LuvAlysa online sex cams for YOU!


First day here !! Make me feel welcomed guys, let have fun together and make me cum :* [89 tokens remaining]

Date: November 18, 2022

64 thoughts on “LuvAlysa online sex cams for YOU!

  1. “…because we’re cis-women, oral is kind of the star of the show..” Well, girl, if that’s your true, extremely narrow minded opinion about lesbian relationships and oral doesn’t do anything for her, then your relationship is doomed. Might as well call TOD and move on.

    Seriously, she’s told you she doesn’t get off on that. Obviously you do something that she does like so she doesn’t think oral is the biggest thing. Why are you pushing her about it instead of just accepting her and enjoying whatever both of you like?

  2. He either gets angry and it blows up into an argument when I just wanted to be heard, promises we’d play more and then never acts on it, or he gave me the excuse that it’s “him time” even though it was something we previously bonded over and it’s not him time when it comes to anyone else in his life.

    Sorry I should’ve mentioned what his responses usually are when I bring it up!

  3. No??? I apologize if it came off that way. A couple of replies are for sure, due to some people asking the same question

  4. Leave them alone and stop fucking saying your daughter groomed the poor guy.

    You need help lady. How could you say that about your own child?

    You're the “disaster”…not your daughter and her BOYFRIEND.

    You'd probably rather her be with some abusive pig that treats her like shit than someone who actually loves her because he's a family friend, raised in the same house?


  5. Forced to go there after you worked so hard and prayed to get in? I get that university isn’t how it’s portrayed in movies and in the brochures and can definitely fail to meet expectations. It’s not uncommon for people to be depressed, it’s a huge lifestyle change. I’ve also been depressed and know that taking one small positive step today can help, even if just a little. Can you get counseling through your school? Join a group that may interest you? Making connections can help turn things around. I wish the best for you. You’re very young and have so much time to thrive.

  6. The sister needs to pay a blood debt! Beat her ass so badly she won’t be able to look at the dog without having PTSD.

  7. u/Illustrious-Teach-76, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. Stop dating people so soon after they’ve broken up. All of these behaviors you’re describing are red flags. You’re the rebound relationship, so stop putting yourself in that position.

  9. I think you overspend.

    I think you underestimate the gift of the whatever pop. Just bc he didn't pay $250 doesn't mean anything. It's what it's worth. It may have been worth more to him. He remembered you were jealous.

    His other presents are all things he put thought in.

    The only childish part is your addition as to why you didn't get the thing you wanted most.

  10. Hello /u/shinganshinakid,

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  11. OP I don’t think you’re crazy and I’ve discovered how lucky I am to have a clean partner. If you have pets or leave your house, you encounter bacteria and germs. My room is my safe space and I like a clean bed. I don’t let people sit on my bed with outside clothes and sleep in my bed if they haven’t showered after a day of sweat. If it’s important to you and she doesn’t care about your discomfort then you’re incompatible. Sounds like from your post you don’t think she contributes much to your life/household anyways. You can’t force her to shower

  12. Hello /u/berrygalaxy,

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  13. In that case most definitely don't confront her, that will just make her defensive.

    Instead just talk to her and tell her you heard them havingbsex that night and were super embarrassed and disgusted by it, and every time she brings up that night memories come flooding back.

  14. Hello /u/nickgalad,

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    [##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:

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  15. If anything you're gonna have to wait for her to come back. She said what she said, or at least stood behind what the other one said.

  16. This! Ask the parole officer if there's any way they can find out it was you who reported him. Even if your brother is not being abused eventually he will find out. It's better now than when he's an adult imagine how disgusted he'd be about the whole situation. He might even blame you or other family members for not telling him and lose contact with them when he's older.

  17. People who get cheated on are the protagonist, everyone is on your side. Doing that will only tarnish your image

  18. I wish you good luck, this sounds like a painful situation. The more you wrote in the comments, the more it sounds like he is not shutting down interactions in an ideal way.

  19. While I do do understand you feeling left out and it sucks that he didn’t include you in a thing he knows you would like, your reaction is extreme. Wanting to punish him is a bit much.

