M A D D I A M O R E T T I on-line sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 7, 2022

13 thoughts on “M A D D I A M O R E T T I on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Personally I don't think it would be underhanded at all to get a vasectomy. You have been very clear that you do not want another child and up until recently she felt the same. She is now being extremely toxic and coercive and quite frankly I wouldn't trust her to not cheat to get pregnant or effectively rape you to get pregnant. I know that sounds extreme but she seems to have spiraled quickly down this particular rabbit hole and has no interest in listening to your very real and very valid concerns/desires.

    IMHO it is not selfish to not bring a child who isn't 100% wanted into the world. It would in fact be selfish of her to bring a child into it knowing you do not want to do so especially with so many unknowns. What if the child is born and develops or displays extreme behavioral issues? What if your wife suffers from complications and is permanently disabled in some way or even dies? Then you are sitting in your almost mid 40's with a baby you didn't want and either acting as a caretaker for your wife or a single parent.

  2. It’s not always ‘easy going’. Sometimes it’s boundaries and self esteem. Coming from an ‘easy going’ person who is likely older than you and has a lifelong issue with allowing this sort of thing 🙁

    I say that you should say no thank you.

  3. You… stick to your ultimatum. Set an alarm and put it on your calendar.

    You “liking him” doesn’t mean much to him, does it? It certainly doesn’t do anything for you, either. He’s neglecting you, bad at planning, bad at commitment – it sounds like. Why are you letting yourself get your hopes up when he’s proven time and time again that he doesn’t care.

    In the end, you’re gonna wait 14 days, he’s not gonna fix anything, and you’re gonna block him anyway. Forget the ultimatum – I’d end it right now.

  4. There are a billion theories.

    You have no idea what one is right. Neither do I.

    I have my opinion on all the evidence given. That's it.

    If you don't believe it's right. Good for you. That doesn't change anything in my life.

    All I know is what I would do. And if that's different from you. I couldn't care any less. We are different people. That's just how life works.

  5. Do they not know exactly when you're moving? What does the lease say? Have you given them enough time to find another roomie? Can they afford the rent without you?

  6. So you change one little thing about yourself and he treats you horribly?

    So it seems he doesn't think you should be allowed to make small changes about your appearance without his permission? Doesn't seem like he has much respect for your personal autonomy

  7. Everyone we ever date is wrong for us to a certain extent. No one is a perfect fit.

    In many respects, a relationship could be considered great if the two people in it are mostly right for each other.

    But we struggle to accept that because of what we’ve been led to believe about romanticism.

    We expect our partner to continue to excite and inspire us despite our relationship being focused on mundane domestic conditions 95% of the time.

    That’s why we think it’s a dilemma when we feel our boss is hot while we feel our long term partner is only just pretty good.

    We’re struck by a confusing moment of reflection. Are we really still in love with our our partner if we can feel this way about someone else?

    Yeah, we are. In fact, feeling the way we do about our partner is the inevitable outcome or trying to love someone after you actually get to know them.

    See, you don’t really know your boss. Your feelings are a baseless infatuation.

    Whereas the feelings for your partner are based on years of side-by-side, through-thick-and-thin living companionship.

    They’re not even in the same realm.

    In many respects, love is not romantic – its dutiful and present and sometimes boring or even frustrating.

    And this is perhaps more so the longer we stay together.

    But the fact that another person, your partner, has chosen to invest their time, their life, in your comfort, safety and happiness is no small gesture.

    Best of luck.

  8. I hear ya, it’s very frustrating and doesn’t make sense and I’m getting to a breaking point with it. Whenever it comes up he does not have a straight answer that to me makes sense. I appreciate your comment of saying he should be proud to have me connect with the people in his life. Good choice of wording that I will definitely use in our next conversation.

  9. Dump her, out her to her family and friends as a pedophile and groomer, watch with glee as her life disintegrates before her, go live your best life.

  10. Let him leave. Why are you fighting to hold on to someone who cheats on you and doesn’t care if it hurts?

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