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LuckySexyDolllive sex stripping with hd cam


43 thoughts on “LuckySexyDolllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yeah , I think this is just a problem of kids getting married too young . I tell my husband everything . Because I know I can . I can’t imagine having a dealbreaker something I did when I was i was literally a freshman in HS and that define me . But I mean your right not my relationship . I can understand tho that Op feels like a fool . Like that feeling of being the last to know . That would make me feel shitty .

  2. Depends on where you on-line I guess. Was he doing a striptease for the neighbors, or for the local wildlife?

  3. it’s hurting me horribly knowing that i will never be good enough for him

    Babe, whoever this guy is – he is not worth it. you are more than enough. work on loving yourself – you will then have someone loving you with all his heart as well.

  4. Whether you keep it as is or turn it into something else it is a reminder of a wonderful open honest discussion.

  5. I will try to talk to him. I hope he'll be serious. I hope he would not use it against me. I am really nervous.

  6. It's bad if you don't have conflict enough, and worse if it doesn't get resolved, and extremely worse if it leads to breakups. It's extra worse if this is a couple past their 20s.

    To tell if your relationship is healthcare enough it doesn't ever get back it's definitely not getting a giving

    Every way you get and give is a process. A whole bunch of processes need a process to make sure all this getting and giving it happens and up in the right ways to get to where it's needed the most. In other words just connecting to getting on given to a relationship

    It converts low grade resources into high grade resources. In other words a relationship makes what you get and give special. And that's why it makes a relationship worth it. What you get out of it is way more than what either of you could put in on your own. And if it doesn't do that then it's not worth it.

    A relationship is a process to handle processes. And the reason for it is sacrifices and teamwork take what you can get and get together and make it into something that's way better quality for meeting needs.

    When you look at it this way, how well is this relationship making sure getting and giving goes well enough

  7. I’m going out on a limb here and guessing you mean aromantic rather than having an odor. Do both of you a favor and tell her asap before it causes her even more pain than it will now.

  8. I agree. Because my comment said lie about the circumcision. But in reality, lying to everyone about everything is not going to work. And why would you want to?

  9. yes but since then you have both been manipulative, demanding, shady, and you also have underlying mental health issues that need addressed. she isn’t going to fix those

  10. Okay. Be done. ?‍♀️

    You told him to go. You played a stupid game and this is what you won.

    Do you always play games like this? I’d just do whatever I wanted to as well if my partner played games like this.

    If I say “hey babe, you mind if I head to the barn for a few hours?” And he says “no problem, have fun!” Then I’m going to the barn. Even if he had hinted around for a week that he wanted to do some project together.

    And if he asks “hey babe, you kind if I meet up with the guys?” And I say “have a blast and tell them hi!” that’s what I mean.

    You’re creating your own drama.

  11. This is not normal if anything. He's breaking the law. Pretending to be someone else to get photos and those women don't know who they're sending it to. Report every single account he has.

  12. This 100% this! Bi women and poly woman here, married to a monogamous man for 22 years. When I settled into my relationship with him it came with sacrifices. At the time I didn’t realize I was poly. It doesn’t matter though, my spouse isn’t. So I online a life with my husband just us in our relationship, anything else is cheating.

    He can discover and accept that he is bisexual, But that doesn’t mean he can change the rules of the relationship. Sex or intimacy romantic or physical with another person breaks that, the sexual identity of that other person does not matter. Unless you willingly and comfortably renegotiate the terms of your marriage to allow for a polyamorous lifestyle he is pushing boundaries to see how far he can go with you and what you will allow.

  13. “Im in a commited relationship” & “Im dating someone I would like to have a relationship with.”

  14. You’re worried ab something from five years ago, a relationship that already is over, and videos she took while being in another relationship that she has no control over atp?

  15. I agree- it could’ve been a combination of factors. But that’s the thing, idk. I don’t state probabilities as fact. I only state something I 100% know was true. Was she running stuff other than her phone charger? Sure. Yes, most likely. Do I know what it was? No, therefore I’m not gonna lie and say she was blasting music, using this, using that, when I DONT know.

  16. Technically it might be understood that she sort of agreed that she did wrong. But she doesn't look like an easy person to talk to.

  17. You can love someone but not want to be with them for one reason or another. Everyone has dealbreakers. His was a second child and he was super clear about it. You have every right to change your mind and keep your child, but you are going to have to choose the pregnancy or the marriage.

  18. I couldn't read all of that because it was long and self centered. Look at how many times you said “I”. Also I'm confused about references to friendship for a partner.

    Distill to the bottom line: “I'm sorry for how I hurt you and thankful for everything I learned from you – including that I now need to work on myself to be a better partner in the future. I hope you find everything you're looking for because you deserve all that and more.”

  19. I couldn't read all of that because it was long and self centered. Look at how many times you said “I”. Also I'm confused about references to friendship for a partner.

    Distill to the bottom line: “I'm sorry for how I hurt you and thankful for everything I learned from you – including that I now need to work on myself to be a better partner in the future. I hope you find everything you're looking for because you deserve all that and more.”

  20. Yea I went in too deep with him & we slept together a lot. That's how I fell for him. I know it's my fault for making myself vulnerable. It just sucks now every time I see him. My heart gets happy but my brain gets worried & warns me to stay away. It's so hot. I know how you feel. I hope you find peace & get over him. I hope I do too. ((((HUGS))))

  21. I’m going to go out on a limb and say he’s giving it to another woman on those days he goes home. This is literally the only thing I can think of that makes sense. Jumping to this seems extreme but why else would he pay for a pass that doesn’t get used?

  22. I mean, probably. You’ll hear different answers from different people. Don’t get hung up on the word. Whether or not his actions fit the official definition of an affair should not invalidate your feelings and the consequences of this betrayal.

  23. I see people happy about break ups and divorces all the time. Heck, there are now parties rivaling hen/stag nights for them. You shouldn’t have said anything to him, just exchanged stuff and moved on. And I’m not sure texting mutual friends to give them a brief heads up is stirring up drama. Simply,”Hey, person and I broke up; we don’t see each other much and drifted apart. I don’t want to talk about it or him. Thanks for understanding” would have been ok I think. But his post was pretty self-explanatory…

  24. I understand his point in that Tom is a complete asshat and Sami is being incredibly foolish and taken advantage of. But if anything what Sami needs is help escaping her sham marriage, and none of you should be exposing yourselves to his Tom’s obvious toxicity. So the obvious answer is to convince Sami to leave him and remain friends with Sami while cutting out Tom.

  25. Nah. He's trying to sully the honour of degenerates everywhere by trying to enforce that stupid shit. Tell him to google what a prop bet is and how it is settled.

  26. No, it’s way too much time for OP to be crashing at the house. I’d lose my mind if I had a sudden extra roommate without my consent literally every weekend. It sounds like S is renting a room to A, it’s not even a regular roommate situation.

  27. I find stupid people to be very unattractive personally. If you are dumb as rocks and can't even understand basic words, let alone have deep emotional and philosophical discussions, then why would I want you as a long term partner? Honestly I wouldn't blame you at all for ditching his ass, as cold as that may sound

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