Lucia Hell online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: February 14, 2023

10 thoughts on “Lucia Hell online sex cams for YOU!

  1. There’s so many things here that he said wrong. Ok the 6, would hurt anyone. But then your friend ? Nah bro. Even if he thinks she’s a ten it’s so impolite to tell you she’s higher then you.

    And by the way, just because that’s what he rated you doesn’t mean your a 6. At this point you should release yourself from this relationship, because the damage has been done and it’s affecting your intimacy with him.

    And the icing on the cake he says he’s with you For your personality ? Ok that’s nice but that didn’t make the pain go away for his first insult?

    That’s like saying he’s D is a 6 on a scale of 1-10, his friends D looks like his would be an 8, and that your man shouldn’t worry because even though he’s small and cute , your with him for his personality.

  2. You are correct. But for some reason, Guys have some sort of primal instinct to fuck women the second they see them. Not sure why considering girls aren't the same with boys. But, You could be a little more respectful

  3. “It’s Over. I’m done. Get your stuff and Be Gone.”

    Do not brook any arguments. Walk away if you need to. Be firm. Be busy. It sounds like you got enmeshed with a narcissistic psycho. So there is no good outcome possible with her.

    You have already given her a second chance in the past. In this scenario, it makes me think she was able to manipulate you into caving to her wishes. This probably happened because you allowed contact or communication which conveyed other than your stated aims.

    You SAID you wanted to break up, but then you DID the opposite. This toxic person is not going to take you seriously and is going to believe that she can make you change your mind again. So you need to deny her access to you. You need to get busy doing other things with other people do you are not an easy target for her to pick off.

    You need to commit to having your own back. Do not try to minimise your own point of view to avoid offence. She will see that as half heartedness and weakness and will pounce on that to get her foot back in the door of your life. You need to nude access to you, your heart , your conversation, your space. Concentrate on brief clear statements and firm, unmovable stance.

  4. I remember being this guy. Let me tell you, it'll probably get worse. If I'm busy, or doing things with my friends, the last thing I wanted to do was stop hanging with the guys to get on the phone for what felt like completely inane conversation.v this led to fights and constantly having to reassure girls I was into the relationship, which was even more of a drag.

    Don't get me wrong, I liked the girls I dated during this phase of my life, but I was young and had a lot of friends and lots of stuff going on. I wanted to have fun, and a nightly check in conversation that didn't fit into my schedule was not fun for me.

    As an adult and happily married, I love my relationship, and I'm glad I went through those growing pains and learned I'm not the guy that likes being attached at the hip with somebody and that I found somebody that is the same way, so there's no fighting about it.

    If you need more face time and more conversation, you might need to find another guy. Some of us are just built a certain way.

  5. You should definitely consult a lawyer. The lawyer can go through the courts, and force her to get a paternity test. Then, if the kid is yours, the two of you can agree to custody terms and the amount of child support (with the guidance of your lawyer). If the two of you cannot agree, then the court will decide custody and child support. The court can keep your baby momma from taking your kid out of the country, and can also keep her from moving too far away.

    By the way, child support is generally based on guidelines that vary from state to state. But generally child support is based on how much money each parent makes as well as how often each parent has custody of the child. If you both make roughly the same amount of money, and split parenting time evenly, then neither party has to pay child support. If those factors start stop being equal, then child support will kick in.

  6. Spending time with your friends without your bf is not a single activity. Do your friends bring their partners or is it just you who always has the bf tagging along?

  7. We don't know her or her circumstances.

    Personally I'd have called the police but in the US I guess she's within her rights if she thinks it's an intruder.

  8. Let her go. You want to do this for you, not her. Leave her alone. You messed up. Now use this to better yourself, find another compatible partner that you’ll bond with over time, and then remember this feeling right now to ever make the same mistake again.

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