Lollipop-spin live! sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 17, 2022

49 thoughts on “Lollipop-spin live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think it would be messed up if he asked because he knew they were gonna have sex. Don’t you think its bad to assume?

  2. What everyone has said is pretty much spot on. Seek professional help. In the meantime, until you get help start small. Every morning you wake up compliment yourself. Find the thing you love the most about yourself and build that up. Start with one thing before you try to build up other parts of yourself. Work on your personal image of you. Do all of this without the outside thought of anyone else.

  3. You gonna get fucked and consider that harmless to eventually from the sound of things. The fact you’re even asking this as a genuine question really display was a piece of garbage you are.

  4. That's what he would like to do, yes, as he always wants to spend time with me and so far has had no trouble in me meeting the people he hangs out with. He would love to have me there at all timws, but due to timezones we just can't be live! always at the same time.

  5. His doesn’t seem to? At least in the pic he sent me he looked very hot and the skin was over the head there was even some hanging over it. In another pic it was rolled down but I assumed he did that himself

  6. Thank you for taking the time to write this out. It’s much appreciated. That makes complete sense. I’m already feeling so much better and over it. I’m still going to talk to him about it because I feel like it’s very important that him and I are comply open and honest with each other.

  7. My family is narcissistic and I've wanted to go NC for a long time. This seemed like a good opportunity. My family love my husband so it has nothing to do with him.

  8. This is frequently a problem for new parents.

    One idea is to get a plastic clothes hamper or basket and cut out one side. Put the basket on a small table on your side of the bed so the basket floor height is at the same level as the bed. If the basket isn't entirely stable there, use big safety pins and cable ties to easily attach the basket to your mattress.

    Put blankets or old sheets that you both have slept on for a few days in the basket so they'll have your scent and teach the dogs to sleep there. They will have their space and be close to you and your boyfriend can sleep. If the dogs try to move close to you for body heat, get a very hot water bottle to put in the basket with them or an inexpensive electric heating pad to put UNDER the basket.

    Later, if the dogs are well behaved and your BF agrees, you can move the basket to his side of the bed so he can get used to them. He may adapt just like the dogs. Also, if your relationship develops and someday you have kids you will already have worked at problem solving. Think of it as practice for your future life together.

    Good luck!

  9. Cheating is shitty. Enabling infidelity is shitty. Not that I actually think this needs to be explained, I think you’re being intentionally obtuse, especially considering you came to an advice sub and seem “shocked” that you’ve made yourself the villain to your audience by plainly laying out your indignantly selfish, impulsive, and garbage actions.

    Regardless, the consensus, so far, seems to be that you’ve made a series of bad and terrible decisions, in that order. You’ve mentioned in another comment that her bf is an abusive addict. With the selfish decisions you’ve made, you’ve put yourself AND your cheating friend in danger from abusive bf, and you don’t even seem to care about that bc you’re getting your dick wet. You’ve come across as an absolute jackass in this post and in the replies. Maybe you’re not actually as bad as you appear here, but, if this post is real, I hope the reaction you’ve received from objective strangers on the internet will convince you to take a look at yourself and your choices and rethink everything you’ve done here so we don’t have to share a planet with someone who makes such stupid decisions.

  10. That’s just unfortunate and I’m sorry you have to experience it. It’s not easy learning life lessons the very hot way like this.

    Your conversations with your friends about your relationship are none of his business and that perfectly fine.

    As long as you’re not always complaining about your SO, it’s fair to have a logical conversation with your friends about your relationship.

    I don’t know the full context of your situation but the level of control and lack of accountability is astounding.

    Woman the fuck up and press his ass. He’s cheating. He likely has recent messages from those apps. He violated your trust in a significant way.

    Why pretend it’s fine? It’s not.

    It’s entirely his fault.

  11. It’s not that I am codependent on him. It’s just that I miss having friends and I know it’s both healthy for me not having someone to talk to other than him. But I love him and I dont want to leave him. I wish I could have both but I dont know how to do that without leaving one

  12. Yea no, I'd be annoyed. Its like the same thing as guys who try to come onto crying girls. Its lame and they're obviously not in the mood.

  13. You know good and damn well you do not care about “waking her up” because if you did, you woulda did something when y'all were still together. You're just being petty. Report her but don't act like it's because you're a good person.

