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Date: October 17, 2022

50 thoughts on “Lucy online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yeah, I have spoken to my friends about it but all they say is I should talk to her about it so she knows what’s up. I just feel like it’s an annoying and stupid thing to explain.

  2. I replied on one of their posts with a short and sweet answer, and they DM'd me asking whether I'm a female, and then saying “The whole situation is messed up. Maybe I’m just an idiot and I never saw his lack of interest”. And then radio silence. I've literally never had anyone DM me for advice past what I've already said in a comment. Wild.

  3. Most people find sex a very important part of a relationship pre-marriage and during marriage. That you are of the opinion that it is not important before you get married (anymore) that's fine and dandy, but if you're unilaterally telling him well I'm done with sex until I'm married. No discussion just hey, this is the way it's going to be. So he has a mind of his own he can go well to me sex is very important during relationship before I get married and of course when I get married as well. So he has a different opinion, and if he doesn't want to online without sex until he gets married to you, then he can choose to end the relationship and move on. So I guess you're going to have to decide if you want to stick to your principal or if you want to continue your relationship with sex or not. But you can't make the choice for him, you can only make the choice for yourself.

  4. Lack of interest. It happens pretty often on dating apps.

    Opening with a question about their profile is better than opening with commenting on their pictures. Because everyone does the latter.

  5. The comments here are a little unsettling. “Most men” do not befriend women with the intention to wait it out until it turns into something more. And its certainly not a compulsive need to fall in love with anyone that gives them attention.

    You're 18, a lot of your friends have very little relationship experience. Teenagers who want to experience love are a lot more likely to confuse platonic and romantic relationships. By the time you're 21, 26, 30, 35 the dynamics will shift.

    I had the same issue when I was younger but now that I'm (a little bit) older, I find that men AND women both better understand their feelings because they've had experience with relationships

  6. It does, yes. I'm sorry to say it but you are committing only to a future breakdown. Go to the frontpage of /r/relationship_advice, find a post about someone's partner cheating and how upset they are, and you basically can see your future.

  7. You need to run my friend. This is not your responsibility and don’t let anyone, including your parents, to pressure you into raising another mans child.

  8. Do you still look the same? If so, what have been y’all problems besides intimacy? Cuz somethin happened to make him feel different

  9. this is that “you don’t owe anyone anything ever!!” attitude that doesn’t really pan out very well for having a healthy and fulfilling life outside of internet land but ok

  10. Sorry to hear that, and I hope you also get some therapy to acquire some applicable coping mechanisms while not feeling resentful. Good luck, OP!

  11. It’s none of your damn business. She was 17. Have you changed at all since you were 17? I actually would not be surprised if you haven’t. She has nothing to apologize to you for.

  12. Honestly delete this post your not looking for help your looking for people to help you brush your true feelings about him being dangerous over your red color lenses you have on and no one will … you love him unconditionally then keep up with that and leave the thread we can’t help you if you don’t want help. I watched everyone give you advice and you kept trying to make him look better when we never will especially not to the Reddit community. Imagine bribing and threatening a woman who is trying to take care of her kid because he is obsessed with you …

  13. He definitely needs a reality check. I hope he loses his girlfriend and then the psycho loses interest because he’s not forbidden fruit anymore.

  14. Save up some money to get that paternity test done. Especially considering that she cheated on you and the baby could be the AP's.

  15. you really think this is a nude take, huh? you don’t see the bright red flags, that he’s not capable of being empathetic towards his girlfriend being sick? men CAN get UTIs but it’s very unlikely. and UTIs don’t just up and leave without treatment. you calling people “haters” is REALLY making your comment sound like it’s straight out of OP’s shitty boyfriends alt account or something

  16. Nope leave it alone! Just wait until you talk to him in person. I think you are making it a way bigger deal than it is. He likely isn't thinking about it at all.

