Macarena cruz on-line sex chats for YOU!


show ass [Multi Goal]

Date: November 16, 2022

48 thoughts on “Macarena cruz on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. No. Insecure, pathetic men who think their dicks are the end all, be all of the world and have no clue how to pleasure a woman and have nothing to bring to any relationship think this way.

  2. Never pass up free real estate. If you can afford to pay the taxes on the house and renovate at your leisure or as money is available AND buy yourselves a home where you reside, do it. If your MIL is living there and can continue to pay the utilities then you’ll have an investment for the long haul. There are bubbles in real estate but they don’t burst like the stock market does, make it happen and you’ll have passive income if you rent one of your homes.

  3. There are some people who get into relationships with the intention of being in control. For example, one approach is to over-express feelings of love and desire, to “love bomb” the other person. This may be a step towards saying other people don't love the other person as much, or are faking it, in order to isolate the other person from friends and family.

    It may just be that this guy is really happy to meet you and that you were willing to have sex with him. Perhaps he just doesn't understand love, and thinks it is important to say it early.

    But, you can't really tell at this point if he is clueless or crafty. It is up to you if you want to explain to him what you think love means, and ask him what he thinks it means, and why he'd say this to you so soon in a relationship. Or, you can just decide there's no point in being a relationship with someone who moves so quickly.

  4. Nope. Poly has been around forever but for the average person it's a new concept. Most people don't know how to react to it yet. Once it becomes an “old idea” , the average person won't give a shit. Poly is the new flavor of the month so of course there will be people hating on it.

  5. u/dazzlingaround, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Why are u assuming she knew at 22 that her lack of attraction to men meant she was a lesbian and not asexual? Or not the result of abuse? Or not the result of being raised very religious? Or that when she noticed an attraction to women she didn’t believe / was told she could pray it away. Ur assuming a lot. And u have a lot of vitriol for her. Even he’s not this angry. Why are u?

  7. u/GigglyEgg, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. I'll never understand people who are in long term committed relationships, buy a home together and still act like this over finances. Just combine finances and be a couple.

  13. She still profits from it. Queers eat at Chic-Fil-A despite knowing the family personally donate to causes that work against the LGBT community.

    I’m with your soon to be ex-friend. If you care more about lining Rowling’s pocketbooks than caring about the queer community, then we don’t need to friends. Because I don’t believe in giving money to people who are actively seeking to harm my friends.

  14. I mean JKR has literally said that the money she continues to receive for her products proves that people agree with her but are too scared to speak up. I also grew up with Harry Potter but I've tried to avoid buying new products from the franchise (movies, games, etc) specifically because of that fact.

    Will your 60$+ dollars be that significant to JKR? Probably not. But the fact is you are supporting her and her work by buying into it. And by supporting her financially you are contributing to her continuing relevance, good or bad.

    Is there a way you could play the game second hand or something without paying for it? Or maybe torrent it? Might be a happy medium

  15. All the red flags:

    Age difference

    He can’t get his own gun (what legal shit did he get into)

    He can’t take no for an answer

    He doesn’t accept your boundary of not doing this for him

    He doesn’t care if his tone gives you anxiety, he still pushes to manipulate you

  16. A younger, dumber me would totally marry this jerk. My 57 yo self would ha been through the first time he asked me to move out because he wanted a break. If not sooner.

  17. Ok I’m not going to be like super gentle trigger warning ass that shit I’m just gonna say how I would feel as I’m someone that’s had some experience with this sort of situation. I don’t think you should be scared of him. He did take out frustrations on you and yea that probably wasn’t very polite if you’re not into that kinda thing but I don’t think that means it’s gonna be like that every-time now for sure. But it could be. If he really meant what he said and you smoking a joint made him so disgusted he couldn’t even look at you and then he did this then either a.) Everything will be better now that was him getting over it. Or b.) he looks at you like that forever now and you should just leave because what a fuvkin psycho that he was ya to anger fuck you for smoking a joint. Long story long, if you like him, talk to him about it. You’re never going to be able to move forward until you figure out where you stand. What did he act like after? What did you act like? POV: before reading any comments.

  18. No, you should not let this go. You’re having to work far more than any one person should, and that’s not ok. He’s got some rage and depression beneath the surface that he needs to sort. You can’t fix this for him, nor can you force him into therapy. My genuine advice would be to start looking for another job with the same title. Once you’re in a position, it’s much easier to move laterally.

  19. I sugest you insist on a immediate legal separation & divorce for financial abuse/deception.

    Offer to continue living together as landlord & tennant and potential future boyfriend & girlfriend once he's sorted out his tax situation and learned to be open & honest .