  14. I mean I guess but, just because she feels that way doesn't make it so. People are individuals regardless of their familial ties to one another.

  15. Op, if you are both consenting adults, boundaries and rules are set and respected and both parties are free to move on from that type of deal at any time without consequences, then yeah. Be very careful about this and really take on consideration everything. Do you have anyone close that you may talk about this without any judgements? If you have, give them a talk, explain everything, maybe they will be able to see if the rules are in your favor or may be bad for you. Safety first.

    In the future, when you date, be honest about this time in your life and choose partner wisely, some people may not like that you were a sugar baby and that is okay, some people will be okay about it.

  16. My brother in Christ, you cannot be a third wheel if you are watching her from inside your house. You are a no wheel. You are not involved here bud.

  17. I don't think you would be, if she was “watering the grass at home” so to speak. She's watering the lawn over in this friendship so that grass I'm sure looks green as fuck over there, compared to your thirsty dehydrated brown ass backyard.

  18. It seems he's trying to confine you to only domestic tasks.

    When you marry someone you marry their family, if thats how his family is, you shouldn't stay

  19. If he's not into using birth control he doesn't deserve to have sex. Get smart about this. Pregnancy isn't some incurable condition but an accident would potentially derail your education even if termination would be your choice. This is a weird guy who'd rather be celibate than use contraception.

  20. What about suggesting it's just you that initiates for a while? It sounds like you've talked about it a lot already and he isn't respecting where you're at, especially regarding timing.

  21. I think you need to have a discussion with him about your priorities.

    Is you having three cats a dealbreaker for him? Is him not wanting more than two cats a dealbreaker for you?

    You also need to make sure he isn't being too controlling at all.

  22. The only thing you did wrong was assume.

    Assume is making an ASS out of U and ME. Never assume anything, communication is key in all instances.

    He needs therapy to deal with his toxic jealousy and other emotions, because unless there is a lot more to the situation that you are not telling his reaction is so far over the top it’s very troubling.

    You should seriously consider leaving him.

    I hope you had fun dancing, and I hope that you find your someone special, who will get enjoyment out of your happiness, and realise that a dance is just that, a dance.

  23. Wow this is so stupid. This chick is 22 and this immature? At 22 I literally was helping take care of my grandma which included taking her to the bathroom if she could walk or changing her diaper. But my grandma changed my diapers when I was a baby so it was no big deal, I was just doing for her what I know she would do for me if things were reversed. She got sick very quickly and within a week was gone (cancer) I can't believe your hopefully ex even had that thought. Imo instead she should have thought “wow my boyfriend is a mature caring brother, and would one day make a great caring father”

  24. NatGuard, thank you for your service! You're describing a W who seems to have a very strong abandonment fear. That would explain why, a few months into your relationship, she started showing strong jealousy over harmless events involving other women — and may have tried to isolate you away from your close friends and family members.

    She would view your spending time with your friends/family as your choosing them over her. It also would explain why she's unable to trust you — and why she probably hates being alone by herself.

    This strong abandonment fear — as well as her abusive and controlling behaviors — may be due to her having very weak control over her own emotions (i.e., a lack of emotional skills she had no opportunity to acquire in childhood). My exW has this problem. If that is an issue for your W, you likely have been seeing 3 other warning signs.

    First, you would be seeing her rely heavily on black-white thinking, wherein she tends to categorize some people as “all good” (“with me”) or “all bad” (“against me”) and will recategorize them — in just a few seconds — from one polar extreme to the other based on a minor infraction.

    Because she also uses B-W thinking in judging HERSELF, she would rarely acknowledge making a mistake or having a flaw. Doing so would imply, in her mind, she is “all bad.” She thus would blame nearly all misfortunes and mistakes on you and view herself as “The Victim.”

    Further, to validate her “victim” status, she would keep a detailed mental list of every infraction/mistake you ever did (real or imagined) and would not hesitate to pull out the entire list to defend herself in the smallest, most insignificant disagreement with you. Moreover, this B-W thinking also would be evident in her frequent use of all-or-nothing expressions like “you ALWAYS…” and “you NEVER….”