  17. Op communication with your wife for how you want things like this to go in the future is key. As with any issues regarding your kids you have to communicate with her. That said my little girl 3. Loves the shower or bath anytime she hears the water she tries to take one with the person. She loves bath time. She has stripped off herself and knocked on the shower door with both me and my mom. Also with her sister (9). It is just convenient when the child does take one with mom or this case grandma cause 1 mom got a break and 2 they probably wanted it and as a parent myself I will never tell my kid no you can’t take a bath/shower.

  18. My partner is Asian and has asked me several times why I won't visit or talk to my parents. I remind him that it's a choice and what they did to me doesn't deserve forgiveness.

    He is just sad that I'm not close to them and that it's not something he he has ever experienced.

    However your bf is a dick.

  19. She's voiced her opinion multiple times trying to address it. He keeps doing the same, inconsiderate thing. He's obviously trying to change her (style of dress)…and he doesn't seem to be able to appreciate or compliment her efforts when she tried to dress up for him.

    I'd say she's done plenty to try to fix/address it already.

    You said it depends on EACH person's willingness. He doesn't seem to be willing to adjust at all. And expecting a full-on change in someone you date never goes well anyway, and its unfair. Date people you like AS THEY ARE. Not for who you want to mold them into for your own selfish desires.

    And as the next person says…he's still on his “new relationship” best behavior, and this is as good as it gets. It only gets worse from here. Not a good match for OP if he's already trying to change her. And if her love language happens to be words of affirmation (something she's getting the opposite of here) this relationship will only bring her extreme emotional dissatisfaction. I wholeheartedly say she tried more than is warranted, time to move on.

  20. I'm honestly unsure of what exactly you're getting at here.

    You say you fell in love wiht your girlfriend partly because of her work ethic and drive, but in what way is she showing you anything else?

    Yes, she may be in bed most of the time now that she is working from home, but in what way does that impact or reflect her work? Do you know how she performs at work? Is she still well-liked by her coworkers and superiors? Is everyone still happy with her efforts and results?

    To me, it doesn't sound like you have a problem with the way your girlfriend works but rather with how she carries herself. If that is something you want to address with her, which is perfectly fine, then I don't think you should bring her work into it at all.

  21. I'm sorry but what? Your gf is not going to paint her face black to match the character… There's tons of people cosplaying characters who don't have the skin color or ethnicity of said characters… No one would also give a fuck, if a black person would cosplay an anime character who's white.

  22. You fucked up. So I’m turn YOU GET THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS. Hopefully! Your lucky she took you back the first time.

  23. Exactly… Look! I saved this message from your 21 year old fiance and decided I can blow up your entire marriage and family!!! And it worked! I don't remember my phone number from 10 years ago.

  24. I mean if that's how you view supportive I wish you the best. It's not way most people would be handling or approaching at all. We also don't know the other dynamics in their relationship but none of what he said sounded supportive or willing to be flexible, or showing an enthusiastic interest in her wants and needs emotionally, at all

  25. Why are “we” best friends with ex-con drug addicts? Why is your sister required to have better taste than your boyfriend?

  26. She lied about doing drugs, put herself in an unsafe situation with a lot of other “aggressive” men also on drugs. I wouldn’t be able to trust her again or continue to date her considering her lack of value for her own safety. Thankfully from what she’s saying nothing bad happened, but she willfully went knowing how you felt.

  27. Sounds like you two are at different stages of life. In her 40s she probably wants someone more established and ready to take the next relationship/life steps. Good on you for paying off debt and getting your shit together, you should keep focusing on that and definitely not jeopardise it by increasing spending on dates and whatnot. That needs to remain your priority. But it is absolutely fair enough that she isn't willing to wait for another several years for you to be ready to move, buy the house etc. Sounds like simple incompatibility of life stages/goals.

  28. I would like to think that their partner would will their half of their shared property to OP. I feel if she requested that it would not seem unreasonable or entitled. I would hate for someone who I wasn't in a relationship to own half my house.