    It sounds like you still like the guy but just don't want to be tied to him financially. Marriage is a contract that can be dissolved and should be if one partner is failing to act as a full partner.

    You don't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater but the bathwater needs to go asap! 🙂

  20. Yeah last year when we were all highschoolers we all had the same lunch period and sat together. It was pretty awkward between us. They would have classes together so they would talk about that and I would just be there awkwardly. Or they would talk about something that I knew nothing about or people they both know and I don’t.

  21. This was a bunch of paragraphs that were full of excuses. Start by not trying to justify it. That’s where you start. Making amends is all about changing your behavior.

  22. You can’t really say anything except the truth. I am not ignoring my studies by participating in these other activities. I’m absolutely getting the grades I need for med school. I’m also learning some really great social skills that I believe will help in my career and trying to achieve a level of fitness that will help me to work at the pace I’ll need to for the next many years. I’m laying down the foundation for my life as a doctor. I’m sorry he’s not seeing this.

  23. You’re expecting a level of majority she hasn’t reached yet cos she A GIRL. Why are you surprised?

  24. they send her to you because you allow it. you need to know your worth and be with someone who treats you better. why are you with someone who doesn't support you or contribute positively to your life?

  25. The circumstances that brought us together are anything but picture perfect, but we've been happy for a long time with what we have. And I'm not going to just roll over when someone is actively trying to end our relationship, the problem lies in that I don't know if I should be angry with my sister. She'd always been like this, and I had thought she grew out of it.

  26. Oh love, I understand completely that you want to keep your family together. But this will not get better. The kind of man who gets coked out and fucks hookers (because he absolutely did) and puts hands on his heavily pregnant woman is NOT the kind of man and father you want in your kids' lives. If you can't leave for your own sake, you have to do it for those babies. Your son is going to model himself and how he treats women based on how he sees his father interact with you. If your new baby is a girl, she is going to think this is how women are treated by men.

    And the abuse will eventually get worse. It always starts small, grabbing and bruises, etc. Eventually it will be slaps. Then fists and kicking. Get out now before things turn really ugly or fatal. You deserve so much better, and so do those kids.

    I'm so sorry you're in this situation and I wish we lived closer so I could send my husband over to see if he still feels like bullying someone, this sort of thing pisses us both off to no end.

  27. Don’t consider ending it, end it. He’s not repeating you, your body or your boundaries . He’s being a douche and most definitely lost sight of the “friend” part of fwb.

  28. You guys need to talk.

    If she doesn't want to maybe she's trying to edge out of your relationship.

    I don't know I'm not there.

    But your total and utter disgust with her and the whole idea/situation could be extra grounds for her to be less open to talking to you about it.

    Maybe you're not being very easy to talk to. It sounds like you're both at a bit of a standstill and maybe not understanding each other.

    I'm also curious if you've ever been to a strip club yourself for fun or whatever guys go there to do.

    I'm curious if you aren't disgusted then?

  29. Following the stripper on IG to me, is a bigger red flag than going to the club.

    Both aren’t great, together it’s pretty bad. He was lucid enough to remember her and follow her, so not actually blacked out. Blacked out means you don’t remember, not selectively remember.

  30. I have, but he does tend to forget things (diagnosed but untreated ADHD). Tried again a couple hours ago, he said I’m right and he wants to give me something.

  31. Sorry but both your husband and your ex best friends are vile and disgusting creatures. Divorce your husband, if you on-line in at at fault State sue your ex best friend. They both knew that they devastated you and destroyed your marriage when they asked the question. You and your children deserve better. Do not stay in this sham of a marriage. Get your husband to move out, he can live with his affair partner.

  32. You didn't trick anyone. They're growing ass adults. They wanted to see if you'd join in or had an alternative motivation, and that shit exploded in their faces. They both literally thought they could have everything and that just asking would make everything ok?.!?

    When your husband blames you again, simply say, “I agreed, and you got what you asked for. I can feel how every I want just like you can do what you want.”.

  33. Thank you, but for the past few fights I was the cause for all of them. Last time I didn’t keep a promise because I was too nervous to do something, this time I said that she tires me even though I meant that being on call all the time tires me. So it feels like I’m causing problems here.

  34. You literally have no concept of what love actually is. You absolutely did write the post in your “best language” – you just refuse accept the truth that you do not deserve another chance with her and the only kind thing you could do for her is to get the fuck out of her life and stay out.

  35. You have to explain to him clearly what you mean by a date and what you enjoy. There are simple couples where one of them can't plan these things even after explaining :D. Will you be ok arranging dates ? Provided he pays or shares cost ?

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