    Second, you would not see her expressing her anger to casual friends, classmates, or total strangers. She usually gets along fine with them. Rather, her temper tantrums almost exclusively would be expressed against a close loved one (e.g., against you or her parents).

    Third, you are convinced she truly loves you. But you often see her flipping, on a dime, between Jekyll (loving you) and Hyde (devaluing you), frequently making you feel like you're “walking on eggshells.” Such flips would occur in a few seconds in response to some minor thing you say or do.

    NatGuard, have you been seeing strong occurrences of these 3 red flags?

  25. I actually really like tattoos on women. I have some myself and I just find them really very hot when they are on women (for the most part). It’s definitely your body, so only you can decide what can/can’t go on your body. He’s a total POS, and personally I wouldn’t be with someone that talked to be like that. Even if he doesn’t like tattoos, there are much better ways to say it. He just didn’t care. And I think it’s a really cool idea to cover up those scars.

  26. If you realise you did something wrong, why would you do it again? If you trust him, why are you thinking he might be cheating?

    You need to recognise that he behaviour is a product of anxiety and insecurity. It's normal to have these feelings, but you also have to recognise your own ability to control your reactions. When you find yourself thinking “I need to check his phone because he might be cheating”, you can either go along with those thoughts, or you can respond to your own thoughts by saying “There's no reason to believe that. I don't need to invade his privacy.”

  27. He told me he never mentioned that to me at the beginning because he knew if he had I wouldn’t be with him right now.

    He has now told you exactly what he believes you should be doing. He is not your responsibility to take care of. You should not be more responsible to take care of him than he is for himself. Plus, why is his life more important than your own? If you have a child, is this how you want them to live their life? Should this be how life is lived for your child? Is this what you want for them?

  28. That’s colorism… don’t deal with that bs. It’s rude and you’re young and should be thinking about what makes you feel good when with someone … you don’t need to waste your youth on bullshit. Move on.

  29. Take more time before you make any decisions. Getting back together now as a rebound from the first bad experience is fear. Yeah, people get hurt sometimes, but that's what you want to experience – other people. Some of them are inconsiderate.

    I'd worry you'll decide you feel trapped again if you go back now

  30. I’m going to make it a point to talk about it at our session tomorrow. He is clearly embarrassed by his actions, but I don’t know if he just doesn’t want people to know he’s not that good of a person or if he’s actually sorry and it’s painful to talk about. He is very manipulative and I always question myself.

  31. Next time, he says I don't usually date white girls, say, “Well, I don't usually date assholes, but here we are.” Then leave him. Why are you dating someone who isn't nice to you?

  32. it is unfair, and in my country illegal, to discriminate based on someone's gender and sex orientation.

    Those laws don't date to interpersonal relationships and attraction. You don't get to complain to the Ombudsman when someone isn't interested in you.

    That is literally the definition of transphobia.

    No, it really isn't. Transphobia is 'dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people', not a lack of attraction.

    I wouldn't date a religious person, that doesn't make me antisemetic or Islamphobic.

  33. I've talked to her about this. she thinks it is just the base of their friendship. She does it back to them or even first sometimes, but it's all friendly until they get disrespectful which is when she gets upset and I freeze because I do not want to interfere with their friendship. Im willing to change that, I just don't know how because Im dating her, friends with them, and she's friends with them. So how do I do it without hurting one of those relationships

  34. He wont date her because she probably doesn't want to. He's shorter than her in height and she knew about his promiscuous behaviour too. Also he was her ex bfs best friend. There could million reasons she wont see him romantically and he's trying to get out of that

  35. I see your point and I understood she wasn’t lying. But there’s no way I could push him to have conversations with anyone when I know he has trouble having conversations even with his family members. she knows how he is and still went ahead to talk shxt about him and came to me complaining for what? If she knows how he is, and still took offense cause he didn’t give her attention what am I supposed to do. I don’t know but the way she kept coming at me about the money stuff is also a red flag for me and disrespectful. Because somehow all the times she “forgets” I make my own money it’s always in front of people.

  36. You did what God commanded you to do. The rest is out of your hands; at least for now. Maybe this matter requires nothing further of you; maybe it does. Just move on for now resting in the knowledge that you did as God required. If you have to do more you'll find out in time.

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