    It sounds like he just feels awkward because this is something his friend invited him to. And it’s not weird or wrong for him to want to do things without you. But, if this is a band that isn’t in town often it sucks that he’s so willing to exclude you.

    We’re going to make missteps in our relationships. Maybe he’s not considerate of you. Maybe he’s bad at setting boundaries with friends. Maybe he just doesn’t think ahead. You have to look at this within the scope of the rest of the relationship to determine how much of a fuck up it really is. Then act accordingly. If it actually isn’t that big of a deal or part of a shitty pattern of behavior, and he apologizes, forgive and move forward with him. If it is a red flag based on everything else, then break up. But don’t do any kind of revenge. That’s just immature. And certainly no way to behave with someone you care about.

  20. if he did it before you were being exclusive then yes you are overreacting and being petty in my opinion

  21. Why do some of your friends tell you you should break up? That's the question. Otherwise I think it's kind of normal to feel that way. I go through sort of phases personally – for a few months I'm wearing heart-shaped glasses and feeling in love and then some months I feel unsure but for no particular reason I could think of. It's not unhappiness, just, I suppose restlessness?

    But I feel like there's more to the story here.

  22. A lot of times when people are used to being treated like shit, being treated kindly feels weird as hell to them. They move into this ego state where they are constantly waiting for the shoe to drop. She probably wants you to be a dick because she feels weird being treated well.

    My advice is to remind her that she deserves to be treated better than that when she makes that kind of request, and just continue what you're doing. Eventually she will adjust and realize you being nice doesn't mean she's gonna have to suffer for it later.

  23. There's more to life than having kids, there are PLENTYYY of memories to be made without them ?

    I can argue against everything you've just said, I've lived the “with kids” life and the “without kids” life and I thoroughly enjoy my childfree life more hence why I have zero interest in pursuing other avenues and chose to date somebody without kids. It's a personal choice and there is no “this way is better,” that's a pretty narrow viewpoint.

    Plus, “in sickness and in health” are vows many make when they get married. My partner also has fertility issues and no kids of his own, but if I weren't infertile and wanted kids and then we just found out he can't have them, I would choose my partner who I had already chosen. It's not like she changed her mind, she's infertile, it's actually listed as a disease

  24. Gosh you need a new girlfriend. Who else is going to look after your sister? She is your family. What she prefers her to sit in a dirty diaper for days? I would be really considering your relationship with this girl.

  25. Your girlfriend is nuts. Plain and simple. You’re NTA. You’re doing the right thing by helping your disabled sister. Sure, I imagine it can be an uncomfortable thing if you don’t do it often, but the main thing is it’s the RIGHT thing to do, no matter how’re helping your beloved sister.

    I hope the girlfriend never breaks both of her arms at the same time, or worse, bc how does she think she’d be using the restroom, changing clothes, etc?

  26. What info could be helpful? I think we at actually good communicators. We’ve been together 4 years. We don’t really fight, when we are upset we talk about why and how to solve it. But it still doesn’t stop me from feeling bad. I am like this with more than just him. I work as a server and when ever I feel like I screwed up or there’s a chance I upset or inconvenienced someone. I fixate on that negativity for the rest of my shift.

  27. Just because it's Instagram instead of PornHub doesn't all of a sudden make it objectionable or personal. I myself literally never use Instagram for anything personal. It's just for checking out funny videos and sexy cosplay pictures.

  28. Yes, it's a red flag and he has no intentions to keep his promises.

    Block, delete, next time he shows up call the police

  29. Say no. Block all of his contact methods. Then call the police if he shows up. That way you also have a permanent record of his behavior from the police report.

  30. Is he selling your work details to other people? I couldn't care less to know exact details about my husbands work. Snore.

  31. You can keep it to treasure the times of good, you can cover it for the times of bad, I don’t think you should hold guilt for it. You mentioned that you like the tattoo. So if to like it tattoo an asterisk next to it to remind you of a time gone by

  32. You didn’t give us any examples. Anyone giving you advice is an imbecile.

    Only with examples can we decipher if you’re a crazy person or just someone who has had “experiences”.

