LucyAlen online sex cams for YOU!


LucyAlen Public Chat Channel

Date: November 18, 2022

8 thoughts on “LucyAlen online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I am one of those people who needs alone time to recharge my batteries and it has nothing to do with my boyfriend. It's actually a relatively common thing for people to need. Having alone time is super healthy.

    It seems like most of your worries are due to your past relationship trauma and anxieties which is something you need to work on yourself. Do you go to therapy? I have had a partner before who didnt understand me wanting any alone time. He would always get upset and think I didn't like him or I wanted to be shady which was exhausting. Based on my personal experiences it sounds like he is hesitant to do things without you and take the alone time he wants/needs because he is worried that you will interpret it as him being upset with you and it will escalate into something else and if he falls more on the non-confrontational introverted side that could be really stressful for him.

    I would try to remind yourself that someone liking or needing alone time is totally okay and very normal for many people. Even if it's not something that you find yourself needing. Everyone's different. I would seek therapy so that you can overcome your past relationship trauma and anxieties before they ruin your current relationship.

  2. This is a pretty common relationship abuse tactic. You’re not breaking her trust. She is repeatedly asking you questions (interrogating) and becoming “hurt” when you change your answer. You’ve done nothing wrong here, she’s just a bit insecure.

  3. She said it would really upset her like it’s upsetting me right now but we weren’t technically dating at the time so she would move past it. Probably a lie lol I know if I was doing that she’d def be so livid and we wouldn’t have even made it this far.

  4. I think the best thing to do is speak to your brother about it directly one-on-one. You can ask if you've done anything to upset them as you've noticed their not greeting you.

  5. I didn't say easier, i said fairer.

    As for your filling of my role, you could not be further from reality.

    As you're one of many here that are incapable of accepting that some SAHM's half ass the shit out of it, my words will just bounce and drop off you

    So have a good evening

  6. Unless you were crying like a toddler, I think it's pretty cruel of him to withhold affection when you start crying.

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