asking for it would set off all alarms in my head.

    Yes, please end it. Your decade younger stbx is much more together than you are.

  28. Yeah. But they are dumb kids who probably miss their father who is not involved and they’re angry. OR, the OP has thrown money at the situation but hasn’t been very nice to them .

  29. I think it would be wise to get ahead of it given the possibility that this guys lies could spread to your boyfriend.

    Assuming your boyfriend is well-adjusted, he won't care about who you hooked up with before you were together.

  30. Why is that hot for you?! Literally YOU are the one playing games. She was direct in asking if you’d communicate with her more. You did the opposite – didn’t communicate for a week and are angry with HER for not reaching out to YOU?! You told her “good luck out there” when in fact you sir are the one needing luck.

  31. I agree with everyone else. Tell him the relationship is over then block him and move on. This is a fully grown man acting like a bratty child. No one needs that in their life. You can absolutely find better than that level of immaturity.

  32. It’s not my back up.. it’s his. In fact, when I came to the conclusion of keeping this child entirely at first, I even decided that right afterwards, I was going to get my tubes tied.

  33. Some people just don't want to get pregnant though. That doesn't mean they would never want children.

  34. Phone the police. Stalking is a crime.

    *it is where I live! anyway, obviously check your own local laws.

  35. …Are we sure this wasn’t a baby wipe or something??? Don’t let people rub clorox on your crotch, man

  36. My wife and I have our own accounts and a shared account solely for paying bills and groceries. It works great and I don't know why any other dual-income couple wouldn't do the same. I buy what I want and she buys what she wants. When we go on vacation or whatever, we each transfer our portion into the shared account. We each have our direct deposit setup to send a portion of our paychecks straight to the shared account. We can make as many horrible decisions as we want and we know the money is going to be in that shared account because it never touches our individual accounts.

  37. If you got divorced I don’t think anyone would judge you for acting like this second one never happened. Erase him from your memory

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