    Trust me…there’s a line.

  33. There is no way I could ever feel secure around her again. I’d never trust her to not be trying to fuck me over.

  34. I’d be more concerned that he’s calling you a downer.

    But if he’s giving you what you ask for, it might still not address the more important question: how close are you and he? It seems like there’s a lack of trust, and that’s not survivable.

  35. You lack the proper communication skills to comprehend what I’m saying. Therefore, I’m not going to bother with you further. Take some time to reflect on the definition of the word “understanding” and reflect on how the words “excusing” and “agreeing” are nowhere to be found in the definition of “understanding.”

  36. He doesn’t have depression, he’s a lazy POS. He’s treating you like garbage and that’s why you’re “having trouble being forgiving” Everyone is telling you he’s no good. They love you, he clearly does not. You can’t build a life with someone who sets said life on fire at random. You can’t love him through it. You can’t be “the responsible one”.

    In all seriousness. Sit down and make a list of positives and negatives about this guy. Not the lovey things he USED to do when you met, the things he does now…let’s say past 90 days. Dont list excuses (like he’s just depressed), but facts (like he did not pay rent and now I may end up evicted). Then take that list to a trusted friend and discuss. Also, if you had a sister or dear friend and you were watching her being out through something like this, what would you advise her??

  37. Good call on the no contact

    No matter what you decide OP, know it's valid. As much as we like to shit on someone who stays with a partner that did them wrong, it's ok if you go down that path and look to rebuild with her. It's also obviously ok if you decide another route. Whichever it is though, own it and don't let resentment poison you or any figure relationship.

  38. If he will lie about something like this, what else will he lie about? I’d be questioning everything you’re questioning.

  39. If you have copies of the messages where he's specifically blackmailing you, send them to him and tell him the next time he contacts you, all of this is going to the police and you'll be pressing charges

  40. If you have copies of the messages where he's specifically blackmailing you, send them to him and tell him the next time he contacts you, all of this is going to the police and you'll be pressing charges

  41. Also I didn’t mention that I was abused emotionally by this ex and that he is literally exhausting, because it wasn’t directly related. I don’t know why being called an ableist slur, and told they needs someone “normal” would be justified by them being tired of MY own suffering

  42. Tell her that you are an autonomous person that can make your own decisions and decide what’s right for you. That this is what you want to do and she either needs to accept it and stop putting her own guilt/issues onto you or break up with you.

    She’s got validation issues so she feels unworthy of a relationship without providing physical affection so it’s going to take a lot of patience. Tell her to stop worrying about you and only worry about what she wants.

  43. Wedding planning can be stressful, but it shouldn't be dangerously so. Is it too late to have a small, inexpensive wedding, or just elope?

  44. It seems like he doesn’t like that you’ve grown up, bettered yourself physically, financially and emotionally. Congratulations! Those are some huge changes! Your husband is jealous not to mention less “ambitious” than you. He’s mad because you keep leveling up and still doing the same old thing and doesn’t see a reason to change. You’re threatening his perceived superiority and manhood because deep down he knows he’s not on your level and you really don’t need him so he belittles you and argues and complains that you’re…bettering your life? Looking to improve, grow, learn? Instead of being proud of you he’s jealous and insecure

  45. You are not crazy. You're not very young and naive. People have these kinds of problems in their seventies, too.

    It doesn't matter if you did the mistake or not, and it isn't petty of you to be concerned, it's very, very reasonable. It's not petty because actually, this isn't about Overwatch at all.

    This is about his behaviour, his ability to control his emotions and reflect on his mistakes.

    Is it the first time he's shown this side of himself?

  46. Because parents have kids so they can mold them into extensions of themselves to live on after they die. Having children is an inherently selfish action. No homophobic parent thinks their kid will be gay. People plan for their kids to be a certain way because people are selfish. If they're religious bigots, they don't want a gay kid. If they were athletes, they don't want a nonathletic kid. If they were popular in high school, they don't want an unpopular kid.

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