  29. Let's go ahead and just go with HIS version of things for the sake of still impressing upon you how serious this is. So, sure, we will say she came home and he apparently had evidence she was cheating on him. By his own admission, he has such little control of his temper that he escalated the confrontation to the point he shoved her nude enough near something else that she hit her head. He was charged and convicted of a lesser crime than originally booked for… But even then he harmed another human because he was angry. What if he thinks YOU'RE cheating because you've been out with friends? Are you willing to take that chance? Has he been to therapy of his own accord? Anger management classes? Domestic violence classes? ANYTHING to grow and learn from the experience and change his reactions? If not, what makes you believe he won't repeat the behavior that he at least admitted to.

    So with that being what he admits to, consider that the truth is often somewhere in the middle between two opposing parties. Maybe he didn't get as violent as she describes but he almost certainly did more than shove her and have her accidentally hit her head. Don't be naive.

  30. I don’t know, but it’s weird and confusing. If he wanted to say something to you, he has had every opportunity. But he’s not saying anything. And the silence is deafening.

  31. Guy is dating you because you're young don't try know your worth and don't see how disrespectful he's being. Dump the chump

  32. Are you religious? My pastor would be a resource I would use if they can be trusted to navigate this sort of thing. Old school religion doesn’t work well with shitty relationships lol

    BPD def plays a part, my ex had it. Try again with therapy, because you know logically this isn’t right. How he’s treating you and how you’re treating yourself isn’t right.

    But you can’t take action. For whatever reason

    A mentor(religious leader, therapist, trusted community member, etc) could really help you out.

  33. The bad news is that nothing you do will make him happy with more limited communication. The good news is that the thing he wants, your time, you are completely in control of.

    Ask yourself why you care if he's upset. This is someone with a moral obligation to take care of you who was abusive instead. Sit down and think – assuming that he never gets any kinder, what would your relationship with him ideally look like?

  34. You need to run now. Three months in and he's already stalking you and interrogating you about your whereabouts? It's only going to get worse.

  35. If she is known for being violent, have a 3rd party you trust be there as a witness when you tell her to leave

  36. Thank you for your transparency. I agree with you, and I know I need to rip off the band aid. Monetarily I can’t afford to throw him out right now, because I don’t want him to be homeless. And I don’t have a second room for him, so I’m stuck there too. I’d have to send him back to his parents. We on-line in Indiana and his family is in Louisiana. That train ticket is $200 and I have to buy it two weeks in advance and then drive him an hour to the station. I will keep your advice in mine as I navigate this. Its rent week but, maybe next week. I’m mentally exhausted.

  37. Yeah it's definitely possible she goes to a lawyer or whatever and tries to get some access to the place, but that's a river that should be crossed when it reaches the time. You're completely right. Document everything, get her stuff OUT and completely execute the plan. Then get some homies over to ensure she doesn't go violent, and keep everything on video in case she tries to make up a lie or something. Share the facts everywhere if you wish. Personally I probably would- boss, co-workers, friends, spouse of that man, etc., even though it's technically petty and better to move on…

  38. Whether you are on the spectrum or not, and it’s unfair for somebody, expect you to know who they are. I learned in couples counseling as you have to be direct and honest about what you want. And that’s true for people that do not have Asperger‘s or autism. I think how she’s handled. This is really unfair. If she wants flowers, so I love it when I get flowers from the man. my love. I know you love her and so you want to please her and this is kind of what we do when we love somebody so you’re already kind of showing it.

    I think you need to just sit down and say it’s unfair to expect me to always know what you want. Nobody knows that. Did in the future, though I would pay attention to what she tells you because it is does have clues in it.

  39. “You and him against the world “ , he didn’t have friends; and felt it was appropriate to sleep with a child and his ONLY friend? You’re trash. I don’t even know why he would even want to talk to you now. Hope it’s to sabotage you. Just gross

  40. Or. She was already pregnant. And because of her very conservative family, OPs pre existing relationship with family, was a slick target and a safe attempt at a baby trap.

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