Lucky_Ashleylive sex stripping with hd cam


3 thoughts on “Lucky_Ashleylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Cut them out, walk away with your head up. You will meet people like these all your life.

    However, 27 is old enough to cut this mean girl crap out. They sound very immature.

    Do not give them any more energy, find your people. The ones that will always have your back. The ones that know you will be there if they need you.

    That's friendship, that's what we all need.

    Be well, be strong, be safe! Hugs from a Nana. You got this.

  2. Just playing devils advocate, that happens to a lot of women who have jobs outside the home so wanted to rule it out.

  3. He's going to come back and say he was drunk, just trying to get under your skin, nothing happened, etc. And if that's true, he's still shown a complete lack of maturity and you should dump him just for that. Even if he didn't actually do anything with this girl, it's still break-up worthy.

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